Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAG AUSTIN Bononble 8. A. Ifnbgea County Auditor w1111aauon county Qeorgeteu, Texas y 8alarf, until at is rrdr by the ' mm6, an eoun- And a related ion 150.G-5001 Mt. 326q-R.C.S. r0rni me, under the abore ~rt.and the tollewIng-, Coaml~~i~nerncourt hero lo&al thb Critial uiatriot httornqv y uutil the appointed i8 made by ' CoUl'taB County A%ruey? The next mrlary payment bei= *&roh 1st. 1943. "2. Will the State Coqmwller have legal authority to reinltthis County the portion of the funds approprlakd tor payment e10the salary OS th* Crldnnl Distriat &&tommy until t&r appoint- ment is made or a Oounty Attommy? “* . . .* *Thle 0mp ea o ret P alo6rufc iitia dla ~ .l r lo a t t- torrwy or osunty a1Qtarueyp~rtomta& the dotlea OS dl8trIot attomay, togathor with %ha oonsjmnu- tlon OS his aaiWsta&a, sitall be paid out or the County O?Sieow~ Salary Fund, State shallbat the pay into such fund each ywr ra arisountequal to a an *Ioh bears the aam proportion to the t&l 8alary oi auoh orirrinaldintriot attorney or ooun- ty attorney pbrfowlng tha butiu or a dlatrfct lttornoyv togotker ritb tha 8alary of his asslataata. as all falony f-8 oollaotedby 8uch offlclslldur- ing the year or 1935 be&r8 to UB total ieo8 ool- leated by such otiloia& dprlag &uoh your.- % Or 8OUSO BU.l TiOW Or the iOryPln(t pX'OV181OSl Soi 2?l, it I8 our oplaion that tho Stat0 Ceaptrollw 8qma, 18 authorlao to Bdm ag&WtiOEWoXLt8 to 8ount1ea when tho ocaaty OrrieU8 are paid 8aluio8 rad rhare there 18 8 *rim- hkl u8tri8t attOWoy rb0 h&i~ 8-b OrriO by T~~UO Or a Tslll statute or a county 8ttBlW$? JMlriO~ th8 &Me8 of a U8triet 8ttcwney. I@jvotu, It im wr fQrther ophiion that the State Comptxvlllar is not authorhod to rko appw- . ti-t8 U aUtre?iZrd by 88&a prOTh.iOQ Of &Q8* Bill -0, r;rl,bretoron I!&OBtiOBOd, rlun the *CrSmIml Bidriot .At- tM'Jl8~ gPr@ti8 t0 hold 8I#r Ofti UUIiUsO tiWli& Stat- .,:.:‘,.:.:. ,4rprp0wUw 8mnet lrgko l&k .ata. .&I ot!wz.:larQs,. tke..S~&ute :,:...:~:,,;::,:... lpmtioawats to ooQ~tlu wh8n tb aCrimiaal bistrI*t At- tOWOf* RUq&bm~ t0 hei& 8&i airs08 br Th?tUe Or mitim 326q,VOraoa'8 danektUt Citil&%fktUti8. wo 'hro bun tnforabd by tho Oonptroller*~ Thpart- rant that th~.D&H!JWiICWiOI8~~' OOin?;Or wiiii~~~ i?OUK&yitas now appointeda Countr AttomeJ. If tha County Attorney psr- row8 the dutlm 0r a 418trIot lttoraoy f0r 8uoB oounty It 18 OQr OpiQiOQLlthat tho cltato r3omptwllor 18 authorized to make apportlomants to 8uoh oouuty a8 allmod by SratIon 19. I$s.8;8~IllSO. 271, 8Upr&, MdOr the SootIon tltlod Judlol~~ - Doaptrollor*s~Dep8rtme*. TORN Tory truly ATTORWEYO- OF T'SAS APmovF.D WAY 18, 1943 00rsla c. YIM BY (SUmed) ATTORWXY UESEIUL~ TEXAS Ar4l.11 Wflliai~ h48i8tUlt /-4 AW:mp M:pZB APPROVED Encl. opinions CoBQItte8