mur ti oux htorpr*%a-
tion or th4 r0rt1 1 Tax lmf (3scbton
13, istio1e 9048 tuta*))unbr
e4rtdn rmw 1, for aonvaol6aoe en8
oonnecbion with the
on gelmtall~ i8 esthor
oL8rod aLl8us68 in 60nnaa-
rehiolee, tioti only to
of fhi8 state, but 8160
the 64mwtbetl
. Rive ol maah
. and fn oonneation with oaah
ba authorlmd to Irma
warraata in nael 3x aefubl olabf4
tilid ior P motor furl usad rar
oper*tlng a ty or the ~it.0 rerwred to la the tin
itas abom ’ (Artfol* Toa, Section Mu)”
3eatLon W, I\rOlole 7068, Vertwnta uuiotatml Qlvll
Statutes, inoluder wrlthln it8 alght mbreotlona ,611 aC th6
t&l-s5 a%¶ ~roYln~On8 regulating the x8urklng
anb tilWWa@ Of
refund alrimr by the State for taxan oolleatbd 5ri tb aah Oi
sotor ru0i wlthio the stat4 for ufm under osrtafn eopditlona
~QAVtW4ly, it 18 8Ur QpintOa t&t tha tUI B?l
~motor tuel wad Sor the urpowr und under tbe ooaditZon4
r&tad la aubllvl~i8n (bP of y8ur lift% quurtlon, wul.4 nob
be ruhfsot 80 refud boammo the aaotor vehiaio UM~ here
1s *operated or lntamtsrl to 50 opuuted lea whole or in part
upon tbr B1&wayo, roads rr4 rtrttots of this :%ato.*
~cbhoiid u-a ik OOmif0tf0~ ah rambg op4mhw3, w 40
not t&k it i&r *traotor w4& for atgicultun~ pawpo448,m
wlthla the amtorylatior of the nfund grovlafona,becaom
it 1s OOn8tl'U4t.& and 864i@I@3 ior tSUWJVOFti~ PrOPB'tY
t@on w&l along tbe hk$iwayr 4f tha State, and nlaht be 44
a+lVentrnt&f tlS%d b7 ~OtitSMtOS8 OS OtttoP ;arSollS tPUlI8-
pmtlnG piOg4l?t7 by tPt@l.llP,a0 br fUEi@l(l. It i8 Wt th0
6h6a Of ;41r66n6 u8hQ3 such tructor nkioh 1s dbt4tinatlm
4r lta ln41u4lon la the ratis prsrrlslonr or thr law,' but
ratkar th4 ~68 to rdrlak roah traotor i6 put*
Xlth crieren& to the two OutstaAaing o;rlnloa4
of this DeprrtmeQt adwrteab tD ln your lofter, tk4 firat
undu date 0r Iby 7, 19W, 4aiI tb8 oihar of 4ata June T,.
lQS3, both dLreOt%d t6 pu, rc)
glwn, 94~8~~4~04~to erurul*