Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY Gl?NERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G-G.Nb”” . - A-- r Eonorable ma C. King aate Auditor and Ef+flaienoysxpert Austin, Texas Dearlir.Kdq: Thie dll Ootober SO, 1910, r of tMs departrment as to the right of' or Mate agent to enter into a oontra as tollom. &bsoriber dt of +4aa.o0 rill establish an er against rrbieh ago ohargee, is- we will be h month, or more mny require, aompaq ~111 value of tiokete, inoludlng argee, not previouslybilled, tee, less flPtoen per 00nt case 8ubcoriber around-tripiam -trip Pare rould be lover thau the dieoounted tare herein provld6d Par, Subsoriber shall be ontitled to such 1oWer fare). Subsoriber agrees to remit iwmedlately the amounts billed, the remittance to be credited to Subocriber*sAc- oount, so as to maintain the Aocount at $42R,eo ae nearly oontinuouely as poesiblo. "2. AlWUAL UAiI'TATIONON DI%OUNT.--If the total charges against SubsoribcW s Aacount for Honorable Tom C. Xing - pago 2 tickets, including exaeas bag+gc char~os, at full one-way rates, on +l.ch the discount pro- vidcd in paragraph 1 of this Agooment has bean allowed, average, during any calendar year, or during euoh prtion of a oalendar year as Subscriber*8 Acoount is outstanding, less than $25.00 %Onthly, Company shall bill Subeoribor at the end of the calendar year for total of all fifteen per oent (16s) disoounts allowed Bubsoriber during such calendar year, and Subsoriber agrees to rexrltimediately the amount billed. In the oass of an Account out- stnnding during less than the full oalendar year nuy portion of a month shall count as a month in dctoradning the avorage monthly value of tickets charged against tho Account. In bllline for unearned discounts at tha end of a calendar year Company will allow Subscriber the bonofit of all lawfully-published diaoountod fnros (such as round trip farm) on tickets to vhioh such foxes are applicable. "3. D%LIVERYOF CARDS .--Cards shall be rc- coiptod for by Subscriber who agrcos that they shll not bc delivered to Card holders until signed in ink by Card Holdore for purposes of idontifioation pnd countersigned by on official of Subecribor. Mew CarUs will be iesueU for oath oalcnrlaryear and ths rcplaccd Cards shall be surrcnderad. "4, CANI AloLoms .--Upon request in writing by Subscriber, Company will issue Cards to any oligiblo infiioidual. Those eligibla to roooive or hold Cards arca If Subscriber is other than an individual, the officers, directors, partncrsi o,ndetiployeesof Subscriber, anilofficers, d.i.- rectcrs, and cnployoes of any oorprnta affili- ato of Subscribm; or, if Subscriber is an in- the Gubsoriber, his cmployeoe, and dividulutll, ~zx.~I)oi'fi of his inrix3diatefardly. ‘Ix!~JediQtO fadly* 6:33nsa slmmc, minor children, dolwnd- ant rclativcs, rmtldopcndants in tho household. Subscriber agroos to request Cards only for in- dividuals cligiblo to roccivo Cards under this Agroe~snt, ixxd to disclose to the Colr.pany the faots hoc&jsilrpto ostnblish the Card tiolder*s olfgibility. S28 Uonornble Tom C. iring - page 3 l5. USI W AIllTMilJL CARDS.--A-- Card x bq! useIlou $0 parchase tickets for me trans- portation of the Cmd Uol&rJ a$ tickets a i66UOd g & no ttm g jsfer a Lards are not good for passage, but will