Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAG AUSTU-4 Teras State Board or Yedioan E%m.?A=s>a Mercantile fiuildin~ Dallas, Teme Gentlemanr .Zl, 1940, ym repuetied guesticn 0r the eupl- 4 of the GA.oago lied%- V8t3 by your BOFI~~ for ItOe~to ~MetiOO udiCb8 and sliediaal sshcml WI& thati yeur IloarO wm.Ld re graduatee o,f that sahool tcr exezinatlon. Yoy further udvfse that at goW aebbing in JUXY&~ 1$40, one graduats of tit sohool !sde app~ioatto~ TV take the Eoard elcaminatlon, with the etatement 'that .ka had applied to take the examlmtion prior to l&cayZl, 1980, md t~exe+foPe, was le@lly sutitlad to take the emraf~iration. Xou &ate thet your Bmsrd, in the belief t&et ~u~wotid have to a&-it all L.‘ 594 gradIMtO6 Or .ths ChiOa(go %OdiOd sOhO t&f bad &pplfOa for axamfnation prior to ,May SS, 1989, to taks the examl.na~ tion, examined thin dootor. YOU stat8 thet at thio tims you ha-I8 one amn who graduatsd in the ame oless with this dootor, but who had mt applied for pemieslon ta take the exaxninatlon prior to May 81, 1939, and thet flu al60 had two others v&o ap- >liad through raaigtoOity in lQS8, who aso not dmmnding the privilege 0r cnp_nea.ring b8rora the Board ror eremiaation. Prior to it8 anmndzent in 1959, AriAale 4801, B, s. l925, read as rollmmt *All applicants for llasnse to graotiaa mtllclna ln~thlrState, aat @henriee :.iO0nmd u&Lam ths pro~l~io~ 0r lsr anut rueeecrrrtdtly pass an exadrmtian bsfore &ie Board rd Yqlioal IbcalQineraeetabllt+ed b;i this fnr; AppUdabt8, to be oLi&?.ble'IeP ex8&nntion, mmt pPeacint mtlsraotory eria+am~ to thr bom that thay ara ,910rethm twwty-ew ymr6 bf we, a‘f good aaral ohereoter, and gmdubte~s of boaaflde, reputableaedioal echoo~e. 8tmh se&o01 e&l.l ?KI considered reputable dthio the m&nips of thfa law, vf+430 sntmnos rs0~r8mwt8 8na murae org$g#&W+m are.&6 h@h a6 thwe adopted by tii~~b6tter 01866 of nsbtaal saho0l8 or the United mites, tio*e come0 Eb irurtmio- tlOn shall 0mbpaQo not lser than foW tom Of eight lnontha sabh. Appliooatioa rqr ixenwaWm muHi be mbd8 .io urltlng Mdbr tfridav%t to tb8 8boret8m af the'board, On ;fer!m p1~~r0d b the bsard, aooorapraisd by 0 fO0 Of tMntpf 1 v0 dollam; rxoapt when an ap~tiioant de4.zwa to praotioe obiWtrio6 alone, the far 0r whiah shall be tiVe'dOlla~0. such cpp4ioaat ahfm b8 @en dns notim of the date and plk8e Of sxamlnatico l &pl~OazltU ~t0 3IW3tiO8 Ob~t8fPiOll in ttis state, U$dn proper u&?p~ltoatl8n, shall be examined by Lhe boaz?d ins Ob6t8triOS 0riLp~, and upon satisSaotwy &%+mlnnstion 8haU be llaetised to praatioe f&et branoh otiy; p-1 vlded, this shall not apply to tho~who do not r0mm obetetrlm as a proreaaioa; and who do :-atedVcrCi8e the$selVe0 aB ObetstZiQiaM 05 595 Ir mldvflre8, OF hold thoauolvoa out to the publie a8 a0 praatfslng. If any a plleaat, booamo of rallurs to pass exatinat s on, bo refused's llasnss, he or elm &all, at suoh time ae the Ijoard of Idadl.oalWamlners shall. Six be per- nltted to talcs a aubaaquent examination upon suah subJacts required in ori&ml exsmkmtlons as the aald board may presoribo, upon the pay- mnt of such part of twenty-fit0 dollar6 a8 the maid board any detedne and rt+tie( an4 said board ma t, 329.the srent 8qtlsfaatox-y gradsa ehall Q mide in the rubj8ots prottoribod and taken ln suoh ro-oam.minatl6~grant to tho lp>liaant lloormo to praotloo madlolno.a Aftor amendment b 4501, Vornon*s Rqvlsod Giti 1 aALLagplieanta for lla&o to~praatloi awdlolna in th'lqmate lat otbmlrr~ lloonmd under tho ~rW8l:ozm of l.ar~oatmtwo$om&txlly pm~~;wialnatlon. By. the *z-d of Mdbal The Board lu authorissedtordopt and onrol?kutela oi prooo&ue not lneomlrtont with the etatutory reqnireamnt& Applioantr to bo el&iblo for aqu&mtion must bi olti- zdlu Qi the Vnitod Stat00 ad HMt gl'$WOnt atlataotory c&dew6 to $?J!J~MwU&.t'thoy are ‘aore than taanty-oaei (RI) yean or age of good moral olielrabtor,wha,haro oomplotoi rlxty (60) 'semester hours oi salloge oouruea, other than in a medioal sohobt, whle& (lows08 would be aeeegtablo, at time ef aonpleting tmao, to tho University of lWzas 100 orodit on a Bachelor OS Arts l&yes or a Bachelor of Solenae .Ikqmo, and wha are @aduatea of boaa fide reputable acsdioal so&mla~ a reputable medloal school shall maintain a 0our80 of in- 8trUCtiOn Of not bW3 thaA fbUF (4) teXl?I0 Of eight (8) months eacrh; shall glee a oourae of instruction in the fundamntaf. subjeots na~ted fn Artlola 4503 of the Bevlsed Civil Stetutes or TSXW of 1935, as mended by this Aot; at+ Toxae Stat0 Baakd of lfedloal llxemlnqm, Page 4 shall leave tho noooseary tea&& roroe, and possess and utlllee laboratorlse,oqulpmoat and faoflities for proper lnstruation in ali of said subjeats. Appllcatlms for examlna- tion mist be made in writing,verifiedby affidavit, and filed with the Seerotary of the Board, on tows preasorlbod by the Board, acoompanled by o roe of ‘J&en+flvo Dollars (&=)a All appl1oont.o lhell b e $lvon due notioe of the dato aad plaoe of ouoh emmine- t10ll. Prodded further that all etudimto regularly enrollad in nodloal eahoole rhceo gmduatota are now peraittod to take tho modl- calora?ninatlon now proeqribod by law 'ln thle State lhall upon eompletlon of their modiaal oollogo aaureee be vmntltted to tako the ox- a&tatioa proearlbodbetolu. *Xt any rpplloant beoauuo or islluro to paee~tho r~pulred smm&mtloq, e&U bi ra’o- Sueed l llo o lt~, ho er she, at 6ueh tlm $I ,the.l¶mrdof &UW?il ~Jkax&We *ay fix, shall: be pemltt6Q to take,a eubrequontaxa?a.lnatloa, upon auoh subjootr required in the original oxamlwtlon au the Beard may priyerlbe, up-on. the pm nt o? '&u(rh ‘partbf .%hntydim Del- lam &)ae tie I)oant~ruy&otor&ee&d etato. In tho @ant eatlefaotQ~ $rpdoe Shall bo inado In the sp&jeoots proearlbed and.ta&ki on suoh PO-mminatlou, the Bcnrd away @ant to tho applloaat P ltoense to praotiee medl- alno. TheI Board shall dstarmino tho 0mait te be given sxmrdnsb8 ou tho onewere turned in on the eubjeote OS ouapleteand partial ox- adnation, and its Ilsoleionthereupon shall be final." Under the expreea provislane of the law (both be- Sore and arter wxmlm.nt) the Board aaanot lawfW.ly exemlne one who graduated from a medlaal achoslwhichwae not a *reputable msdlcal sohool”. Obviously, the character of the eohoolat the t+ the applioant attended and grab-ted therairom oontrols. The rsputublonese of the maeal eohoof prior to or subsequent to fba,attendanae and graduation oi the appllaant is not in %saue. P 597 f: -. TexM stqx Bofardof Yedioa1 BxamiMFI, Pag8 5 ::a, Xmther a mdloal sohool, et the time of tha attondanoe and greduetlon of en applioent ror exenination by the Board, wea "re9utabls" , pr43selltea questicn or raot to be Ueter!C.ned by the Board in coniorollty with the pro- I’ visions of tfie stztiite. If the Eiosrd detemines that the uedlcal sahooP, at the time or tha attandems and sraduetion of a0 applicant for Uoense, me not *reputable*, It must, under the far, refuse to weeIns the epplicent. If the eohool in faot we8 hot *rsputablsw at the time of the attendanoe and graduation OS the applicant, the foot that the Board previously nay h,are examined, erro- aeously and in vIoletIon 01 the statute, other psrsolu. attending and graduetlng frora the rahoolet the earns tti aa applloant does not eatebl&ah the right of tha epplI- cant to be eramined. ho applloant wIl1 be ~rmIttedto IusIat that beoauso another ma Illagellp examIas6, ha also must bo eooorded en ex8mlnatIon in violation nor the ‘!: law. A atetute may not be amended by repeated vlolatioha a,,- or its proYlrlons. Tha len~uege ai the amendad aat, wprotIded fur- 5; ther that all 8tuUrnts rqgular4 enrolled In medioal sohools rfrow graduate6 are now psrmIttad to take the nd&oal examination now prenorlbed by lew in this State upon oampletlon 05 their mdfcel college oourees.be par6 mitted to -8 the exaaIhatIon prseoribed herain,* wma not Intended to perpatueta tha mbtakea of tha Boerd. The Intent OS the provl~, 8OnsIde~Iag the atetute aa a -10, Is to prevent the ~amendnent from operatine; ratroeot.Ivalp. It aImply oontsuplater that the alIgIbIlIty for the awlha- tion of applicant8 ~who graduated from or err studmte in mdloal sohoole at the time of the paseaee of the aaaad- ment ahell be deter&nod under the provIsiona of the aet as It read prior to ths.emeedmnt. Sea our opinloo No. S-1556. we trust thet the foregoleg sufficiently enswore your Inquiry. Yours very truly ATTOR~RY CEFSrWJ.OF TEXAS