OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hononbla Goorgo 61 Shoppar Coznptrol&r oi INbib AtMOunt# klmln, Texar Dear 3lr1 10 me in rcaeipt 0 questt&a opinion ot this therein as rollowa I *&tio1oa 93445 l . 3., refer t0 .I the eanaellatl 6 mtl the re- PP&a6mlmnt of re tha esua6s- neatr have bf srs*8or-aollaotor i.q- thr rhlch @pp.&W tNL6S after whioh the pro- the Comisrionuv e68wnt.6, the T82 A88awof ourrent tax roll ohargltq oh the aerrssiwnts are aade, aad a amount or tame Ohar&eda&aim) nek86 a penalty ohargo qua1 to 0 rate of 61x par aant per annum, loulation iroa the data th tams mmuL6 bava b4oome delloquent htad they beon progbr- lyls*o r me& to , t& e 6ate the tax08 a r e r *a so o s8ed, lutlolm ?94&3 provider for the 0oUeotion of rdditional interest If the taxor am not immedf8telY paid. Due to the fast that the roaraosm6nts are ~orrrble George H. Sho::perd, Fe60 L pler%a on a 8U~phlllWltto the lurroat tu rfbll and the taxes, ii not paid lmme4fet%ly, es% not ro- psrtrdon the doliaqwnt tu roll until th% 0~4 o? the time1 rear, you will ~18~88 e&vise thir do ertaent v&i&her or not tho prorlelone of Howe Id 1 no. ‘16, i&6 Of th6 Bbgul~r 88S810~ Of th0 Forty-rwenth Logi8leture, *Ill in Ony UOyOrroot the eaoutkt of poaalty to be oolleotod on pro arty ree8re~eo4 tma0r the protleion8 or a3tioloe # 846 and 92549.9 *300t1011 1. %et l11 ietorO8t *nd pOlU31Li88 t!et hero roaruod on all ad raloroa end poll tar68 that wore delinquent on or before July 1, 1940, duo the 8tat0, my OountJ, 66muon rohool dfefrlot, road biltriO6, levee improvomont dL8trlot Getor in- provamnt dl8trlot end water controi rod hprore- mat dilrtrlot irr~getlon dlrtriot and 0th~ 6SsiWd Subdi:i8ioa8 %t the State [end, 8ubjoct to the provisions h%relnb%iore en& herelnef%ar aon- teinoa, 8ueb lntero8t end p%neltlee oa delinquent ad velor%a end poll taxes due Oltles, tome, sod rillaeer, end speoial aohool districts, and ln- depondsnt 8ehool dirtrictr,) shall be Snd t&o &am% are h8reby rehaead, prorided 8alO ad Yelore end poll taxes are peld on or before blovomber 1, 19U.. . . . .(1 A8 you will note from the reed& of the lbove, la ortlsr for Eouw Bill X0. 96 to eft%ot,the latorert and ponel- ty on de~quont ad Yalore8i tex68, it 18 ae8eeeary thet the la!36wore dell.nquont on or bolor0 ru4 1, 1940. In your quee6lon you inquire about p?oprrty whloh 18 bolng roee8o8nod for texee during the ourr8ut you, unuor the prori8iona of ArtlO& 9349, wkioh ~%a&8 in pert e8 followet , Vhen raid list bar bren so made up tho 66m- ni88iOlIW8 oeurt my, et say ~eotfug, order l Oen- 68lhtiOli Of 8UOh prOp%rti%S illmid liet thet SF% ahhornto have been prorlowly eeeoe8ed, but *hlOb 6888SWmtS era found t0 bo 1meliQ slt& hare ILOt been caneelod by any torm?r order of the cofaai8- eloners oourt, or by deorw of eny district ,Wurti 871 Eonoreble c8OrgO Ef. She-~.pard,PagO 8 end rhell then r eferluoh list of properties to be 688688ed OS SW4&8S888Od t0 the teX 688088OS Who ehell prooOefl et imoe to make ea r88088a*nt of 611 eel6 propertI88, iroe, the data clien by raid 118t (the oertlfleete of the Comptroller a8 to le8ee8- mnte or re-eseee8arante made br the tax e8eeeeor shell not be neoorsery a8 require4 under Artlola 92.09, but he 8hall furnish all blenk for&~ needed, that unltormlty %ay be had in 611 countiu), en4 when oanplotsd shall 8ubmit the sanie to the oom- mf8eionere oourt, who 8htil pass upon the telu- etIon8 flxsd by hial and, wlmn ly p r o raed 8to tho ralue8, shall oauBe the taxer to bo lo~puted and extended at the tax rate in effect for eeoh eope- rate gear mntloned In raid list; end, in sSItion thereto, shell oewe to be add84 a penalty equal in etqowt tj what wuld be 81x per oent Inter*& to th8 date of making said list from the dato suoh propertie would ham b8M delinquent ha6 8ema beon propsrly rendered by the ovum thareor at the tlms and for the years 8tsted ln raid list) . . . .* Article 984i3 prwidee as follower "The said list, when eom~lete IO all rs8peot6, and tiled with the tat oolleotor, shell oanetitute a valid lien egeinet 611 th6 propertie antior& in said li8t for the sull eieouet 3r taxer, pa~~11- tlee, oftloere rests, adrertirring and sir per ornt fntSrOSt ?rOm the &F&O Of 6Sid 1150 t0 th6 &Et8 Of the peymsnt of the full eiia due on eeeh separate piece OS property. ii oopy of said list and all asaoelletlon order8 shall be furnirrhed to the Cosp- troller, and e eo?y filed wltt the oounty clerk. Id.’ Lo opld.011 No. O-ZOW, this department oonsl6ereU the pueetlon of the efi6Ot of the stetutk st 1ImItetloee u on texee whloh'bed been rers8eeeed urid6r the authority of Art f - 8108 9546 Md q%q. &I said opinion we ruled that the 8tetUtO of lieiitetion be&i8 to rue only fSGathe date Of rO888e88iPuPt end not fro= the date OS the original 8eee8emeat whIoh ~38 deolared ml& fe line %Ith the above holding it is our opti- Ion that when, et the prssent tine, tares are reasse8sed ageln8t a partirtier piece of property bSSSu80 the Same we8 eith8r Honorable George 8. ShspparQ, Page 4 omitted rroz. the tax roil orfginally or the orlglnal aa~mw- aat aEa-sinet -aid property warn~014, the rama are not tuxu whiuh *are Qelln