"The court &a.?.1have mwer to Ii11 vacan-
afe# fo thk orhm ai8 County J&se, Couuty
Clerk, 8herl$f, County Attorney, County Tmasurcr,
County Surkyor, County Hide Inspootor, Assoasor
Of Tame, Colleotoc of luas, Justioes o-ct2e
Poaoe, Constablecr,and County Su~arintendeat of
Publio InfHzuti$ioa. &oh vtoa%oi4s lrhallbe
filled by.a ahjority vote 'or the mar&era of
aaid’~ourt( present aud rotfng. MU the porsm
ohoeea ahall hoia.orrioe until the next ,rtneral
Article 292T, Revleti Olvli Statutes, 1925, proridorr
'No.poraon ehdu: b ellwble to cay State,
oounty, prroindt 05 munloip~l omar in this
State unlesd.he shnll be~ellgibls to hold office
unaer the Censtltutlon or thfe state, and unless
ho @hall have rsoideU'l5 this State for the
period of twepm aohtb and 8%~ months 5.nthe
aountp,'prooldot, or nunioipalttp, in whbh he
uffere himeelf 6~ a dan&iate, next prm5Uing
any general or 8peoia.leliotion, ana shen hare
beat an aohal bona fld.eoitlsaa of e+id 'county,
preotnatg 'err,atuzbi lity ior aor Uaaa sir
month& E4 118ible to hold office
eha$l evef"h%%name plaoed upon the ballot
at any general or apeoial ele~tioa, or at ay
primary eleotion,whore oandidates are aolooted
under primary election .lars a? ttis State; n&a
~110such tnslfgible~canQidste shall ever be
voted u;1on,nor have votao oountea for,tia, at
any such ~eners~. speaial, or .prlzmryelsotion."
It ia to be observed that there is no roqtireamnt
in the above etatutory and oonatitutlcnal provisions chat a
parson must have a poll tax b&ore ha la ~ualifled to aoaej&
the~orfloe of juetioo or the geaoe r$hentend836 hL2. &Irthar,
w4 have been unable to ~litul any such reqdreze!G 13 any of the
lana of this Stste with regard to tnis particular bXfoe.
3%~ nature ana >wpoee of a poll tay 14 t&at of a
neaeeoary prerequleite to the ri@t cf certoln GWJaatea
olassee to vote. Unleee otherwiae ?rcvidca, the oftlce of
the poll tix is not t+tt of a neoeseary prerequisits to