. . OFFICE OF THE ATrORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN OSULOc Mallll .no.*n a"- Honorabls I". Lee O'Daniel Cotornor of Tsxa8 Au8 tin, Tear Dear Covernor OvDanlel: ,1940,auI the rile eanolorodthermvl 1 title to the lad ituatbd In Xetagor- 8 for the UP0 8ml t&earl allard ) and , aoatei~~ a roa pa08 Umt the stat. abor o mat ioiwl pro- 1 or en. ( 1.00)Dol- lr your 10t trr reads you a8 to xooufr the tioa In bo- Boforo &a offleer of the Stat. ooa legallt amouts a leaa@ on land ornod br the State, he mu& bs so anthorlzed by hr. Oaplrr Y. Colo,(Su&mau Court Oi Toram 19S7), 102 S. W. (84) 17s, l29 Tax. 8701 rahmrlng dmnhl, 1oi s. w1. (8A) s, 189 Tn. b70. Eonorablo W. Leo O’Danlel, page 2 Aa waa atatatl in tba oaso 0r st. Louia mid t guild- lag Aaa’n. v. Puller, et al b5upream Oomtor Usaourl, 1904), bl s. W, 414, 'the tema 'roll and cornets, whex applied to 1~x1 aatato, msan, in the abasnoo of appropriate exprasalona in the lnatrumont ltaolf llaitlng an4 reetrloidn( suoh general aooeptanoa 0r thr maaula(l or auoh tanna , a oonro~noo in See"; xnd orbinarlly, the er to or11 doer not iaplr a powar to laaao eon r Supreme dourt of Err Yarloo, 19W5) Sl P. (ad{ ~~aL’~.?%L la the au80 or Tort Worth daralrr club, Xaa., v. she pard, Cokaptrallar, (Supreme Court of TURO, 19SS), 88 s. W. (ad7 660, 188 Tu. 369, wherela there was lnrolre6 the luthorlQ ot the Adjutant benma to leaae property, oa behalf o? the btate, $0 21;:" aa an l-17 for the IIatlonal duxrd, the oorut, ix put, The power8 and duti;; ,o&p~bl~;;:ioe~ are de&i hd liritad b law. llmltod bp law, we mxn tI; l lot.f a pu3 lo offlea - yau be l xpreaal~ lthorlead b law, lr lmplled l&m- . at R. 0. L. p. sss, I I 1.4. . . ." Thereform, b&ore tho Dororxor umld bo a~tholl OU to lease the Und in question, whloh 10 omrd br the 8tatr for ft# rilltarf roroex, ho muat be so luthorixod br law. Art1010 16, SeetlOx 54, Oo~tltUtl0R lf T0xx8 provl4ear Vh~L&xlatun lh a llp a a r la wa ~r M th m~d y 8oruaor to laaaa, lr roll to the borormmnt& *a wnltehatatu,r rrtilalut maltye *o JbubLio a* mnl~ et the Mata BaaUaar [ !a tk olmtlomai fortr, barnoh, amenala, aId ml Itar s~atiM#, qr a-, and for otkar ti004m milltav purpaae9~ and the lotiomot the ~olornorthanin ~ahall bo rubjnt to the lja#oval. or the Lo&8lhturo.” l'hla oonetltutlanal nwfaioa la no taolf lxoorting, but, u shown ox it0 fx0e. a E ply 8itthorlsu tka Loglalature 80 omet lawa. Artlxler 5848 and 5E45, VeXnon’ Rmlsed Qi+il 8ta- tutea, 198s. prorldo, in lubatanoe, that when this State may be tho ~rnor or any land desired bP tha Unlto4stataa, tar, otbr thlwa, torte milltarTltatlona, mgaxlnea, axd 8rxm 7; the f3ovanor map 80i1 ruoh land to tka Vnlhd Eltater&~I$: pqmmt a? tkb panhase mneP thereto? in00 the t-8 L4a4 Oo~aaloaor, xpox tho order ot the 5o ver a o rlb, 3' iOSU0 8 patent to the United 8tataa ior luoh laxd lx like nuur ax l+ br patents are laauad. Arti 5781, vorxol'a ltwiad Oiril Iiononblo W. Leo O’Danlel, pxgo S Statutes, 1986, grants the Governor full control and authority over all znttera touohlng the military for000 of tbla State. By the tense of this statute, auoh power extends to its organlxatlon, oqulpmant and dlaolpllae. We bare oonalderrd laoh o? the above atatutre, but are unable to read into their provision8 the pawar of the Covernor t+ lease the land in question, whioh la owned by the state for the use of its mllltary roroex. Evldanaln6 the faot that,tho peer to lexao or sell the lxad In quaatlon must b elxpr~aaly oonferred br law before it UJ be lxerelaed lo Senate Bill No. 504, 45th Leglalature,19S7; Art1010 53SRa, Vernon’s Rovlaed Olvll Statutoa. Thla Aet oreatoo x board of air (6) meu, oompoaadof the aevornor, Adjutant benera]., and the four senior a&ire 6aneral etiloera o? the Wth D,ivlolon, Teua Ratlonxl daxrd, and authorlxaa lald Voxrd” to loaso, fer minorxl purposes, the very land we hare in qaetilon.' reterring to this Aot, we do not lntead to infer that tia CM~ H3 en Lwao Board may loaar thla land to thr htloral 5wornmant.for mllltu~ purpoaeo, but the refere&W la Mde Ohply k lriaenoo the letis- latlvo umatruotioa as TV the aaoaaalt~ fer lpooltirauthority bo- for, the land In quoaflon ray be disposed d. As wo hero been unxblr to find any l@r rhleh oxpraar- ly or impliodlf aathorlsoa the 5orernor to leaar the lurfaoo of the land in question, in looordanoo with the tie announoed bl the supram Oourt In Fort Worth Cavalry Club 1~. , t. Shappxrd, Comp- troller lupra lou are MOpeetf~~y advised that you are not eu- thorlxd to e&outs the 1-e ia quoatlon. This opinion pa0000 only upon tho powor of tho Wvernor U lxooutw the luao rubdttod to us and lo not to bo umlaotood u holdlw that the Ooorernor lo xuthorlxxd to 0ol.I tha land h qwatlon. Yous~wuly‘ AlTORNRT-OFTEXA8 EASIIYI: APPROVSD OOT 10, 1940 /a/ @oraM 0. Mann ATTORNRY 5RNXlUL OP TXA8