Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ,ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN maomble Luther c. Jobnnon ooonty Attorney, Anusrwn munty Faleatinr,TOxarn Thhlr an opinion on wrldsr thets 88 leaI0 f! the 14rwe '2 si%4 entraot*uwith l im c lm-h d xo f a ll mu ilm5 th e‘w4 ll l theiNoel* t, ii kliy,in tha ace a8 fo.be subject lesse*be taxou oa hi8 lam4 owner on hi8 l/&h airingthe TI uwt w4 rrqu*otauthat you e lnstrwmnt 9nquirm!rbaut,to whi68 rou do lnatrttmnt of rrecrd *rutX do not ,lmow re 18 one or whtdhar it im awelp a wlr ha owner Of the leas0 and th6 GWWC of tM vzherob~ tha mur at the &ikt is proossrrl~ The only brais underuhloh the recyallngplant owner aould be awessod for rekl wtkts ed.raloma tax~8~wouldbe for hti to own en lntermt In thr real e8triits or rml.noq-al4i. Ronorablr Lutbor 0. fohnson, pa@ E atfolo 1888, Vernon’8 Annotated Statutes, oomonly known aa the Statute of Frsude,pmvido8 that a oonreyanoe of an lntereet in land murt be 1x1 writing. Article 6887, Vernon*s Annotated Stotutaa, provider ior the moording of all deed8 aad ooavagano4s of interesta in lend. Sinas thera la no oonveyano4 moordsd in the County Clerk'8 offioe eonvsylag an interest in the nlaerelr in question to the rooycllng plant owner and sinoe it lr not knawn that there la a written inrtru- ment d?aroln th6 learae oonvsyed an iuterest in the relnarale to the rsoyollng plant owner, lt is our opinion that the lessee, the rooord owner o? th6 full revan-eightha working interert, rhould be assesmd for the full value of this seven-eiehthr working interest. The tar swwaor 16 not required insofar a8 real estate ir oonoamsd to inquire into oral and wcret qraaments but 1s jurtifled in awsaelng the property a&nst the reoord owner. pYowish to aall pour ettsntlnn to the case of Stats VI. ~uintana Patrolrum C0mpuw, et al., 133 8, K. (84) ll3, by the Suprsma Court of Texa8, whloh doe8 not deal, dimatly with your qubstlon but 1s h6lpful in determlnlng how &~~ral lntcreetr ahould be assesasb partioularly where an oil pay- nant la outatcnndlng. Trurtlng that we ham mmared your gua8tlon fu?ly, wa car0 Very truly pure ATTC- CE?E'RALCF Tp;xAB