s46tion 3 of chapt4r 37,cf h4 QeMlwl Law@ p844a
by the 39th Ly$$&&um %4&ll6r i%t%S1 00, ?16 UI66obSa by
seotioa 1 of C gtsr 19.4 of t&m Omnaral Law8 p44444 by the 40th
wms, Flatala Oyster Commlealon, Fxlgca2
Ls$islatur4, Ragular 3aaalon, reads as followar
-hl40t10a 1. That smtlon 3 or Chapter 87 of
the 04n4r61 Laws pa8446 by the 39th Lsgiialaturs of
ths State of T4x66 at the R4gul4r s484ion appaarlng
on p4g4 168 OS the 0464nl Lena of the Raplar &a-
alon oi tha 39th L4glalattun be 60 u4nd44 as hsra-
after to read as iollo*ar
??.4. 8. It shall be unlawful for any peram to
oatah or retain, or h4r4 In his pi~aaraslon 4ny baas,
or other fish oi the baa6 6~64146, whl4h 414 1486 t&611
414~4~ (11) inok.~a in length or to aatoh or retcrln, or
bar4 In hi* p4as4aalon, In say on4 d*y a total ager46at4
of mora than tan (10) baas, or othem flab of the bass
ap40i48, taken from the *atar’s described in motion 1
of thla Aot; pruvfQ4d that it shall b4 unlarlul ?or any
parson to aatoh and retain, or hat4 In hla ~4aa4aaion
Sror those waters in any on4 say baas or other fish of
th4 bras a 6146, & say a#@wgatr w4i(ht in 4x4466 o?
two&y (80r pOundSi to OatOh and r*t*ti, or hap4 in
his ~6646610a aay crappi or whit4 prroh or oallco
be44 whloh am 1466 thtn a4v4n (7) lnohrs In lmgth, or
oatoh and r4taln, or lmv4 In hi.6 po664661on any blue
&Ill bream whl4h are 1466 thus ii-4 (6) ino&@ in
length, or to aatoh or ratah, or hv4 la his poaaaa-
alon in an cm4 day sore tbaa a total a(ucra at4 of
twenty (30I orappl4e, or mhi t4 perch or oal 4 ao baea or
blue gill breams or OS any of or.all tb.084 fish, Mc4n
from the wat:ers d@rortbed in Baotloa 1 of this Aot;
provldad that it shall ba unlawful far any QWson to
ostoh and retain or hav4 in hla p066461)1011troa those
watws la cay one day ontpgi4 or wblte proh, or oalloo
baaa, or blua gill bream or ai any or rll ot thoaa Slab
of sn 8ggr4gaCe weight la 4x0466 or twcmty (20) p0uita6;
provld46, rurth~r that it ehrll b4 unlawful ior any
person tc aatoh and retain or h414 In his possasalon in
any on4 dry from the waters dmarlbed in 5eOtlon 1 of
this ALot, baas, or any othsr fish of the baaa ap40i46,
crappie, white peroh or 4ull fliph, or calloo baa4 or Btu4
elll bream, or cthmr fish of the orapple, white paroh or
br46s of 6un Siah 6paol4li, or BU aggr4&ute relight in 4x-
046~ 0r thirty (90) pounds.*
A oar4iul stua;l or the above mendrn4nt bl4olo444 that
oatflsh em not inoluded in the enumerated rp4oi40 of fi4h 46 to
oems, linh & oyster CommSasion, Bag4 3
whiah a limitation is placed upon the aunbar whloh may bo
poeabaad tn oae day from the watsra affeoted. Tim languag4
*in any on4 66~ a total lg(gr4grt4 0r mor4 th4n t4n (10) barns,
or other flnh o? the baas apeoi4aa alearly doea not inoluds
the oatffah apwalea. Subsequant refemnom to ar4ppi4, white
peroh, oalloo hsaa, blue gill brayhy;aun ttah lU4ri44 do
not include the oatfiah lp 4 o la a . 84 "or of any or
all of those fish- raf4sa to tha apeol~a fzb&lately prsoadin@,
namely, 4nppi4 whit4 perah, oriLl baas aad blus gill bream1
this rbfbreaobia act to the amoies lnumratad In 3eotion 1
or the origin81 Iiotwhioh fno1ud4 th4 oatii4b lpaoiaa in th4
pr;;;ibitlon against barterlag or sellim~ deaoribad apeoiea of
Thaw is, therafozw, ao IirPitation in 8eotion 5 of
the hat before us es amended, upon the number of oatflah which
may be poaa4aar~ in ohe day from th4 waters deaorib4d In the
Tours 74x7 truly