Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

755 OFFICE OFYHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Eonoreble Williee J. Lewson soorotery to the oQverrlor Austin, Texee Deer sir: In your letter OS thle departmeat upon a8 presented to the Iadustriee for rent I ia the emo lhortege et said la the euthoritq eUdceeeed to the Gorernor by ego Of Art8 end Iaduetrles r werrentr in t&6 mai of Proprlatlon made by the 46th 1,500 for the fi seal year beginning 8. August 31, 1940 for general poe.8 Sor raid aoile or The letters nstrwmnt w390t tbet the 8ff4,ooo.oo ie a well, aonetruot a 6attling beefn, tower, r puzuplng meahlnery. The appllcetlon oonditioar hhlch have given rlar to the need .00 erpondituro were unioreeeen et the the4 the appropriation for $1,500 wea made by the 46th Leglaleturr. This Bt8tmt, however, is OontrediOtOd by eeoh of the two lettere eddrdeeed by the Preeiaent of the Texas College of Arts and Inauetrisr to the Govsrnor conaerning this seme mettar. In t&r letter of YIey 15, 1940, these sentencee era found in the lest paragraph! “1 urgently request that thlr deilolenoY aP- proprletlon be granted to meet this UnfCWeeeea omergenor. ‘re hate bra aatiofp&ing this need 7S6 Hon. Wflllem T. Lewuon, Pega 2 SOT laverel year8 beoeuea ot the growing damende of the college and the expenrlon ai the City lt- 8el.i. * And in the letter of date July 8, lQi0, this pera- graph i II roana: ‘This repueet wee made a8 en emarganoy maeaura et the lent Legislature. We ware told to awelt tha regular a??roprlatlon bill and it *aura be lnoluded. Thlr ~cvnlea wee fulfllled, but failed to eabura the Gcvernor*e e?proval. It 18, th4rafare as8en- tlel, thet thase fun68 be lm@mdletely suphad in orCar thet the intereats oi the state may-be beet raned. a An exemlnatlon of th elpproprletions made by the 46th Laglslatura to the Taxam Collage of Artr and Industries, in 9. B. 255, Aets of the 46th L.&letur., Ra2ukr 3esrlOn, rer.818 that en ltam 0i $lZ,lOO.OO was provided by t&a Lagle- letura ror tha flroal year ending August 51, 1940, for “well, tank and torar. n This item of enproprlatioa we8 vetoed by the Governor. You bra edvlsed that ,tha rltustloa pr’asanted herein la ldantloe?. with fhosa dlscusead and rulad upq in our Opinion NO. O-2118, eCdras8.d to the Ooraraor of Tttrar, aoonoernlng the Soqthwaat State Teach-8 Collage end tke bul Ross Taeohare College. In aaoh lnstaaoe, ‘II) ruled tbet there wae no “oasual defloiencyw baoausa the situation oellinq for the expaaditura of funds had not only arlsan at the tl..a that the La~leletura wae in rerslon, bat hnC beau expressly oonsldered by lt, en Item if ep?roprlatlon prow/dad, and suoh item ln aach lnstenoe rar vetted. The mains 1s true with raferenoa to ths mettar lmmadiataly under ooaeldaratlon. You are therefore adrlsed that ln our oplnlon, tha Dovernor aoes not tnre the euttorlty to approva tha lssuenoe of the defioianoy wemV35t r4QU48t4be For a more detailed dls- cua~lon of t’.:. prinoiplee involved, we refer you to OUF Opinion Iuo. O-2118.