Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN pJ \ txaA&m0. MANN m-?om*rr QlrumlL &’ ,. ,fi; \ iu,,Y” State Beard of Barber Examlnera 3 Dear Sir: tion was not or before Lot- d who reeka to expired wrtliicate ation arrtarrd rty dayr there- rovtded la Seetlon 010 7iM-8, Fend. restor the orrtifloatr of the applioant the proper tee to be charged ir the maa OS *t.eetlm W2Q or the Texas Barber Law pro- tide8 that any registered barber my renew MS asrtlflaate on or before Wcwember 1 each year by pnylng; the renewal fee of &&So. d register- ed barber er regirtereb assiataat barbey whore State Boar4 of Barber kamlnerr, Page $2 oertlfloate of rsgletratlon ha6 expired, may, within thirty days thersafter, an4 not later, hare hi6 oertlfloate of reglstratlon restored upon making a mmtlsraotory rhovlng to tha Board, supported by hi6 persons1 affidavit, vhioh, In the oplnlon of the Board, will ex- ou6e the applioaat for harIng failed to re- na hi6 oertlfloate wIthIn th6 time required by thI6 Aot. *Your opinion I6 re6peotfull~ r6que6ted on the following question: *If a oertlfloate were reoelred In thlr offloe prior to Deoembw 16t. 6nd had to be returned for an affIUavIt or other requlre- mentr, euoh a6 oorreotlon of money Order, eto. and failed to return It to thI6 oifioe untli after Deoember 1, may we then renew that oertlfloate ror the &!.SO fee, or murt we again return It an4 ark for the prescribed SS.00 relnstatement Soot* In your nltten request you have not rpeoliled vheth- er you hare particular referenos~ to a regIrtere4 barber or a registerad a6616tant barber. Bowever,, In a telephone oonver6a- tlon with you, you further aUvIre4 us that your requr6t va6 meant to aover 6ituationr wherein the appllaant va6 a rrglirtrr- sd barber a6 well a6 where the applIoaat ma6 a r6gl6trrrd 86- slstant barber. You 6tated further In your telephone oQmer68- tlon that your department had, In the pant, re8tore4 the oertl- floatee of regirtereb barbers as well a6 arrlrtant barbwr under mImilIar fact6 glren in your written request and that in ;lour request for an oplnlon you wore only Intiwe6te4 In the mount o? moner to be oharged to the lpplioant where the Board doer rrstorr hi6 oertifloate. Artlole X54-a of the Penal Oobs, of Texa6, as found In Vernon!,8 Annotate4 Criminal Statuter, contains vh6t I6 knovn an4 referred to as *Thu Texas Barbar Law.* Seotlon !20 thereof provides a6 iollov6: *Sea. D3. That svery reglstsred barber an4 every registered aaslrtant barber, who oontInu66 In native praotloe or servloe, shall annually on 862 Btate Boar4 of Barber Examiners,Page 3 or before . . the let day of loreaber of eaoh year renew me oertlficnte of reglstratlonwhloh shall be Issued by the Board of Barber Examiners, upon the payment of e renewal feo of Tvo Dollar6 an4 Fifty Cent6 ($2.60). Every certlfloate of registrationwhich has not been renewed prior to that date shall exulrt on the 1st day OS lorember of that year. A registered barber or a registeredassistant barber, whose oertlfloate of registration hae expired, may, within thirty (SO) 4ays thereafter, an4 not later, have his oertlfloate of registrationrestore4 upon mak- Lng a satlsfaotoryshoving to the Board, sup- ported by his personal affidarit,whloh, in the opinion of the Board, will exotasethe applloant for having failed to renew hi6 oertlfiaate vlth- In the tine mouired by this Aot. Any registered barber who retires from the practloe of barbering for not more than ilre (5) years may renew his oertlfioate of registration by making proper shoving to the Board, supported by hIo personal affI4avIt,which In the opinion of ths Boar4 would Justify the Boar4 in Iesulng a oertifloate to such applicant a6 upon an OrIginhl a clioafilon upon payment of a fee of five dollars (E5.00) when filing affidavit a8 fee ior makIng exaaina- tlon.* The fact6 given In your request show that the lpplloant has ma46 a substa.ntialeffort to oomply with the law governing the restoration of an expired oertlfioatewithin the thirty day per104 provided In the Statute an4 but for some mere Irregularity he would have ooeplle4 fully with the provialonr thereof an4 vith- in the time limit therein oontalned. Under three faotr, and oon- sidering the provislone of Seotlon 20, as quoted above, of Artiolr 734-a of the Penal Code, an4 the other provision6 of the Texas Barber Law, It Is our opinion that where the Boar4 restores on expired certificateof a registered or a registered a6616tant barber vho,oontInuesIn the aotlvr praotlao or service, the proper fee to be charged the ap lloant by the Board i6 the SUP of Two Dollare an4 Fifty Cents P&.50). Pours very truly ATTORNWX GENERAL r)FTEXAS L4m-p- i c:~c.,‘j&wQld “Y. )IoCraoken hSi#tUlt ‘,..yw’