OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS war Sir1 You reguest t answer to the abovs emoted Qi 1903 md II,ourtalneano at Q plACQ SitlQOtedat tireZf?etiilt~ hOlC Xl i;32 2nd Eonday in Jima pacedin~, and &all open an& txnvaeo the returns of She ;M.mxry eleo- tion held on the fourth Saturday In Zuly a3 to candldateoQor s%ate o?.fices, as certified by various csmty chairmu, * *,*.* In the 1933 amcatimt to hrticle 3127, sti>ra, no co@zance was Wfun by ihc Lc~Lslatur0 of the r'ora- going p-ovioioIlsor Art:c10 3137. It is mnlfest ikt t5e foregoingprovisions of them statuean regulate the saio thine and that the re8&.zfmmts of each %x~ching this sa.m subject are rci- pllgn&?t. It is a reco(;llizea rule of statutory coT;struc- tlon that all lawa enactad by t!! Le&sJatura must be construed to@hur lf i+eFr previsions may be recon- 0iba,. but ir there is LrreconcQable conflict between the two aotn, the last expression09 the L8gislatiie Will ~:oYarn and coritxol. 0 Aocoralngly,you are respectfullyadvised t;;at it is the opinion or this i&;;artncnt that the met- Of the State ZxecutivsComiitteo for Cha purpose of CSllVliSSbl& ths lTetLU'IU3 Of &diS fk?St @ZECy 0lQCtiOn 18 rsgixtitsa and controllee by the %uu2tsaprovisioai or ;dd.c1a 3l.27 and tka2efora such ffieetf.ngshould tm held not later tt~ the eemnd SfitWd&egfollo~iinrj the day of tL3 first prey 910ction.