Ronorable L. A. Woods
State Superintendent oi Pub110 Inatruotion
mustin, Texas
Dear Sir; opinion m.m347a Ii
Re I Whetha ~Senate’Rll;L
SO?, 48th-L*, repeals
part of f%t creating\
/School. District relat-
in&to assigment cf
Wagce. i
xn yours lettnr or sum 20, 1040, you direct our
attentlcn to 9. 3. S?&.,Ch, 230, p..674, Special Lsws, 39th
L%*, oraatlng the T!arti Worth Independent School District.
In Section 33 thereof $t is proviaed that *no nssignnent of
wages shall be bindi.% upon or reco@aed by said board (of
trustees 0r the ,dlskriot. ).” You request our opinion as to
whether or not the quoted :~rovlaion has, been repealed by
S. 9. 297 Ch. 13, at.,p. 202;~ Goneral Lme, 46th Legislature,
30otion8 i-qd 2 ot.yhioh read (H to~lovm \
“\V /p
‘: _’
~/ w,Sf?2TZOlJ 1. Deifnitibn - Tesoher .and Sohool
4iqdOY?0. ,me term5 -*teaohm* ,and *Sohool em-
tp1oyes,v wlthiu,tbe provisions 0r,thi5 dot s&Q11
be hold and”deemBd to embrace and inolude any pcr-
soa emp.loyed, by,,,‘azqPubllo School System, ‘Indspen-
dent Sohool District, or CorolnonSchool District,
in this State in an executive, adminietratlve, or
olerioah.@K~aoitp, or as a superintendent, principal,
teacher, or lnstruotcr , and any person employed by a
university or oollege, or other educational lnstitu-
tion in an executfve, abmlniatrstive, cr oleriocl
oapeo1ty, or a8 a professor, or lnetruator, or in
any siailnr capacity.
“sea. 2. ,~JI
aaslgzent, transior, pled.Te or
airribr instrument executed by any teaoher or se:7001
sap1oye9, merein any mltiry cr -5nqe6, 132any in-
Ronarable 5. A. Wooda, page 2
tereat therein or pert tereof, thsn due or-whioh
may become Cue to suoh teaaher or sohool employee
under an existi? contmot of employment, shall be
valid, and enforceable, provided that such ossign-
mat, transfer cr pledge be in writing and aoknow-
ledgad in the 8&m@ manner al requirsd for the ao-
knowledgmsnt of a deed or other instrument for re-
giotretion,and provided turther that'ii suah in- -~
sfmment be exeoutad by a Flrrried person it ~21811
also be exeouted and aoknowledged by his or her
epouse in such manner. Suoh an assinnment,
.a tmns-
fer, or pleaae shall be valid only to the extent
that the indebtedness seaured thereby is a v31id
obll&atlon. Any school district, college, univer-
sity, or other educational institution, Pounty
Super atendent, or any disbursing agent t.ereior
shallf be authorized to honor such cssiqment without
being subjeot to any liability tkcefor to th tesoh-
ar or sohool employee so eseouting suah nssic&?ont:
and any aum paid to any assignee in aocordance with
the terms of my suoh sasl,qnzent ah211 bo deexea to
be a payment to or for the aooount of such teacher\
or school employee; but such aseiqn~ent stcll be
valid and enforceable otily to the extent of any aerl-
ary whioh may be due or may beaome due and earned
by suoh tomksr or 8ohool employee durl-ng the oontinu-
ante of his or her~~employment by ruoh sohool diotriot,
coilego, university, or eduoaticnsl instltritlon.*
You will nctioe that S. E. 297 aontaina no expreaa
reforenoe to the S>eoiijl ilot oresting tke Fort Korth Independent
School District, nor for thot matter to apeoial aate in general.
There is a large field of opemtion for S. 3. 297, a general
rtatute, without its being made applloeble to sohool distriots
created by 3Deoiul acts oontaining oontrary provisions 3uch as
T-7,n. 5213, 39th Ieg., areatin@ the Fort Xorth Indepezdent Cchdol
'Khile a specio11 sot is repealed 3,~'subseo;lent leglsla-
tion which contains an express repealing clause or tLst ctkt:rwise
manirest6 the intention or the I~e+3ltitsre to repetll it, gner-
ally the enactment of a general l&w does not ordlnzrlly operate
IIonorsble 1:. 8. Yoode, p"fe 3
aa a repeal ef e partioulm or sgboial ILW, by inglicntian,
although bath relcte to the BCI~~ subject mttet. Yostbrook
OP. ?.!lasoE?i-Texaelam? and Irrigatfcn Co., 195 S."il. ilsr;
Sullivan.vs. City of iCalvesl;on,17 S. S. (M) 478, aff. 34
S. ?V, (EE) OOCI~ Fcrtlnberry vs. State, 2@3.~S. 7:. 146, C$n-
eiesion of Appeals; Towneend vs. Farrell, 16 S. W. (Ed) 1063,
Comutission of Agpeole; 39 Tex. Jur., p. 1491 59 C. 3,. p. 913.
The aituatLm premntad by tfie acts mdar oonsidara-
tion falls aquarely within the abcve ,-onoral >rlnoiples and
your question mat be annwered in the negative.
CleUIl E. 1,6WiS