OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUnTIN a-0.w Honorable Oharlem Criminal Dlrtriot Oorrioaaa, Texar Dear 81r1 this Departmnt ld on roam dab betwoen now and the 6, 1940, wa wrbto you rrqueatlng additional information oonownlng the above mentlonod quertioa. we quote rrom your letter or Augurt 7, 1940, aa rot lowrr Honorable Char188 T. Banister, Fage 2 #In rsply to your letter Of August 6, 1940, pertain- ing to additional information in referonce to the abore asationsd oaption, we hrreby quota the request of the potltionars and the rssolndlng order as stated ln the mlnutss or the Oommlssionsrs~ Court; * ’SPECIAL SESSION Saturday, June 15, 1940 a’Thl8 Speolal Session being oalled by the Oounty fudgs, Paul H. Klllsr, ror the purpose or oonsldering the request from a rspresentatirs of the signers of the psti- tfon hsretorore riled in this court asking ror the oalling of a spaolal beor eleotlon ln this oounty, was called to order at 2115 o’olook P. K. this day with the rollowing prsssnt I County Judge, iaul E. Ulller Joe A. Georgs, Commlssloner, Preolnot No. 4 C. M. fittgsrald, Preoinot No, 2 Rev. B, T. Miller appeared before the Court and presented the followlng request t CorsloaAa, Texas June 15, 1940 To ths Commlssloners Court or Xararro County8 I, E. T. Miller, as spokesman for the other Five hundred SAd forty-two (542) qualified voters of K&varro Couty , Texas, who prssented to the Commlsaloners~ Court of said oounty a petition asklllg for a epeolal beer eleo- tion, and beiA& the mime X. T. Killer who presented tbs above mentioned petition to the Commiesloners~ Court on June 1, 1940, do, this day, June 15, 1940 ask said Commls- sionsrs’ Court to resoind ths motion 0allLg for said eleotion, and earnestly implore your so doing, for the reason that there is a possibility of a~ ukavoldable irrrgularlty ii the prooeeding oallir?g for such eleotion and It.1 that In view of suoh possibility, ii the election should be won by the dries, aotlon alght be taken in court to set aside said election, thus inourrlng undue expense ror all part188 conosrned. I want to go on reoord aAd hare the Court understand that somstlms after the primary we expect to ask you to aall suoh slrotlon at some suitable date. 3. T. Xlller. * :!onorable Charles T. SanIstsr, iage 3 “COnUissioner G4ores than made the iollowIq motion: 1 move that the notion of the CofmaIssIoAers* Court taken herstOtOr* On JUne 13, 1940, Oalling 8lSOtIOA to be held On June 24, 1940, to dotermine whether the sale or beer OOctclinis aloohol not esoosdlng Sour per oentum (4s) by Weight, shall be prohibited In Navarro County, be resoinded, aAd that the County Clerk be Instructed not to post AotIces or said eleotion as Qrsriously oulled OA JuAs 13, 1940. EOtIoA was seoonded by ComIsslonsr Eitzgerald, and upon behg put to a vote, oarrled unanimously. All present voted *aye”. ‘**It is theretore ordered by the Coamissioners* Court that the uctloc of the court heretofore tuken OA June 13, 19&O, oellIr<; a beer elcctior. for &Ae 24, 1940, ba, and it ip hereby resckded and wlth&rtm~. i’he County Clerk 1s hereby ordored not to post notices for asid election.‘” SeotioA 32 , .*tIole 1, or the Texas Liquor Control Aot reads as rollous: *%he ooaziesioAer6’ oourt 0: each county in tiia state upon its o~ia motloo say order an election to be held by tht; ;uallfled voters cl said osunty, to determine whether or not t:ls sale cf liquor shall 36 prohibited or legalized in such county, and suoii court s&l1 order a 1ooAi option eleotion whenever ;etItIoned to do so by as many as ten (10) per cent or tta ~ualirlaa votera or said county, or of any justice ynolr~ot, city or town, taking /the votes i’or governor st the last preoedi~ general elec- tlori YS the uaaia for deteraiAIAg the quallried voters In any such couuty, or poll tic31 subdivision. dter the rlrst local o@lon election held as provided ln tSIs aot, in ony OouAty, justice preoinot, lnrorgorated tom, or oity, no 3ubse;ueAt election upon the 3~10 Issue IA the aa* r;olItIoal subdlvfnlon shall be held y;IthIa one (1) yea? fron the date of the preceding looal option eleotlon IA said OouAty, or said political subdlrlelon of said Oouuty.a action 33, Article 1, of the Tezao Liquor Control Aot prorIdes that: “:&en the commissIonerr* court shall order aA ehotiOn as herein provided for, It shall be the duty Of Said OOurt to order such eleotion to be held at the VOtIAg Places wIthIn such subdivision or oounty upon a day not less than ten (lo) nor more than twenty (20) days rrom the date or said order, and the order thus made shall sxpress the ObjsOt or such eleotlon and shall be held to be prima faoh erldenoe that all or the provIsloAs neoessarg to give It validity or to OlOthe the court with jurIsdIotlon to aske It valid, Honorable Charlea T. Banlater, Page 4 “hare bean duly oompliad with, proridr4 that aal& oourt ahrll l&qolnt luoh ottloora to hold auoh elaotlona aa now tequlr.4 to hold genaral eleotlonr.” The Taraa Liquor Control Aot further proridaa that the olerk Of aald court (ootiaalonera’ oourt) aball peat or 06Uae to be poatab at leaat one oopy of raid order in eaoh lleo tiopnr eo lnoin t auoh politloal aubdiriaion or oounty affeofed, for at least air (6) days rlor to the 6~ or thr eleOtion, whloh lleotion ahall be he P4 an4 the return theroof Bade in oonformity with the prorlalona of tha general lawa of the State, and by the lleotlon ofrloere appointed and quallrla4 under auoh law. %‘ilth reierenoe to an order for an eleotlon, It la said in Texas Juriaprudenoe, Volume 16, page ES, that *In all oaaea muoh la neoesaarlly left to tha dlaoretlon or the ofrioara authorized to oall the eleotion. If the menner of performance ia such as till reasonably aoaompllah the purpose oi the law, It ahould bo held aufflolent. It has been aald that, compare4 to the importanoe of effectuating the objeot of every eleotion, the question aa to the manner of ordering an eleotlon la of tri+tal moment. Eowever, in apeoial or local eleotlona all the requlremek~ it law ahould be substantially if not literally oomplled with. If the failure of the election ofiloera to oomply with statutory requirements haa resulted in a denial of the right to vote to a number of elector8 auffloient to have ohanged the reeult, then the alaotion la nugatory and void.” The oomzliaeionera’ oourt, aa a Court of general jurlsdlotlon, haa full oontrol over its judgnente during the term at which they are rendered, an4 may rorlee or reaolnd ordera at the term at which they are made, prorldod that this be done before any righta have accrued thereunder. ‘Where the action of the court in a partloular oaae 18 judiolal and not admini*- trative, the ordera or deoreea may not be 8et aalde at a aubae- quent term. Howeyer, the comaisaionere~ oourt haa the power to rescind or vacate an order made in its legislative or adminlstra- tlve capacity, l-far aa vested rights Is8 not impaired. Aueuat A. Busoh & Co. ‘I. Cufleld, 135 9. I. 2441 Collfngaworth County t. Myera, 36 S. ‘h, 414; BarerMmn T. Coryell CO., 847 30 R. 1086; Texas turlaprudanoe, Vol. 11, pe 673. Honorable Charles T. Banlater, Page 3 We believe that the aot of the CommIaelonera* Court on June 13, 1940, oalllng a nlleotlon ?or the 84th day o? June, 1940, was olearly an admlniatratire oao, aad an lot whloh the Commissioners* Court had a lagal right to maoin&. It will be note6 t&t the petltlo~ra through their apoker-n did not dealre or attempt to withdraw the petition prose&e& to the Commiasionera~ Court but only in lffeot asked that the or&or calling the eleotfon be reaolnded, an4 that It was their purpose to hare the oourt to oall an lleotlon at aoma lultable data other then the original date ror whioh tha lleotlon had been oalled. The atatute (Seotlon Se 0r Artlole 1, Texaa Uquor Control Aot aupra) providing for looal OptIon elections upon the petitjon of the votera dbia not apeoify the time or the term of the oourt at whloh the oommlaelonera’ court muat lesua auoh order for an eleotlon. Rowever, the eleotion must be ordered within a reasonable time after the oommlealonera* oourt reoelvos a valid petition therefor. When you r&or to the next presidential election In November In your inquiry wa presume that you have referenoe to the next general election, aa Seotlon 32, aupra provider in erreot that ea many aa ten per oent o? the quali?Ied votera. of a oertaln oounty or any political eubdlvialon of the oounty, taking the votes for the governor et the laet preoedlng general election as a basla ror determining the quellfled voters In any suoh county or polltlcal aubdlvlalon. YOU are respectfully advlaed that it la the opinion of thla Department that ii the 542 petitioners who eigned the original petition constitute ten per cent or more of the quall- rled votera of raid oounty, taking the votes ?or governor at the laat ?moedlr;8 general election a8 a baa18 ior determining the quallrlea votera In the oounty, the COmmi8SlOnOrB’Court oan legally call M eleotlon to be held on some date between now .and the next general eleotlon upon the basil of the Barn4 petition orlgitally presented. Truatlng that the roregolng fully 0nawera your inquiry, we are Your8 very truly