Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

I OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q-c,- Hnan- . batlon of suoh eon- sehool dlstriot with his depart3ont 08 to made of the tax naney OS mrtln oounty tot Diutrlat aubseguefit to the 01 dlstrlat with thr Klondyh 8 faotr la your a8430 6re as , ‘. I’ 9, the Ploaasnt Valley Oomon uoh Js Martin County aod had on 0 l OOBti@lOM iXldb~4Wih~t aOh epezdent Sohool Dlstrlot ia Pawaorr ry 6, 1939; tho Ootmty Botrrd o? Martin der oa the xiautor ot oaah Boerd purport- rarutt Volley Dlrtrlot from a oonmoa 0 ro ia6oprodoat aohool distrlot* 6ll )rarOh la, 1939,~ tbo aounty &ago 0r Eartla County ,*llid an rlsotion.to &strtlPirtb whether or not the Ploamit Fh$e ~bloyendent. Sobool~ Dirtriot ohould bs oonsolidatod with iJ ondyko hlndapendrnt Yahool Distriot in Dm*on CoUdY. A lib *lo o tio n fo r l like purpotwwnm oalled by the Oounty Judge Of DaWsoa Oowty on ths ama date la the Qondykb Dlutriota Tb hs0 Okotioas wets hold and at eaoh l lo o tldn,th er esult .aia*iaror o roon8olidetioa. Tkb oo2ideeloners~ Oourt8 oi Eonorable Char148 3. .?loughtor, PO@ 2 the respeotlys countlsr 80 deolered end o4rtlrIed the raeult8. The slootion *a8 48rall5d in aourt by oertaln tax- payer8 and rotor4 on th4 grounds the6 the oozwm aohool dI8- trlot hod previously besn, by order of the Cwntp Bomd, ahanGed into M Indqcndeot 4ohool dlrtrlot snd thot there ~38 AO eu- ;i;;;iy In law to ooneolllate the two Independent sohool dls- The 51 Pm10 Court of Cl+11 Appeals la the oa8e of Plea8& Valley Comon 3ohool Dlstrlot Bo. 9, et el., ~8. Jtory, 142 3.,il. (Ed) 2C8, hold that the order of the County Board ot YartIn County, rhlah attdnpted to ohonge the oo;pz~on aohool die- triof Into axi Indspendezt sohool distrlot ~‘38 void end that In reality the elaot,Ioa on Earoh 18, 1939, wae for purpoeer of OonsolldiatIng a oomon eohodl dietrlot and 8 oontlguoue in- dependsnt sohool dI8trIot. The oourt held this alootlon valid rind held the oonaolldvtion proper. Tim oourt utated B8 f 0110X8 : %ootlon Sb OS Art. 2742b 4othorlzo8 ths OOtl8Oli~3tiOll of a oozmon aohool dlatrlot in one oounty with 8 oontl&uoue independent die- trlot In another. The prooeduro preeorlbod by law 80~8 to hare been oomplled with In all msterlsl P36P‘JOtE. Plossant Valley ~44, betore~ tko elsotion, a oozuwn sob001 dlatriot oontigu- ous to the Xlondyke Mependent District in Damon County. * Rehenrlcg ‘);a8 d0niea In the 0540 on June 20, 1940. qqMoatIon of error ~38 made to the 3upfam ‘Court ior r.rIt and was refused on Septazber la, 1940. Ziotlon for ro.htaring thsreln WSE donled. Prior to ??aroh 13, 1939, the date of the oonaolide- tion, tho County Ooznlnslonc!r’3 cf Xartln Oount the taoa rot the PlB48ant Valley cO!mOn Sohoo the year 1059. Port or the taxe8 areuseod were r0r tho pur- Pose of paying tho intoreet and 8iIlking hid of 8 $!,600.00 bond Issue. The rout -ma ror mintsnenae. During the nonths of Ootobor to Sanutq 1940, the taxes whloh b6d been assessed Prior to the oousolld4tIon elootlon wme oollaoted by the County T3r Colleotor ot Yartla County end 4uoh aoaop 1s now IQ tke hands of 3516 aounty tax oolleotor. Also on January 1, 1940, like so!1001 taxen in the Pleasant Vrllay Cozcnon sohool DIstriot of Eartin bunty were levied but uuoh tax88 have a8 pet not been oollaoted due to the Saot that the -%Qellate Court8 held the oonsolldatlon of &roh 18, 1939, to bQ valid. Eonqrabla Char108 R, 3leu4htar, paga 3 YO In your letter you ask two quaatiorlar 1. Vhat dlapoaltloo should be med. oi the money oolleoted during Ootober, Morezhar an4 Deoember, 1939, aa taxer nhloh ?.aro aaasaae4 prior to tha aonaolIdatlon lleotlon? In raspeot to this question, you l4vleo that tha ~onsolIdatad fndspendent Sahool Dlstrlct baa held no aleotion to aaaum tha bonded lndobtedneaa of thm Ploaaant Valley OOW mea 3ohool Dlatrlot aa4 haa al80 not bald aa llaatioa tar pur- ~osrr of lrrylng a new tax of auoh don6olIUatad Indrpendent 3ohool Dlatrlot. Aa atated by the El Pa80 Oourt of Olvil Appeal8 ln the Pleasant Valley Comoa Sohool Diatrlot Case, lapra the aoa- aolldatlon wa8 authorized under the terra of Seotloa 86 of Artiole 2742b, rblob read8 aa iollowa~ *Ia the mannor Prssoiibsd by general law, Artiole 2806, Rsvlsed Statutea, 1925, provldla~ for’tne oonaoll4atI~a of sohool diatriotr bf sleotion, Comon 3ohool an4 Cozxxon Oouat]r-l.ine Dlatrlots nay be oonaolldated, and Coxcon 5ohool an4 Oomoa County-llze Sohool DlstrTots 3~a oonsolidated with a oontimous Indepsnden -+A%- trlot in tha aaxe or la an adjolnina Count 144 b h tha proposition ia to aorta iIa&&i”h%f territory In two or MM a4join- ing Counties, tie patltloas and elaotioa ozdera presorlbeb In Artlele e806, Revised Statutea, 3925, shall be addroased to an4 188ue4 by the Sounty Judga of eaoh County iOr and lo bahali of ssoh dlatriat w.?olly In hIa County or over whfoh hla County hsa jurlsdlotloa ror admIiiatrstlv8 purposes, sad the County ComlaaIonerr~ Oourt of eaoh County shall oanvaaa the return8 of the elao- tion in rrroh dlatrlot 17lng wholly wlthin the Couatp or under It8 jurl8dlotloa for admlaistra- tire gurpoaea, and deolarr tha resulta, as in tha oaaa of the oonaolldatioa of dlatrlota lying wholly wlthia one Coucty and &tea the raaulta Bra a0 da- olared tha oonsol 1datlon of the diatrlots ShpLl thereby beoone ofieotfve.w ( Undoraoorlng OUra) Yeotfoa 11 of said Artiola rsada aa iollowa1 *Ia oaaiw *hers o!isn@a are mada an4 diatriota having outstanding bonded indebtodnaaa and rhera tha neoeaaary roruadiac: boa48 are v,oO@ddown or rhare Bonorcrbla Chorlca El 3laueht#r, pergo w the oounty Boor4 of Truatoea are othowIae unabla to. . arrange an adjurtmont or aottlesent of ruoh bonded la- debtedneaa, it shall br the duty o? tha trustees to oertify the ?aOt an4 tbo tarrltorlea lffeoted b yluoh ohangea, to the Ooamlaaloaen" Court and tbarupoa it shall beooma tha dut OS the Cocrmlsaioaors~ Court to theraafter aanuall~ 1 evy and oauao to ba aaaeaaod end oolloote4 ?rom the taxpayers of auoh dlatriota as thaf exiatod before the obangea wore made, the tax nooaaaary to pay tho interest, the alnklng ian4 sod dlaoharga the prlnolpal of auoh lndebta4aeaa aa It xmturea, And it shall bo the duty of oaoh lndopondent Sohool Dla- trlot 80 e??eoted, to oauae all fun48 ln its hands, whothor sinking ?unda or otherulao, whloh hare born oolleoted on aooount o? auoh bonded lndobtednaaa, to be transform6 to tho Gaunt Trosaurar o? the County %nwhloh auoh dlatrlct is a I tuated aml auoh dlatrlot shall thereafter oehse to letf and oollrof a4 tex on aooount of auoh bondal and it shall ba the duty oi the Oouaty Treaagrgo to kaep the run48 80 transferred an& thosa arlain~ from taxation, la aoparata sooounta an4 apply the aas oal to the Qluoharga of ruoh bonds4 Ih4abtednoaa and t ii e intereat thereon, a0 the same raeturoa.a ‘80 quobe the above aaotlono for the purpose of show- lne that even though the oonmoa sohool dlatrlot has been ooa- aolldated with a ooatiguour independent aohool diatriot ft ia the duty of the Oonrariaalonera * Court to sea that taxer am lerlsd iOr the purpose of pa lag tha interest, afnklng tund, end dir- oherglng the prinoipo f o? the boaded lndobtedaeaa o? the foner Oomoa lohool dlatrlot, avaa thou& auob dlatrlot baa goao out Oflx la teno e. Suoh tax la to be larlob againat the tagr;;;y that was fomerlr ln auoh conmoa aohool dirtriot, re*pOot tho oollootlon OS the 1939 ttx es to tha portion to ba uaO4 to apply to tho bonded lndebtsdnesa of tho OozuuOa aohool Qiatriot was valid. Al80 10 may be point04 out that thlr la true baoausa tha sew oonaolldatad lndapandont aohool dletrlot has not tots4 to assume the bonded indobtsdnoaa of auoh oomon *ohool diatrlat, Ia line with the above, the Comalaaloa of ~QQeala of Poxar ln tha oaae of Pyoto fndepndant Sohool Dla- trlot vs. Dyer, s4 2, 79. (213) 697, atatod 86 followat *Also tha looal board uaiially levlea all bond tares of-an ladopondmt dlatrl~t. R. 0. 3, of Toxaa 1925, arts. 2784 an4 2788, Thor0 la one exoeptlon to this rule and in our opinion that erooptlon la not lavo i rod here. Tho afoe tloa nantloned la *hero after ohsa Qlatrlots or the area&a of new 4 oi the oli di#triot#, tharr bar been no prorlalon br aaetmptloa of tho lndobtednrar or othemiao ?Or tha payment ot the bonds that ara outataEdln& againat tbo old-Qiatriot, and auoh iaotr ~ZO oertIflo4 t0 tho . Eonorablr Chorloa I!. Slaughter, pee 6 oo.mlaslonerr~ court by the ocuaty oohool bocrd, then it IS th0 duty 0r tb c0~23i~~:0n~r~~ 00u-t to (IDI nually levy a tax ror ,tha purpose of pa7lnF: the old boado lndobtodneos, 3oe ocotlca 11 oh, 04 Aotr First Call06 L?esslon, rortloth tsg&tu~e (19$7) ypp,p 2Z8 (Vernon’n km. Clv. 4% art. 874&b, . Aa to tho portlo~ of tto tax levied S0.r meintonrrnoo purgoeer, the rollowing quotatloa from tho ‘Pyote 08~0 In die- ousslnq a almlldr tax sltuatlon 23 izwortant: “It sloo apponro that tts tares lsrlod by the oo~isolonora’ oourt wore loge1 when lcvlcd, and anout thst they razaimd local throu&hout the taxgsyjn& period of that petmb T5la bale tks 03-o) those who ;ald the taxes levied by the oOmloslonerr~ aourt, lf onr did 80, ohould be prOt&Od ana OP?Sdit- od by suoh aa thap 80 paid on the mount they zay OKO OA the taxan voted snd levlcd by the iodepend- oat 61strIot~W Ih our osae the ooz!~on rohool dlstriot went out of eslstenoo on !Zaroh 18, 1939, or do man t!%reetter a8 the rooults of the ocnsolldation o1ootlon wero beolsredb Thmrore, the .oou.cty tsx oollsotcr hetl n3 3ut.horitp to 001100t any tares ror 6uoh af6tri0t exoept the OAOE dkoussed ror purpoees 0r paylw 0rr the bonded lndebtsd~aea, ft la ocr oglnion ttat tke oountg tax colleotor had no authority to oolleot my oi tho taxer for the old OOaTTOA school district eroe?t tho tar for the pWp,osO oi saying tte bonded Indebtedness ar.6Interest thereon, and that the procsduro prescribed in the ipote 08~0 should be iollOwl 60 to the taxas that were aotuall paid -- that is, the lndagendoat sohool dlstrlot should in t ha future, orodlt the taxpayerswith th.o pap8nt of euoh tax when suoh dlstriot Votes 6-d levlos II taxa I(hoJ such i.?doperAo;it school dletriot levlos o now tax mid ~1~s such taxpayers tho oredlt, theA this tax ao~ep SO oolleoted skou?d at that tlzo bo turned over to auoh lndo~or.derit school dlotriot. 2. fn your second question you state that thm County cd59f0n0~* c0w or 26x-t in to&y, OA January 1, 1940, lerlcd 8 fjer far the 0-A oohool district lVQA th0UF.h ouoh cordon oohool district oeaaed to oxlrt durIn6 ?.!aroh oi 19390 The Coz~&sl~norn~ Court nes withoutauthority to levy any tax Wi.nst tt.8 property of the old oO~~IOA~O~OO~ dietrIot 0X0@ the ono rop bond purpooeo aa previ@w4 dIsoussod, The eon- a6fJiOA 0r A peal8 in the Pyot6 06oe rtatod 88 r0ii0w ln thin oonneot s ona "#beA the oounty sohool board Or Vard Oount etltered its order orretlng Pyote fndopondentSohooI District out of old OozmonSohool Dlstrlot Bo. 4, the olb dletrlot atsood to sxlrt on6 all ~lntsnenoe texss thsretotore voted by it oeaned to br in ioror. Thir king ths 0880, no p o werlxlstsd ia sky tax- levying body to levy further malntsnsnos taxss on ths propert oi tha dlstrlot until tho nsw distrlot should rota suoh tax in tbs way and mdnntr provided by law and br the CoArtltutloA~* You are sdvlssd, therefore as-to the tar lsvled by ths Commleslonora~ Court for tha year i94opa; m&po&t;;~ or lo to bs used to pa7 the interest and 8 bomlod lAdsbtsdn8rs of ths territory of the old 0-A rohool district should bo oolleotsd and should bs so rppllsd. You _ are iurtber advised that the assessneat as to the remain&or or the tax ror looal maintonanoe 1s void snb the oounty tax oollootor lr unauthorized to oolleot Barn* . de aro rnolooln a oopy ot Otzr.Opinlon BO. 0-1638 ‘uhloh desls with the author f ty o? the newly oraatcd Independent oohool dlstrlot to rot0 a tax levy iOr the year 1940. Your very truly BOIEP MCLOSC’RB