Hoaorabl. Z&at-y L. QOnaU
couety httoraay
u-8 cout&y
aookport , r ana
low lotbr , rooftaa srotm ULb
la o li.8
o ur o p lnlo a a,8
-1. I* krtiaa awa ibk. 0. raadaliary or
*a* rr rtilo1. was io dfrautory, Ghan UndU
what llmumsta a o oo ~
o ultla a llootfoa ba hbfd for
th 0p r p o ao 8
flla a tlne
a lhulfr r 0r th eto r n
lPU-1248 no that *ailI lsotion would bo latN7.
5eoti0n 83 0r d-tide v 0r the conti,titktbn d 'i'4~~~4
Tlmre shlrllbe aleoted by the ;ullflod voters
0r each 00iinty a 4harlrr. who ohall hold orfloe for
a t"rm.of two ysnrs, rhoso butleo, and gerpuioltes,
and rO44 jr mi00, rhau bo prssoribed by fha gag-
islaturo, ard vaoaaoioo in whom ofrio shall bo
tilled by ths cosmlnsionurs~ cart until the nort
risoeraloleotion ror ownty or stnte orrtaers.-
This oonstltutioml 0-d to rho o~sslonorr~
OWt t0riiiVPO~Oie4 in tLe OrriM Or is UEboGied
in titlole 8355, Hevised Qivil Statutss, uhioh nrdsc
nphe Cc*brt shall h8vo pouor to till raoaaoles
ia tb0 OrriO ail C6UBty Ju&O, C6UIIty ClUk
auf, county Attorney, county Troasuru, 4 ounty
Surveyor, Oounty Iii40 Irapotor, Au88esor of Tox-
es, Coll4otor 0r T4x.4, Justloms or the pee00
Coaakkl.8, aad Oounty Suverlnteadaat of Publfo
lnstru4tion. suap. raoanoisr shall be illled by
l ma jo r ity vote of the msabsrs of said Court, pro-
sant and voting, 8n6 tbo pomcm ohoran shall hold
0rri0e until the next g8nerel l1e0tlon.a
That a TM~OY riu ariot In th4 0rri04 0r 4mirr
or Aremae Uouaty on duwarf 1, lQU, is s&sbli4h8d under the
00s~ or Ytsto v. Ooaks 54 Tax. 4688 hrddox v. York, 54 S&T.
248 93 eat. 89a; 4ad liok114 V. 9t4t0, 17 s.h (~4) 81, 19 3.~.
(24) 574.
In tha bi84QX oa8*, 4brrw0d by the atpram* court,
t& Oourt of Olrll Apt18 deolared:
"But as the shoritf-eleot was ontltloh, upc~
qwirying,to h0ib -4 0rrm r0r 4 tori4 0r two 144r4;
whatovu prsrentod him from do- so onatod a oons-
truetire or vlrtualvao8noy In 0rri00 ror his entlro
term, whioh *as as 0rr44tw, und4r th4 constltutba,
ao a literal raoanay rvould ht* boon, had he dlad artrir
quarrying and tdag ~SSW~~W 0r the 0rri00..
Ths 0obkl.m ease 1nvolt.d
the death of U:. shorilf-
sleot on ueoember the generaA oleotlon and bo-
11c, 192B, artor
tore the ooamenoementor the term to whloh ho wa8 elootod.
In two oyinlom ky the Port .mrth court of Cirll hp-
peals it was held that e vaoanoy 4xlst46 In tbo orrioe on January
1, 1~~9, Judge Collnor saying in the 8eoonrI oplnionl
&onoruble truory t.. ~Jponoor, i'age3
The oplnlon (ths prior opinion by ctm 8rlmo
OoUt) the 0MOl~bIl, whioh ~4 y4t re-
tala that ttls rnonaoy 4xiated in the 0rri00 Of
oh4rfrr ror the tern bw&inI~ Jmuny 1, 1929,
rhiah th4 oomrcls4Ioa4r4* oourt was authorllkbd
riii. conol114ionh44
. . 3uoh boa strangthaaed
by 4 no0wiaorati0a 0r the 04404 0r st4tb Y.
Oooko, 54 TM. 462, and &aaddoxv. York, Zl Tax.
Cl*. App. 682, 64 6.G. 24 and by t&e laa$uago
Of tha sUpr44b40OUx-tin afSp04ing Of th0 OOI%ifi-
08t4 or ai480a p40nted ia the hew 0008.
se. xaadox v* York, 93 Tu. 875, 55 3.24. 1133.‘
6ootion 83 0r hrtiolr 7 0r th4 oawituti0n 4hna krtl-
ale a555 or the mvi44d clvll st4tut48 nuair08t4 0onterPplats
that thr oo44&4olotor4~ oourt itar 8u.l rfu 8 r~oanoyIn the
0rri08 0s bhuirs.
Artiole f39634, Y~nkOa’. Irmotat4d Civil ZiltatUt44(AOtO
1933,43rdLa&, 3, 3h. b) purports to xwi68 r0r sp44ial
lone 3 0r ul8 Act,
.le0t10n* 44?i 340 P' wuc4 Pt nuda qppll84bl4 t-0
ths 0rfi00 0s aaerlrf yrsdotharuI80 r8ua In rattIonth0rrf0,
4xpr4444 408orlbe8 the bmbti0n w-8 ua.
There 18, however, 8a oatire 0ml4810n In tJ10h4t.
Seot$an 1 O01~~10o48 *here 8~oial aloctbsw M luthori%ed ky
t&l~'Aot,* but wo muoh In V&I mcrag its povld01~ ror apllr
qmoial elestlon ubioh It authorit.8. sootloa 8 aaye, "whwo
T4O~Oi48 UhiCh KiW t0 bb fiuOd by OiSOtiW OOOUT ~II 4 OivIl
orrioe -- sum04 s 44y4, **iaoro 4n orrioor, houUnng an 0rrio4
the raoaaoy of whIoh IS to h filla& by llwotlon' - aad thw
throughout the Aat.
ft 18, th02iw0r0,8umoied t0 w, vfhautu the es-
rest 0r miole ~953~ ,th.a it l
ti00t 8pfiy t0 the amoe 0s
sheriff beuuoe It Ia not ona ltha vaomoy of which is to bo
iii146 by oleotIon.'
fn willlams f. OlovU, 359 5.;. 957, 960, it -4 a*-
la, howffu, no lahueat right
-Them In the
people vhother 0s the stat0 or 0s 40~ prtloulu
4ubditf4ha thuaor, to hold 84 4leotIon ror any
;3uohaotlo4 muat bo on authority ooniarred
. 0 R.c.L., pe 989, 8 ia.*
It was 4nId in Countz v. Lltoholl, 38 a.'+~.
(Zd) 790,
794, (COU. 0r APP.):
"It f8 lmm4t0rl41 L&at them4 u44 a full
and fair 4rpr448104 of tr.l8
*ot4r4 of 'Iii pro-
irslole 8sss es the statu*88*