pparont rrom your oorrempond-
8 w;th,.ydu -thatit we8 the
u to oontraot for the sale
wm lo t o utb elo wthe pcrtinctit mtatutcs lmo lr ed:
&me, PlSJrh opter oQmmtoaion, Page 0
witWith* provi6loas of t&lb uhapter, or otbr-
aL6Oqwute in any ai the waters OT upon any ls-
Sand, mr, b8?,~1ake, bay, river, oreek or bayeu
in thla Ohaptef, mhall tint make wrftteu
8#plimationtheref@r to the Co&lamioner dmalg-
M$fmg the J.iaftrof tba territory in whloh muoh
tm Pe8lrd8 to epnte. II the Commfs~fboar
a utlailsd that the takfag, carrying away or
U.tuzbhg of the karl; g?avel, aa@, shells or
muibhell la the dem$patad territoryrould not
&mas, or iaJ\ulowG~ u.Yf6ota4 olmtera, oyster
beti, fish inhabitingwut6ru.thereofor adjacent
thermto an& that,muohb&Wuticinwoola agt d81~5e
t?rlxi~ruioaml~'af~~rcrb @w $blarrd,reer, bar, ehan-
~61.. rfvw, areek or brjoti used ~forfrequbnt or
o8arrion81narl$atfon, #maor ~ahan&eor otherwise
luJur fo fuSr lr r o o t’u y
owregt that mtia affeat
narQa~.i6n, he may is.dpe. i permit to .auQhperson
aiter.mMh lppllOULt #halI haro oomplied rith
all nqabementk pregtorikb by maid co&&qmi++
Tbm .&wSnatt lhl& lntho&fH the applicantto
Zm, ..aamya or othqnime owralhtithin~ tha
Umttd ot~baoh 7 errltexy am spaybe dealgauted
tjmrefn, anIlfor iueh aub~tque or porpuoe only
a8 .maybe nrroUd:ln the petit and upm the terms
an4 0onfUtioamOS the per&t; Eo pmraiftshall
be gmafgaab&a,a&a failure or retumal o? the
holder to oomp2.y with the tsrmm and’ oonditlonu
of aueh petit rhall operate am an hue&fats ter-
rfnation and re*oo*tloaot all right6 conferred
tharelrkorglatid tbexerurder.Ho ap6o~al prl-
rilega or eailu8ire rig&shall be graata&to
any peraoa,,au5ooiatienat person, oorpara*te
or otherwfe6,to take ‘6r saolr away ,anyof suoh
produota fmn say territoryor to otherwiseosmr-
ate In or~opan a~A8lund reef,,bay, lake, rfver,
oteek; or b-a fxMlu&ed & thla ohapter.*
*Artlele 40536. Ihe Oaron,Fish and Oyster
Comafusicinubr and with t&e appmval or ttsa
Gomrnor, ma 8011 tha marl, gravel. sand, shell
oz mu~helS L o1ud.d witbin this Iot, awn muoh
terma and oonditi~on8as he may deem proper, hot
for not less than rotu: (&i) 0entm per ton, an4
pa=2 ~herep &all be made to aal& Commi6-
. q . .
~rtiol.+s400s and 4#m4l &al with the s+ue gen-
,~ral SubJeot,t%&eparehaue and male of Uand, &ravel, shell
and muQmhql1, and oonmequeatlythey xiust be oonatrued&
rl mater&a. SO Tu:Jur. 858. ,2'hIs oonolumlon ts strongen-
4% y-w to'thm le,gImlatin himtory of these snaotmentm.
~a ~orl&Wilj cnaotmd they were both oontalned in Chapter
50;Aeti1911, Thirty-aso0aQLoglslatum, page 116. 6eatlon
5 of tht lot mpr+W3ts the preoent @tIole 4C53, and soo-
tdcin6 reprqmntm the progeaiterof prement Artlola 4C55Q..
At the Fhmt CalleQ'Gee&m of..theThirty-second31eglelatare
in 1911, Seotion 6 of the original Aot (Chapter 50) was a&end-
ed 'toohange then#aloU prloe of gravel and shells to not less
than ten eente per oubbfcyard to not leas than iour oonts per
ton; and other minor ohwige8.
,2181919 the &oonQ Calle& smmmlon oi the Thirty-
mirth Lmg~~atlue ena?teQs8snate Bill 114 whloh we Chapter
14, Aota 1919, Flrmt and Seoond Called Semoionm, page 215,
Ssotlonm 8 and 6 or whloh rmO4 am f~llora:
-sqc. 5. Anron QeaIrIng to puiohse any
ot the Mr& and sand of o0maeroIalralm and.
w.0r Ehe gravely ahella o*.ppdahellinoluded
wl$hla the prOtlIJi~.oithem AOt, or othem$mr
ogexate i~~any or tha ntmrm or op0n.any~_imlmQ,
roof, bar, lake, @my, river, onek.or bayou, ln-
olaQ& in thfm Aot, mhmll tirmt a&o rrittea
lp p lfo %tio n to
thermfor the Game, Z%mh and Oymtar
C0auu%aelonmr Qesignatlngthe lirita of the ter-
rltor~ ln whiuh muoh petm0a Qeslrecr to operate.
xr the Case, Flmh and Oyatsr C0maiasloner Im
fiw,lmrieQ the taking, oarrying away or dlrturtp
be of tho.aarl, gravel, land, ehqllm or rarrd-
aholl, in thn~~doaignated territory soul6 not
*go or lnjurioaslyatieot any oymtem, oyster
bmda, fimh inhabitingwaterm thereof or adja-
oent theratd and that mueh op8ratIoawould not
danage or in)uriouelptilmbt any lrland, reef,
bar, ohannel, river, meek or bayou~used for
rrequent or oooami~aal aavigation~ n0r ohange
or otherwlme~injnrloumlga$faot any ourrent that
would &hot narigatloa.he may lOsue a perrdt
to muoh penon after aaoh applloant ohall~have
00a@ImQ with all regulatioae and reqairomnt#
preaerlbedby wld aoaimlmmlonor. 'rho permit
akall autheriem the l ppliaant to take, aarry
%wy, or otherwieo operate wIthIn the limits of
auoh tarritorp ae praybe Qmmlgnated therein, and
fob muoh aubstaaoe 01:puPpose only.aa may be
named itithtigerm&t and u90n tie tersraand OOD-
QItlona therein. lo -Wit mhall be assI@abls,
and a failure to, or mtnaal of the holder to
w, Fish and Oyster Commiaslon,Page 4
ciaqly with the terms and oonditloneor the per-
mlt ehall ogfeate aa an lePPam4 termination
and revocation 0r all rlghta f20nr4rtbathereia
pr afdmed ~therewler. He apeolal prlvilsge or
lxolasive right 8hall b8 granted to 8ay gbrson,
lrrroolatloa 0r persons, oorpsrateor oth4rwis4,
to take or oarry away any snarl.8rav41, eabb,
8h011 or mudsh4u r208b my territory 0r to other-
rise ‘operato b or upon, any island ree?, MY,
g,a,A~, @reek, bayou, or bay inoluded In
*Boa. 6. Tba Cane; Fish and Oystbr Comsis-
sloner’, by and with th4 approval or the'%vemor,
may 8011 the mrl, grarel, sand ,rh4lls,or mud-
ahell, iaaluded, r1thi.e.this A,Ot, tqon such term
ahd condition6 as im map d4tm proper,.bt&ror
not 1amthaa roar oeato par ton, end payment
theXWof 8hd.l be raadeto'said Gtioston&r; Th8
~ueeds arising;from mob 8ti4 shall'be!tnlu-
mitted tc~ the stt4te Ird&rer and be ,oredited
to~the general f'undor the State and ~3 be ex-
pentled bj the said CorPlsieaioner upon itemias&.~. .~
~aaoounts sviorn to ,by those partormlng the siik '.
vi04 or iarnlmMag Ethelmaterial, aad apprcwwl
;by ma m&U!dt38iOuOr. The said aooouut shall
be filed rith tbs Cos@XOller of Publlo'A4OOU.&ts,
aad he shall draw a warrant thenfor apn'the
State Ts4adur4r.*
Eote that tha laaguagq ia elmout ldentlaal to
t&at eoontainebin thr present utioles 4053 and 4063d
exaept ror minor changes that the ooditlers or 1926 piade,
and:as 4m4nded by Chapter 193, &His 19x35 Thirty-ninth
Leglslatme, page 458,ohimglngthe fund into rbioh pro-
weda arieiag from the ,salbof marl, graml, sand, shell
4a& madsbell 8hodLd be plaoed.
drtioles 4003~and lObad must, ther6'roreb,
b4 eon-
*trued together and if possible harmotalzedas on4 enaot-
Bant. Thb was Jwt 40 truldfn.1934 aa at the prerseht tiiim
MQ them 4rtiel48~~~~~~&#&gazqpart and parO&l Of
the oontnotdplzpon its 'ez&idiin; :.%a lest eentenae or Ar-
@or4 4C63 wliiehhas added i@aifioanoe b408ua4 it has been
tied tog8tbsrwith hxtiale dOWi!d,originated in 1911, is
repeated rot eaphasia:
. . so ap~eolal .pri+ll464or 4xolu8lv4
right shall b8 gmuited to any peraon aasooia-
tion or QbZ’SOll8, oorporate or oth4&4, to take
or oarry away any or eaah pxnductr from any ter-
ylsh & Oyster C~mmlesion,Fag4 S
-rltory ox to othsndw epmato in or opan a&y
18lsn&, reef, bay, lake, rlvex, week, or bayoa
lnolu&d In this Bhapter.*
Artlole~4053 was a part or the oontraot a8 4x-
laut4d in 1m4* Reprdl48s ttr the smtttt 0r tw38h411 then
thdughf to exist or now ionnd to k lx l8tlng ;InBu4048 Bay,
cho'oam.lul~a 4ould n4t by aoatraet, prrait or othenrls8
grant en ~4wLtuiv4 right* to 8aoh mudahell.
~Oi84f#lUIl~1y, it i8 th6 O@tiOtt Of.thiS d4Qal't-
sr ut 8ttdy o u l28 xO8pOOtfdlljadri84d thSt:tbs~@SmO,Irish
sttdOyster Cotmi8sion18 not prohibit4b.byrirtur of a
prdb18 oontxast it sntar44 into in 19s4~ror the sale 0r
att&thelll~%Pitt484s Bay fro& now @SSt%.t@ the right to
another aofapny or take mud&el% .froma
portion bf tM #ana bar. Th .C& it8 ad-
mittlstntitadtientioa grant- 8uoh.pexmit.upon’ pmpor ap-
pliaatioabeing.mads l.a looordattott with h~lole 4OSS.,Be-
~185d 4mik statttt~8 0r ,198s.. -. .'
been an-
mmMo-rr,-m&tk '1%;tiitueaeruljtd ps8s‘upott
the ~8aDt
rrstu8 ot tb oontraot 4s4aa~46 ltt19%. Hemever, in
gas8ing'.m.4allyokr.att4nt,l&mto,thatportion 0r ax-Mar4
dO6Srhioh pk~yid&~ that *no p4-t 8hd.l ?N:a88lgnalrlo~
in~rm~ ol~thb.'att~~ed.aclr.~at or the contraot to
ths Soat*~rn~A3Jpl.i Corporation.
very truly yours
#mJxHBY f2m-ER.4L
25, 1940