Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -c.- -,- Xonorable Goargo R. Sheppard Comptroller OS Pub110 AWIOUltB Austin, Toxna Dear Sin In your letter of ou oall our atten- tion to the plVVieiOn8 of eg., being oh. 403, quert our opinion You adriee that perate*and mln- talna the brick ed in the f‘rieon SyMaJa 0nly;not ring briokr to other State inat~tutlons, no 4 the fnduetrial Revol*lng the amount of $SO,OOO.OO em in the purohasing oi sup- lent, shoe and print 6hop and of flniehed produote a8 pmid- on Bill for et&l spItem. . ." nrrar we understand that the question the Taot that the briok plant does 8 produota and 63onsequently *ama no in- e revolving rund map br replenished. Thor0 daa bo no question but that the briok plant l.8 an industry, 8ubjoot to the brnrfltr of tha got. Purttennorcb, it la l ucllly olear to ua that the Legirlature had no intention oi l&iting the use oi the fun& to the purohese of rupplise Ronorable Gecrge Sheppard, page 2 and materiala tot euoh lnduatrlsa aa should be able to produoa an inaome out of whloh rxpenditx-as from the fund oould ba relmburaed. Aftnr all, the operation of t.ha whole Prlaoa System ia Stata’s buaineaa, end it would be just aa muoh to the State’s Interest to be able to get the advan- tage of oaah purohsaa of auppliea and matarlala for an in- dustry whioh au?pliea the ?rlaon System only with its pro- duota and conaequeotlp ahowa no lnoome, aa to make ouch purohaaea for an industry whloh aelle to other State in&i- tutlona or other8 and hsa an inooma. Thcro would be poor raaaon ior mdciy a diatinotion and the’ Aot does not at- tempt to do a?, It is our oplnlon, thererori; that said revolting -4 may be used in We purtihaas of auppliea and materials for the brick plant. You will note howerar, that tha Aot authorize8 only the purohnaa of suppl!.aa and materials not *supplies and WJUJ:ra.* . In our opinion itnasmplated that Only thos8 08 and materials aonauned in the operation of the rari- oua lnduatries might be paid for out of the rerolrlng fund. Aa applied to the brlok plant, this would inalude suah things aa the raw mmteriela going into tha brick. Traveler’s Ins. Co. vs. Pillage o? Ilton, 23.3 El. Y. S. 206; Standard Gil Co. va. Detroit Fidelity and Surety Co., 157 L $7. 418, Ohio; So. Surety Co. *a. Xetropolitan Sewerage Commission, 201 B, IO. 980, tYiai Commonwealth va. Xationel Surety Co,, 97 A, 1034, Pa; Royal Ind. Co. ?a. Day’&El. Co., 150 N. E. 426, 44 6. L. R. 374, Ohioi Am. Ind. Co. PII. Surrow8 Bdw. Co., 191 S. V. 574; 00 C. S. 1166-68) 39 C. S. 1508; Senklas Edw. Co. ia. Glob8 Ind. CO., 170 S. 2. 643, N. 0. We think fuel olio and gas used In pxunUc:oturi.ng the brick would also be lnclud- 84 in the term. Smith VS. Oeating, 203 N. bra 131, Xfchi over- man and Co., ~8. Karylaad Gas. Co., 136 9, XC. 250, R. 0. f Standard Oil Co., va. &tlonul Surety Co., 107 So. 559, %%a. The word Nropaira* haa a different meaning generally from either of the words uaed in the Aot, Ordlnerily it mean8 a replscemeat or r.ending. 8e6 64 C. J. 396. The amking of repsir may fnrclre a labor oost. Aa applied to thr brick plant, it may inolucs oertaln materials, but suoh will not ba Bonorabla 04org4 Ii. SboFparQ,pug4 3 matarla1.r tar44 or oonrueed in thr opemtlon of thr fnau8try, thr rnaani~~~which 4 reading OS thr Act a8 a who14 o6n~lno48 urnwas intrndad to be divan the word naetrrlal.a Th4 au- thoritier oitad 4441 with oontmotor*a bon68 and aatarial- maa@ Urn8 and am of llmitad applloation,but thar do ‘how at laawt thr dlrfrraneain aean~n&whloh tha wcql may ban. The ournnt Approprfatlon Aot, Oh. 6 p, 7 (at p, 180), Aotr 46th Lag., 4arriea an appmpriatiorr iot m4cn8truetlon matar- la18 urd 8uppli48,* on8 for *mehim ‘hop matar and ‘up pllrr,* and on8 for .8hco rhop matrrlrlr an4 8uppli48,w another on4 for General Bupport ~6 l$aintananoaj~ tha 1999 appropriation bill aontaiaad 8imflar proolaloar. Aot‘ 1957, p* lM4. Fwthsmorr, it would 84411 that tha ara8 to km aat by tha Aot erastin& thr r4tolrin@ fund ua8 non p?onoimooU a8 to suppliar and aptaria aoarwnad In tha opamtion o? th, rariou.8 lmlustriar of the Prlron Syatam than as to materialr used la rapairingtha plaata. tid, lb ir also thought that no tipaataraarlng oould ba lffeetad In xaaking eaah pureha Of Mterialr for making rapair in p-iron induutriar than with r48paot material8 u44d la npairing to other parmanantbuild- fng8, and lmprorcrraent8balongiw to tha Stata. Our an8war to our quaatian is that luppll48 anti ma- tar1418 wad by the br I ok plant mar b4 paid for out of tha r4TOlTiry fund, but that rapsIr to tha plant may not ba 80 paid, Tour4 raw truly ATTORHEYOTZ?ERAL OF TEXAS APPROVEDJUN 27, 1940 eRLlx? , ATTORNEY GEILEEAL 03 TIiXA4