Oentlemen: AttOnti6IU Mr. R. D.
from di8OU88b& the matter with
at the CIamO Fl8h Qr OpUter (%EUU18-
ted and pub&bed ior the benefit
sn the pertinent game and fish law8
there uw 801110 lndlvidltal8 or oom-
ad.8 who b a of the nature of their buelrmas oam
oontaot with many hunter8 and fishermen. Thee8 oom-
panlee or Individuals dsoire ta obtain large quantitlee
of these pamphlet.laws and dletributs them to hunters and
flahennea as an advertising media with the n8ms of their
buelnsrs prfntsd thereon. ,It 18 their plan to aooompl~8h
this result by either ona oi twos wayel I)y obtaining a
large quantity paid for out of State funds from the Oame,
Fi8h & OyUter U0m11if88iOn,Or, by e~~fering into a OOntwOt
with the printer doing 8tate oontraot printing for the
printing of additional pamphlets using the same type 6et
‘:- 293
@m3, Fish h @pster Ct?zomieslon,
?age e
UP r0r state work.
Fe ahall answer your questions in rewrse order,
9e88in~ first upon the Uaoond one.
Artiolsa lOBa, 108b, 1000 and 108d of the venal
Code read aa,,
"A+%. lO@a. $xoapt under contract or agree-
ment with the State as hereinalterGrovidad au-
thorizing them so to do, it shell be unlawful
rorany person, rm, oorporatiodor aseooia-
tlon of pereons doing any printing, ugler con-.
traot, for the State of Texas, to repo?oQuoe,
print or prepare or to'sell or furnish any 8uOh
prlntlm or .printedmatter or any repririt,re-
produotlon or copy 0r same, or plate, type, mat,
out or engraving from wh~iohsuch printing oon-
traof,wata oreouted, exoept the mouut and num-
bbr oi be. printed and rur-
nlshed to the State of Texas under such .contraot.*
*Art. lOSb..gny printing do& under oon-
traot ror any department,the legialatum or
either branoh thereor, any board, oo~~isslon,
oourt.,orrlosr or agent or the State or Texas,
ae well as my suoh work done direotly for the
State, shall tor the purpo8ss of this Aot be
deemed to hc;ve been done for the State or Texas.*
mat. 1080. ?rovided that with the aonsent
of the State Bosrd of control and the Pivarnor,
any suoh person, firm, corporationor aascoia-
tion nay print extra copies and sell s-0 at a
price fixed by the State Foard of Control, when-
ever in the opinion of the Toard of Control and
the Governor the printed ffiatter
should be Qis-
tributed in such manner for the benefit of the
publie. FrovSded that any such oontract ror the
~prlntingand sale of such extra copies shall be
approved by the Attorney P,eneral.-
*art. loed. tinyper8on, rim, corpcration
or association0r persons violating any pro-
vision of this ;,ctsh.sll5s guilty of a niisde-
meanot,and upon oonviotionshall be punished by
fine of not lees than one hundred dollars nor
(tcue,Plsh & Oyeter Com~~leslon,Page J
more than one thousand dollars, and in the
Went the violation le by ulna$ural pereon
or the agent or employee or 8 person, ~orporu-
tlon, flrrror aaaoolatlon the punmment ry
be by Jall sentence not to exoeed thirty dyr
in addition to 8uoh rlne. The oonviotion of
Ul went Or employee 8hE4l1not bar convictton
nor the grlnolpal aileoa~
It 18 01ear lXW reading them rtatuter that no
Oontraot w be .entered Into by anyone with a print* d*
1% 8tate oontradt 9rl.n)jlcg to reproduoe, print, P-W*
8011 Or fOnnl8h extra copies or reprlntr Of State d olt-
1888 the oonuent of :the State Board of Qontrol and *
themor Is obtained; and such oontraotr ror.the Prlntln(l
ur(L.88leOr extra 009i48 suet be *pprovqd by the AttmU
General. In the abaenoe or suoh oonrent and such wPQti
W8 N8t UlSW4r your aeocnd gueatlon in the negatlVO-
'Your iir8t queetlon la oonoerned with uheth-
OF iOt.the cOlPlni88lOnmay dl8trlbute game and ilrh pit
phbt.bW8 In qpMtlty lot6 to lndl.r;duals snd OOO@~~~~
who raf deriru to use them for advertirbbg;
1188 a question or 901107 lrlng wholly withIn the ldrtni*
tMtiTe dleorutlon of the &ame, Plah Q Oyeter Courirsim*
While W8 sight point to the provlslona of Artlaler 1-8
108b, 1080, and 108d or the Penal aoae aa mqgrstind the
pulley to pursue, It le the opinion of this departneat
and JOU.*re advl8ed that the law does not prohibit ~
he, pI8h 8 Oyster Commleelon iron distrl&ting eet
hU8 illqmtity lot8 to oompanle8 or lndltlduti8,+i*
oompanier or lndlrlduals have manifested an intention to
9laO4 advertlslng matter thereon berom redlstributioa
to the general publlo,.