Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

TEE ATITORNEY GENERAL OFT!EXAS Iionorablcho. EI. t;heppard t’omptrolleror Public Accounts Austin, Texas ikmr m, SP.eppard: Opiuion tlo.O-2455 hr lu[ay the Board OS Directors of axa college Of AZ-to and Isdustrfer l.zMW.ly pay to the seoretary 0r the B0ard a salary aa ses- r%tary, ULdllkoria~ pay to him rmunoraflon rat eervlces in ~0naectWn with t&s mertisatiea of dOrnitQQ'bZbdS WXH.Wiitt "The Secretary of the Baud of Direotore of the Texas Collage of Arta and Xndurtrie8 livea in Kingsvi~le nhara this inrtXtution irr located. ISa in called tqon to devote a loge number of hours sack rlionthto duticlrconnected dtb the cbllege. Se fr also the dheotor of the bond fand account that is set as&de to amortlse the donaftorfrr built under ths Pub- lib Biorks Admfnfatratlonr “2. Csn he le+lly draw rer-lunerctfonfor his time aad efforts fn conueotion dth the amortlrntfon of the domitorisa bond accmnt, provided the Board oi i.4.reotora so orderat" 1%~ 'iotasCollege of Arts and Induatrlsat Kingsville was ormated by 5.53.No. 293, ch. 286'0f the regular aeaaion /+l.at.Lag., 1929. (Vernon*s Cfv. Stat., Art. 262h-1 to 7) "The Zotid of Dlreorors .alull organbe by electirq;a President of aaid Board of Erectors, and auoh other officers aa they may desire." This Sectfon &a a vary ixportan.tbkmrlng on the ~estioz propoilndedby.,you,Pnd its conatruetion, therefore, Ia lmperatlve. At mmna,~wo thluk that the i,oa~iOf Hxoctora aa a pr~llmainaryto tne transaction of thsir statutory duties, ins&l organire the Board that it may fun&ion properly, by electing f?m ths wssbera a Preaidsnt, and such ether efSlosra aa may be deair- able. There la a diatinatlon between the Beardaa au& and the institution of rhiuh the Boaad la given statutory control. Tha oqanlaation of the Board pertalna to tha Board*a internal sffrira, and haa no diretotoonneation dth tha funatlona or statutory duties of tha Board in aontrollint:the Wllegs. Tha Preaidant and aua?~other officma as my be nsceaaary are te be elected from tha amaberahIp of the Board, and tha dutiaa of au& Praal- dent and other officer8 aa are thua elhoted me thoae auparlmpoasd upon the partlaular dlxwotoaa aoaeptlug the olYlaee in the Board thus dealgnsted. mat ia to say, tha duties parfozmad reapactively by the Prealdant and bg the Searetary era the duties of auoh persona aa directors e1acti.dby the Board to those apeolal poaitiona. The Dfrector-Prealdent and the Dirsctor- Beoretary are thus atatutmy civil officers of tiis State, perfoxmlq an kaportazatfunotfon fn the dia- charge of a ,;overmental prsro,gative;they am not privatsly created poaitiona of employment. "In the a:~aence of express conatltu- tlonal provislon, the conxgenaatlonof of- ficers (as contra-dlslixqtiahsd frorziam- poyeea) zust be fired by the LoSislatum, or by aom3 governing body which has bean expreaaly authorlsed to do so. The power of the courts to sllow a raaaonable com- gcnaation for oervices performed bg om iudlvidual at the request of another, whore the Oonapeneation 1s not fkxed by contract, does not exist in regard to the feea of p;lbllc offioers, in tha ab8eaoe of en expre8e t;raht of authority; mad the f'allure of the Leglalature to exercise lte oon8tlt&onal power to provide for the scompan8atlon of offlaer8 aannot clothe the courta ~5th eutlrorlty to act." -- 34Tex. Jur. P. 506 6 103. It 1s a foenlliar rule of law that &ore the law oreatlng an office does nokprovlde spaoifi0al.l.y for lees to be charged by the officer, or other con- pen8atlonl he 1s not authorized to charge or oolleot 8UOh fee8. 34Tex. Jur. pp 522-524, S S l.U, l& Th8rS aI'% 8eVeI%&CrltOrl8 Wh.tCh bV% b.an PI- sorted to ln determlnlng whether a pemmon Is a publia oirloer or a mere emplo~e, ohlefest of whloh are the delegation to the pamon filII-i.ng the po8ltion of 8olW part or the ilOV%lw power or runda0n8 of govemna4nttD be axeralmd b tar the benefit of the publio, and 8 ten- ure or cantIn%uoun cmrvlacs rather than an o4oralonnl exer- else of the @tiera of the poeition. See *Offioer# &6 Car. Jur. p. 9213 $i'% 19, 20. 21. So, aho, of aourme, 18 the f'urth%rChaPeOterist~o that the po8ltion if oreoted by law le ordinarily an ofSloe, whereas if are&ted merely by aontrr%Ct, it 18 ordlnmlly a rmre @@putU& 88e 8ame authority Q 22. see aho our opinion BO. 2226. It is not eaeentlal to the areation. of M office that the incumbent be required to give a bond-- our i)overnor and our .judgea me not required to give bond-- nor 18 it incumbent that an ootb of office be take% The8e are merely additloual lndlcla of public office, rather than emp&mer& We conalude that the Secretary to the Board of Dire&use of Texas College of Arts end Indnetrles ia a 01~11 officer under the law. Epon theee conelderations, we rs8ppectfully ad- vise that.the Board of Dlreotros of Taxae College of Arts and Industriee may not lawfully pay to Its Seoretary any salary or compensation whatever for the rervicea perfomed by h&iI ti 8UOil Cap8Clty. frO8I Whbh it fO11W8 that both of your q.zestionashoul.dbe 8nsmred in the ne;:ative; BY da Oale Sp8er Oole Spew A88lstant