Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Eonorabl8 B, 1. MoK8o County Auditor Edlnburg, T8xea Dear Sir: In yoourletter of opinion aa to whether a CO be stamped under Artlalo order to bs rsoorded. A your letter, ths con- traot ia merely an ordin rental or a pi808 or land for a period the periodio rental payment8 to be ma property, and in which n0 lien Or any na ex upon "a11 not88 end obliga 8, deed Of trust, me- ahanfo conditional sslae oon- traot atur8 whioh ar8 filed or re County Clerk,"with certain SXCSP eee8~Lwnts are not rp8olrloally named to ths tar, if they ar?~to be tex8d it lau38 18rying th8 tax upon "all fnstrumenta 1 to those 8p8Oiiioally named. HOW8v8r, amd ar8 thOEl8whtoh ar8 88CUrttiV8 Of Lease oontraota 88 auoh, containing & a lien or some eharactsr or seourlty payments, are not similar to any or the4lnstru- manta ep8oiiioally named in the hct, in our opinion. In this conneotion you will note that the statute doer not l8Ty the tax upon lnetrrupentewhioh merely desoribe an obligation but the tax is dU8 Only if the t8nd8r8a inetlXm8nt OeCUr8S , Honorable B. B. YOK8@, Pago a the obligrtion. The 18rro ooEtr6ot desoribrd by you nerd not b8 stamp84 if our understanding of its content&iaa above set out ie oorrbot. Fe ham oonridarsd th8 possibl8 errrot or Artfcl.8 52EE and 5238, V8mon*e Clril Ltatuter, giving landlord'8 lllsil8.It th8rs 18 suoh a lien in the yrrs8nt oas8, it is by virtue or rrt8tut.r. The 18aS8 agr883l8Zit llidOnO80 W&O obllga- tlon. ‘rh8 Statute prOYid8s a8cUrity for much obli.:atlon. The fact that a landlmd'a lion i%q 8xirt to a80Ufe the psy- Di8Xtor the rental obllgatlon dO8s not, in our oplnlon, rrgulr8 a atamping or ttm oootraot. Yours v8rr truly ; ‘2, 1940 A'TTCXEY OEXQ?nL GP TEX;rS / -. Assistant