Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

AUSTIN. TEXAS ,.- In CRAP OpbiOn tb. O-3448, 6 Copy Gf uhfch iasat- tached hereto for ytnarconvenlsnac,ve held that the office of Cotmty Attorney did not automaticallybeccme vacant u?m the fauluctlenof the Lacuabent into the nray. Us ftirthep bld that the above referred to offlclalYB~Ientitled to hia sela during the term of his offfoe or unttl a vacancy rns eateb 7 lehed. In the cese of Namflton v8. xfng, 206 F. w. 357, it 1s 8tatrb input, "T&me eon be no doubt of tha aorrectnena of tlm ocatentlonscadsbr appellant t&t the Ccllrmris- t1lc7nern*Court of a County fn Uris State lrtano authoFty or pwer to move t~la office any Oounty official or to declare a pacemy in eny ~aeh office, buteuehsptbority aeema tobe veeted alone ln the msttict court. * . . Aster very earMu investi- ptfm, w -lmvo bsen unable to find any statute of 4w.e str%e OrprovtiLm QftheCoaettt;utlanvhtch dwm08 the w sbrwc0 fr0a, th6 cmty or 0828of tta offfclala, rho shall be exIga@ 8e a private lolQf6r ln thsmrlng oftheunlw states, ehall Crank a wlcan@J In ths office of 8UCh officlall sad, fa the abwnw af enx wah prcwlr*l.azi, we are of ths opl.nlw that the CewLs8lonsm' ceurt Ln tbia l.nstance had no ,wthority to Qoulare the b?- flw OS Cwnty Attermy muwt, and to appaint ap- prllee t-hereto,but tkusb,in the absence of euch p~~*l~lcm,the authority to detewlne and dscl.are rush quwtlw m vest& La the Mstrict Court of 3abiae Cow&J..a It Level1 eetabll&ed in this StetatbattbeC~aa- mla~lonera*Courts are cmwte of lisl:tudjurisdictionmd poeseee only such power aad authority tkst is gjlvenby the statutss and Ccmstltutlcn crfth3.sState sxprwtly QC by iss- p1icatioia. It l* otm oplnicm that under ths fasts autasitted byyuu, the Camisaicum-s ' court of lamer county ean not declare that r vacwcy exists in the office of Cuamty Attarmq upon his wtorlng th6 ollltary servZcs and that until.a va- aaacy 1s entab~ldmd the County Attoracry14 entitled to hlr pay601 the Cmmty, although hm has eater&i the m11i.tm=f-' . bl TisW Of OUl'IEtl8Wl'tQ~S!Ul'filVhtQU#tf~,W@ do not that ft ir neesssary to aaawr the second q-ss~- think tiaPIstat8a. &sretofQl% th5.sQepaPtmentho vrittwn sr*emkl ap3niimswmwrlngquwtl~ mieilartoth6quwtions pn- sent5d in ywr inquiry,which w thlrikwppQrt8 ths aooclu- SiQn rwuhwi in thlm oplnicm. Tkxwfors,vedlmztyuur rtteatlen to those+oplalolmandsocles* cople* of th6 name foe our awvoalww. Thwa qJf.niwaare Nos. O-3693, o-3080, t5, o-3295, o-3448 WQ o-3743. Trwtlng that th6 fotagolrkg fullJ Bnawsr8 your tn- uuw* w - Youw wry twl$ .,. p$:ii;:.;:,. .:.,,.,: : ATTORNEY@-OFTlZAS AUmptet &X21. APPROVRD &AR 24, 1942 /a/ Mover Ssllerm