Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE AITORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS Ronoreble John R. Shook Distriot Attorney s8n Antonlo, 40x08 tan in8trumnt mad nqw8t our oplnl 8t8mp eu inl0o o r uulo e Artfolo TM %, v,M o ll* 8mivilsta tb M to 0880of amtit tb8 tlwtoe, or his sub- atitut8, 18 twthorix~a to erorolw all the p-r Iwanted under tbs deed of trust for the purpo** of forwloslne the m aowrding to its term. Efonoreble John R. Shook, Page 2 Artio1e 7047r, Vernon’8 ALulotat*d Civil stat- Utee, reads In part: "(a) Except as herein obherwire prorid~b therr 18 hereby lOVied snd 88Sa88ed 8 tax of Ten (lO#) cent8 on eeuh One Hudmd ($la&OO) dollars or fraction thereof, wet t&e ffr8t m Hawed (~200.00) Dollar8, on all note8 and ob- ligatiOn8 8eCUred by chattel pportgeg8, deed 0f tmti, IP1)ahaniU*8lien aontraot, ve#or*& J.ia, ~!lditiOMl Bale8 OOSltrSOt and lill iaetrUtUent8 Of 6 8i6lilar MtUfs dli oh am filed m moordad in the offla~ of t&s county Cl** U&m the Regietratioh Leue or thie Statoi provided ,+het' no tax ehall be 1W186 OiliB8tl?lEi8lIt8 8aaUF1ZIg an amount OT Two 3undred ($200,00) Dollars, or 1088, After t&3 effeOtiV8 date OT thi8 Act, ax- oept a8 heminefter provided, no 8Uoh inetrumant 8hau be filed cw mocprded by any Countr Clark inthir State Until there has been affixed to suoh i..natrUmentstempa fn eooordanoe with the provision8 of this 8eotiong pmvidfng further that ehould tbs lnetruent filed tinthe cbf10~1 ,,oftho,Cou#y Cl+rk be eeauritp of 811oblfga;.i&z tht has property pleidgad ae'reaurity'in 8 8tmto~ ':: or St8ter other than T8~a8, the tax 8hau k bee& upon the rea8onable oarh value Of an p - arty pledg8b in Texas in the prOpOrtiOa that 8&Ip d property in 'i?eXe8bear8 t0 the total Value Of the proportp seawing the oblLg8tlon; end, pro- viding fUrthor theh, except a8 to r@newa~r OT s~te~18ion8 of aoorued intere8t. the px~ti810n8 of this 8eOtiOerhall not a;:ply t0 illStl'UUlent8 given in mnawal Or eXteO8iOD6 Or iXIOtlWWnt8 toeretof0re damped Under the pn,viaionr of tM.8 Aot~d the one amended hereby, =d shall Nt aP- ply tO.inetrumente glva in thewfud5sg 0f eXi8tiw bonds or obllgatione Where the Pm@*&- in6 ~struuamt 0r 8eOtity was stamped in aOOOrd- OIIQ*with thle Aot or the MS amended hereby; provided f&&r that UIO tax levied in thie Aat ehall apply to only one in8trUment, the one of me #pate8f dsaomination, whewa 86vsral fnstru- ment8 or* o0nt8mpO~a~eOUely eXeOUteQ tiJ eeOW one obligation; and provided i\lrtbeIFthee When onoe atsniped 08 provided herein, en inetr~nt my be reaorded in any number of oountfes in this stats without agein being eo etewed. ll" . Honorable John R. Shook, Page 3 The instrument In gie8tion, in eifsob, extends tba due date of $900.00 from the time it wuld have fallen due ($25.00 per month f’or 36 montha beginning February 1, 1940) until April 1, 1946. It atrim the lien originally given on March 24, 1936, a8 8ocuring the reformed oblige-. tion, and if not a deed of trust is in our opinion certain- ly one of *a eimiler nature*. Sinoe the deed oi trust of Yaroh 24, 1936, was not etemped, thsro is nothing iu the statute which would exezcpt the new instrument from it8 oper- ation. In our opinion No. o-1052, we held that this tax applies to renewals of instrumsnts exeouted and tiled prior to the affective date of the original Artiole 70478. In oti opinion the iastruamnt in question must be stamped before it la entitled to be reoorded. Your8 varytruly ATKIUIEY OENERAL OF TItXAS APPROVED AU5 15, 1940 /8/ Orover Sellers FIRST ASSISTANT ATPRNW ~~,:,,,:,~ AFPFCOVSD OPRoIoh’ COblKFEZ By R.W.F. Chairmen