.. l
thti Oounty Troagumr oi thii county wan
~allweu the a&JI.oi $600.00 88 fptel' ennilel
for Lie esrria@e by’drder 41
the oo6~8Ieeionereaourt thurtoiora pammd.
‘It hen. bean bald, aa I un4eretead It,
thst the aounfy~taxueurer is.ns~srtholess on-
~titlsd to omapamstion for itandliagapealel
tuade whloh are .aot county fufde euoh ee
tun4e for leroe and drabage Laproreaeat tie-
triotr and m like. Therefore the queatloa , -
here la se I eee it, era the runds or a
rpef~islroad ,dfetriat,areetrd froa~e polltb
eel subdlvisl4~ of the oountr, oouty rtid8,
If they ara, it would awna ti .ma $0 foUovi
-that the. acuutp treeeurar would not be en-
titled to ‘~edditloaalocwenrrtioa Tar handl-
3116 t&es f’unilei Artlola 7520 providea. that ;
ths.‘oo0aty troeruMr la 0uetoUeu of euoh
fund8 hnd ehall .dqporlf them with the ooqnty
depoelto~ irr tha nene aenuar ae oount~ fun&s “”
w d+8it8a. &Mole 752~ &roriderfoi’ Thor
paym?~oat or sueb fwde:by th8 aowxty tmi
ew6rupiaxprop6ruemntednna upn~*
road fun& Article 752r protilbae- .An$ road
di& fTi&
o ra ny
p o lltb nub
a l a i.Yielo
lo a ep t
bag the gdwislann of ,thisaat.shall bq a .
body osrporet6 an&w lua end be 6u6U in~l&ke
SFlM6Z am eountle8 ~' Thto eat epmere to hsrm
bean paitied fin 199$. Tha Supreme O+rt In :
Winder Bree fa* atgml3.q 3.2 8 V l27 et&or
tha6 a road dbtriat of e eouaty MY ‘bo
oorpokete~ or the 4oeor%ptlon lpbj 8-r
enlhainie~tiv6 derioe ot'thr 6ouatr
aFrw them ~etatutee site4 end from the
oonetr+eticm pleaea thucron br the owr$s It
weme eleer’ ta m6 that tlm heudllng of 8h6
fun&e oi a epeaiel:md .dietrlot~ areated from
a poutioil eubdiiiaioa of th6 aounty 10 as
much the duty oi the oouaty tree6umar ee the of aqp ether aountr fun48 aad the,
aouaty.treawrer would not ba amtl&lsd te~ad-.
ditfoaal o~ahlw 80 FIeeM'Or the r~6%Y-'
ineen4p e y inj$
o ut6f lueh
fundp r *
Bonorable xu&M Braaj, Pege 3
Wbhave.oerbfolly ooneldered
the etntuteeand
'~'oeeeeiwmtioned 'in your letter in corkmotion aith aartaln
~rovlaione of Artib&e 3912s,,Vemm’a Annotated Ciril Gtet-
utba :end our 0plnio11so. 0.2940, 8116agrvrs~11thth8 80~.
olaeIon reeohea by, you.
3eotlon~3 ~0r &Ft&Olb .$l2*, eupril, pvnidbe in
"In ell'oeeee w&e& the Co.3zniselonere~
CoWA 6hall h8Va detrrz&md ‘that aounty offir
osre or prsolnat offlobrr of ouch county eheU
be aomponeated Sor their eerrlooa by the gey-
m&t or an annual celery nsiths~ the stOtb.Of
Texas nor any .county a&e.t bo chargad with oy
pay to nAy of the'offioere so oonpMeeted, any,
fee or 04m&38~0n rot tho performanos or any
or.alI df tiw duties 61 the&z orfloes but euah
oifleore ehell reoelr~ aaid selery In lfnu 02 :
all other r$c)a, eoi5rafeelcme or aozpeneatlon
rhlah they uwld otherelos be authoriwd to xe.
taint . . . provided fqrther, that the.provly
el4rwo~ thie Bbetlon. ahsll.not arf00t tit10 jmy-
rant or ooete ,$eolvll aeeee by the Stetb but,
all euah ooetn.$0:peid ehell be aaoounttd tar,
by. the offioere~aollcotlzigthe eese, ee thes
nra requlnd under the proriaio~ of this :&oat
to eaaount Mr fbbn, oowdeeioae sod ooate
eoUeoted .Xmn grirete pertiee."
saotloA 13 or.8aia hrtio1s 39l.20provider ~4.kfiti:
*Tha i%midsrlonere* Court ir,eouatlee her-.
iag a popale*ion of Gun thouennd (20,000)
lnhebitante or sore, and ass then om hund.re4 :
end~nltkitt~.thoueend ~13O.,OOOIi@iabltente eo-
cording to the leet.preobdlng Fe&ral Cszutm,
la herebr euthm'ized end it ehell be it8 dtiji?
to tlxthq eelnriae of all the tollowlr& nnemd
offlabre, ttwwitl eheriLt, ~see~eore and ooL
lbotam~'o~ taxbe, aoanty jtulgb,bouutr attox-
rug, l.~cluiUngarimkiel 4letirlat attiorneyeand
couutr ettoraege who pbrl’orn the duthi of di8-
tr io tltto r nny e4istrlat
, b lsr k ,o o unty
a la r k
tr b a eur er , a&d es& & a lwpbotor.
b ids l Xeah .a#
raid ofiloer~ ehell bs plti in #m&y an snnoal
Boaorablb Xwuaa Bndy, Peg0 4
celery in tuelve (121 kquel lnutaU5bntr or
not,leea than the t~tel etM earned all oonw
psr;aatlon by him in hi8 ofriolal oepaoity for
'the fLeaal your 1935, and not sorb then tha :
-,~t&emouut eUow8d ewh orrlobr under law8
on Ata,ynet.24,1935. .-• ."
not* that goa state: NTherefore the &etion
we It era the fund8 of a eproiel road dletrict,
6 pou~iosl stibdlrlefon or the ooority,~~oouuty
For the purpose of this opinion ub do not thlak
ft la nboresary to pees on thlb propoaltion. It the road
: dietriat fund8 era oountg fuub, the oounty tmaeurbr la
ol4barl.y not entl.tX& to anp aaamlaeloa Soor. hemlUng them
uudbr ,&he bxpreee provleione ~a? Art(clb 39l20, .eupre~ If
Thor are not sounty .funde end there ir no tatatute that wa
'.hare bben eblo to find elhlw the trbeeurar a ommleslon
f&r handling them, then the txeeeurer oennot oalloot a om-
mImion, Star nom ha8 beea Siud and it &es bti em& ais
duty to moi~o and 4lmburse said funds by Artiolb 7520,
b*isrsOith4~ ioregoing, fti&mOpirriolrthat
th elWYO etatodq ua r tio
n bi aneuer8d
la t!'i&negetiYe,
anait la 110anwaxod.