I.,,< !521 OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS L -*n c. MAW4 - AUSTIN Honorable E. f. Cunninghsm County Auditor qavarro county l3or8lcaIla) Texas quertfng letter reaarz mined the Tenr 8-n rrlngto the qxmli.fic+ The oounty treasurerl& M ng OitlzeM or tti m peol?led quallrloatlons fsr wti xf- vea a majority or the popolrrI= ble to take the oath of attierti dlcdl.n~ the oaae the dlsabllit~af bUsi- nea8 does not In any nap lnte&e with the psrsoarirzad from taking the oath of offloe and actingar ccunt~ treasurer. 522 .- Eonorable E. Y. Cimnlngham, Page 2 Trusting that the above SEtiSraCtOrilp dls;ssas 0r your inquiry, we remain YOUrS Very tIUlJ D. Burl8 31~1~s Assfst.rmt DBDraw OVEDDEC 4, 1940