OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OR OVLR lCLLCR S mr o ”wlva mNsn*l. Honorablr John ii. Untrrs Sxaoutlra Dlrrotor State Department or Lubllo ~..alran Aurtln 3, Tarao Dear 31r: cpinion No. o-7274 R81 nuthorfty or th oi kblla :,‘rlS 8 obtainedby iradulent on you polntrd out that uld not aoorpt rsFaymemt girt or approxiaatrly 82,000. alfzs that thr prinolple would probably v:fXittJOr the proparty ia in the fOrn Or Via #hall apprrolats your opinion, in resprot to tha authority of the tteto ?3partmnt of :ublio i’:alfars to aoorpt real astata from one of the nolpirnta. fionorabla John Ii. ;4ntars, faga 2 “Ii nal proprrty &y ba romptad, would It mote rv 4lttrnner 81 to ulnthrr thr Da~artmrnD ir gitoa ludlatr title to thr property, .Or ii the tramtu lr rihotlw upon the drath oi th6 n- olpl.Bat? Would it lpah any ~ittuonor it the tranr- tar lr an tb tora ot l deal to h rttortlrr upon tha &mrrthet thr nrlplrat or ia the ton ot l WlllLt ‘I? the Ikpu’tmrnB &@rr~hori8ad to aooopt rtlah I (iit, who un4u uir In mall k rwponmlbk tar the roorptanor and utlllsation ot npon the ltfootlrr data of ttu tzanstor?g VW-hrn rxmlnnrd mocltorirttill~the Pub110 Kaliar8 Aot ot 1941 (Artlola 6950, t.AA.8.~) but RW not rbh to find any authorlsatlon to thr Daprtmant to roorpt or hold tlth to ma1 ratate, nor ocm ruoh powar br inrpliad to it from tha {~:m; dutirs end f’unotlonr gnntad uid kpond npon lt by * Thuo la nothirrg la law, howrror, whioh would pn- rant tranrfarrlug the tltl8 to ma1 lq tute to a tru8Uo, with lnstruotlons to hli: to arll tha proprrty rid dali+ar th@ pro- orsds to the fmk Treamru, rho, uadrr oration 27 (2) OS tbs not, is authorlrrd to norlw moaayr ior the brortlt ot tha funds nauud ln said hotion 27. It would Mkr no dlrfrrrnor rbthar t2bir transtrr to tha trn8t.o ba ada $B orarrrnt& Or to to& m8Ot 8pOI.Ithe dreth of the roolplsnt, or aedr by thr ~111 of t&a ?8oipirnt. Tow8 Tut tzu1p APPROVED J-UN 20 1946 ’ AmFan GEmERAL OF TEIhs