Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BonoraEle L. A. Wood8 State Superintendentof Pub110 InOtlw0tiOIt Austin, !Fe=s ma Sir: In pur letter utewhetherornottb . 933 being Chapter 10, ihe 4&h Legl8l8ture, or rural high whwl.dlrtriotatibi~ not mere than two hundred (200) orlginel distriut ooqoslng the or rural hi& who61 di&ricrt unit: L. Ar Jhm@; Poe* 2 BOA. LL, A. Woods, pegs 3 fmm the exueptfon am1318, theretare,' not entitled t6 receive tMtirparktiOA aid Under the pl?eSSAt OfJtUlir;&tiOA law, being Bo~~o~B~U~. 933 aforesaid. Our azuver is, therefore, a . YOU. AhO iA&UdS in pOlW l’SQUl?St f&S &hSBl bd&3ndeAt &ho61 Dlstriet.and plnce the facts are the sa~8 vltlirelsmnoe to It as to~thk Ragor Indspendaat&ho01 Dlstriot, the ansver vouldbs lib ssms. Yours very truly AtwmtEr~oFap(AB BY QlhnR.Lewls AMisteAt