Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN bvar4 18 authvrieed te isaum Sal4 bond. and tv lery, assctu and volleot raid tax.* *Thoreaftor on tke Jlat bay of May 1939 a petition for sohool bond sleotlon bubaitting tho following i)ropositioa to tha tarpayws vS said ashool dirtri0t wae ra8aatv4 to the boar4 vi traateen of aai4 ikvhv& 'Shall tha Boar4 at .Tmstres of Celeat? Indqmndent eohool Diattlot be luthorlrad to iesw the bond8 vi aala-;zEvvl 4iaariot tv the amount of #lO,OOO- the purpose of eormtruvtingand aqutpping air additional alms coou and a gyana$itue of briak natarial, and oanstruothg prrradnset rspalw tie the prerant briok a&o@1 bullding in said 8ohvol dirtriot, end ii t&ore shall bs ermaall~ ,leHoQ and oollseted on ill the taxable proopsrty his8alb'aohavLdistribt t&the aurrvnt year aa$ ann~ally'tharaaftrrv&&la ~16 bvndr or aay~pi ,~ %hem am outatandhig, a ,.$ax .isuifif3ient ~to pa %he agrtent iatuwt O& maid bond? cad par bII 9 prlnotpal;Zlhvrevt an tbv aama shall beeoao 4na.r Tm the mae day saiU~$ocrt?~ot lmiatow @idore laid'pvgv~it,ivn~thabal&ete mt aloOtloiion ftWtW;ff OlOdtiOn WWO 084ePed to ba *ritteB aa *rat the iwuaasa or the bon4r -a lovp lag oi the taz in payment tbaravf*. *Ai$alwt the lreaanoo of the bonds and thv lorying o.fthe tu in .paymantthersof:. - *The rowalt 0r this alocrticm wanoamartrvd by the Board an4 ahvw that a arrjvrltyvi tha vpterevoted for natd tu. "At Cha present the t&o ColO8te ~ndepon4~w.at 8ohoel Dielrlct haa bwdn latrit@ an4 oo~lsvting on all property situate4 in eai4 diatrlat 8C$ malntananve tax aa % bQ$ bvnd tax. The pua8tlvn now arises whit ie the leggalllrsftvt thv~tar that said sohool board my levy end Bollwt legally.* we also rsvelte4 your latter data& iranuary 14, 194l, requesting an opinion on your’ qwdilo ~equoa% notwlthrtandl5# .-,. y- i,: 74 I Bonorable Fmoao Braby, Fe&e B the fact tiat in the past we nay havcurendered ar vginfon which, in effoot, anewered your question. The Snots, brlafly otuted, are time; IA 1921 5a election '11116b5l.dand carried tu rtilsetb~ tax 1i.M.tfrom fifty (50 oenta oil the one iimdrtsd h;iur valuation to twenty-? 1OQ (76) sents on tho one hunmdreddollar valuation and to is6w oertaln bonds. In LC37 au aloetioo was held an4 oarrio to issue bon?.a in the azaoUntot $lO,GOO.Op and $0 levy a texx*alll%bi~Atto p&y ttie mrrent iaterest on raid bob46 and pay the prlnclpul th 0X6’, as tnv oasw shall boOv!W dW.* ~~md9r8vvrl~ UUTE) ~~hfndepartmeAthaa held, ~pinln NO. 0-2314, a ovpy of whioh Is attaahed hereta, that a provfs&an, Idmntioal rlth the above uAaereoored2rovielon,WAS inruffluientfor the purpow ot autbori~ingan inorease tn the total amoaat that might be lev9ad for both niaintenanosand bond purposvrr. 1 14aes$up00 the raate wt out la your letter, m- lmt qt ths.vplnlonthat roreaty4lvo {98)~vents Xe the muhum tu that has bvFn.authvriomIby the voters OS the celo#tv xndvpvndeataohvvl Diatriat ~Sorthe reaeo16 oet out in oar opinion no. O-.%316. Tbi.21Is base4 upon thv aaaumptioq that thv aleOt%~~~Of 1921 aPttinS WI14 ZU~~U W&J ft~VO~~OTJQ.%t~,: with the t&n eflstiw luwa. Yxar8 vary truly., APPROVED JAN 22, 19&l. X8 I eaw ?mCL.