, .
826 ’
Hon. Cborgb n. 6h6gqmrtl, pw. 2
0llph0r.. It I. net established to ;~ako %~roney axd
ne on. r.o.Ireo any i;roc.eds whatsoever rroni the
h0ldbg or thi8 oonteet CIXXC~~~ the sbaretarp who
teeei~es about Co. humlred LkM.ar. a year for hI6
olbrIoPl #o*. The Assooletlon has 3 bardlin& t&w-
aembat mnnullf in aoms Texad Gltp bblbotbd by it.
The offloers make a eontraot with 6o.m bau3I116
tmby in the sblbdtbd tom ror the ufw or such
alley for th. to urmment at 0 abrteis’ Pr’Lab per pbr,
cboa wmpbtlng per wnh The baali2tg aUbp seloated
hea a&h&j to do with the to UrBambBt exoopt to
iunzish the alloys to thb aaooolatlon tar we during
th. tKmrImc.nt. IToone 16 blIcIbl+ to coqstb exoept
r;;z,of 8uah Assaaletlon 6nd Ai%etlaaa BowlIn
Eaoh pbr6o~ batb~ the tOUnU%3bsIt pay8
all .*try*is. whioh ln used aa f01~ow.l PmJt, pay--
ment or expeane6, iaolu4ing rent. on bowlIn& allep,
6rUuy~of worbtarp, and other ei;nikr bxpenser,
5eoenU, ralnder is p-aid out to Oenteetants(18
prizes dbppandbntt&pen SOO~~II bowled by such con-
testants, that 18, the ooriteutanttie 18 most skillful
and-bowl. t?ie highest aoorb get8 the larger ?rizb
e&or do wt rcpslvo nap
oourtsa, rainy coatebtaats
Co other person, eftiaer or pmmter racbivbo
& a&bf at all rr0rathe ka3001rtIon.
3. A nswspa or, the Pall6 County Reoord, put6
on 8 oikapa*a to & a~emb it8 subacriptlon llath For
a certain p6rlod ot tlmi each new eubsartbar 16 62~
titled to a &en number Or votes r0r Boa. oonteetbat
or oazidldat.. Thb oentoetsnt reoeltlng the Uimeot
nuzber ai votes e6tb an autombll., or a. lsr@? oash
6Warfl 88 the rim prfz.. SeoonU, thlms, r0urth and
fifth prizes aleo sre glean to tbe osnUIdates roebLvln&
the BbXt hI&e.t ootos In their order& As a ,mtter of
rsct the candidates or oontirstants will be jmopl.
solloltlng subscrlptlons fcr the a>.,sr hid rrrodving
the oat.8 of th. subeoribcrs obta % ed 57 thezi. In
addltloll to th. prizes already mentioned e eash oo?pr
mission 0r 10 per aunt Is aid to all aotlrb non-
prize rlnn.n on rubacrlpt i4OQ oolieotians paId by
thea. It is only th6oretIoally possible SW a ~orfaon
to win one of th. 9,rlzcb wIthout boiy: ootivo in
win ths -,rlzsb.
Ml016 70&m,Ferno~*5 CirIl Statutes, reaeu la
part an foll0ars I
Ron. Ceome Ri. tie99ard, 96.66 3
“(5) zi’V@Ty pbA%OZi~ rim, Or OOrpOrCtiOn GOn-
duotlng a thectre, plaoe or ammenent or any
bU6inbss OBte~i8. in OOM@otiOZJ ttd the O~bratioIl
Of which e ~rizb hl the forsit Of 3lMb~ of Saechina,
of value is offered or fired ta one.or mm patron8
Or 6UChthe6tT8, PlfiOb Or tXSU5meAt OILbusfnesa
exterjdob, and mt glean to sll p&as thereof
9sl;Tw thb SaXLC C-6 for aRp CO~%ain SbmiOb~
aoaoodltp, or batbrtein;n~t, shallmik6 a rorlfied
report on the tweflty-rirth dsy 0r each month to thb
CorgtmuW Or PUbuC ACCQW~ Of thb sAdi Of- %X&S,
Sh0~bg tiib &%iIoUXt Of TIOZIbt SO giOC5 in pI?iZCSe, and
t&b Whhlb Of tu gl-:ZCS OI EWWdli 90 ~YCii.i.lt COMOCtiW
rith au& buslao durl~~ the ~ext~~~reoe&.ing mmth.
*(b) here is hereby luvled a tax bqual~to twonty
per obnt (20$) or the value of all such mney, prizes,
an& awarda driven In with the 0 ration 61
each and b&f or the r0m0iw
buaineer enFbrpriises,
SACIat the time or.mb.klng the! rq~rC to the C~troller
0r 4?ublic .4coounts, tk?a mbr or operator 0r AA~ awh
bu&mos shall pay to the state 'L*reQ6- euoh tsx
OB the total a!aWAt Of ZWAep, ?l+ibII, bBd 6WQd5 8O
~rbndurhg thenexbpraoedIngmanth....*
YOUI? qtWtiQ!l 16 OOAt~~od by OUT
G-1637 with ~Ctfbt’WlOb to both the 09ticiist
bowiow~~ tmntest spoponso~d by the Tbxnb State nbwlLng hba01
XB liA6
With the YiearS theteln @X9XW8s@d,W. hold
thet Abithbr or these prodsatx la e business enterprise with-
in tha zeaning of the taxi& statute.
Clearly the prizes &mm by the Falls Couut~ Reoord
ucder tke plan set forth in the third isat filtuation would
not be subject to the tea By 9roduoI~ the ~1.a~b.tAU&OrOf
subaorlptlons to the pa9or the pti26 wiBnCr6 have llt'te&#~a!+
eelme out 0r tiib olass 0r those "payingthe Same ohS.rgbr*