;dcretary, Bailroad Coniaisslon of Texae
t1n ) Texae
imar 51rI
Oplnlon Eo.
a61 are0t of Inters co rce’
Aot on i ovs.Bloos or xae
9 tetuto, Art1 e .006,
fif&% Statutes.
Comlasion, would ha f the Texas
titl-Ease :itatute.
partlouiariy wheth
Comeroe Act off8
In Texas under Ar
ot Texas to Issue ves, widors cr depen-
dents or e~$oyees who are not
o!!panies. This 0plnlon
. o-2300, In which we
vi.1 Ststutss or Texas,
tree transportation or
me to lnterst~ate carriers, 9w3e
hfbitud by the 15terSt3ta Co,meroe
spoified fnetanoeer.” See Sscond
.I in Glwpin.; Car Eertha Or :.:eotione,l&m. C.
530, SW. ‘The Interntnrc Co:~erce Coimi.s;;ion,while it is
loharged %ltth the exeoutioli crnd enforoeneot of the act*
"'Ghore the Cangrew has exprsnsZy enuzerstod special
c1aeeoo or DsFsOn5 or tl;kXY3 tkat I?.S!i
be or IlU.Mtbo es-
~cncrrtl pro-
eclarp3 tha
mod lc the
:::emuat therefore look to t!io 7rovi3ions of the
Inter8tot0 COW:ESCe Aiot to d0terjiinQ shut jx3rsom my receive
fret traaaportatfan from interstute corriors.
Sbaaotion (2) of Saoticn 1 or' the Interstate
iomzeros Aot (Fftle 49, Vnited State5 Code) proviQoa that
the act shall up>ly to thu "trunsportatiou or pasoangers
within the United StatQs", but not "(a) TO ,tbietra5SpOr-
la&l of passengers . . . wholly within one atate , , .P
Subesction (71 of Section 1 of tha Snteretste
domeroe hot providae in part as foll0wo:
*Ko oomzwn aarrler subjsot to the protiaione 0P
thta ohagter, shall, directly or Zndirsotly, i&sue or
glee any interstate free ticffst, fret T~ae, or free
tranaoortation for passengers, except to its eF$loyees
and their famflieo, it5 offfccrn, acents,, sur,reons,
Phpi? CfPJ13) EC(? attornq-o at Zax; , . .
Vrootded furthor, ?bet the terC Vemployeeev as
used in tPLs pczc~,rnp'h ahalL Lacl~uZe Curlou&zA, pen-
olonad, uria 6u~0~a~,ufma ~~~103305,~ . .
". c . &nd tl;e tarm 'fmlllea' an ussd in this
parridraph oh&l. fnol~zde t9 fcnllios of those persons
nmod lr, t::la proviso,, cl50 the f~.millcs of gor5ona
Mllsd, a.rA ihs *.~ldws during widowhood and minor
ohildren &~irq minority of :ierrono who died, ~klle
in the service of any 3uch cmmon oar~ior.'~
yr. c. F. Pet0t, Page 3
lo $WHW3 City Southern “nailroad Cornpunyv. Van Zantl
gbo 6. S;, 459, 468, th% &pr%38 Court Of tii% U&ted
;tatee said with rererecoe to tJii free transportation
paragraph of the Intoratate Caimerce Act I
*Th% prorision tcr passes, with its &motion tn
penalties, Ss a regulation of :ntsrstats aomeroe, to
the oompletion of which the d%t%rmication of the effect
of the pasaes is moemary. Se thick, therefore, ire0
pasaee 13 their %ntirety are taken charge of, not only
the12 gtm!is%ion and use, but the linitatfons a.?d condo-
tiona upon their uses or to put it another way, aad to
sgeoiallz%, the relatfor. of their usera to the railroad
which issued them, the fast and maaur% of rosponeiblllty
the railroad incurs by their isme, and the extent or the
right the perscm to whom issued aoqulree; are taken Qharge
be to intrastate tranlsportation of passengere,
how%~er, the state law with referance to tree pa%%ea still
ap;li%e. New York Central Railroad Co. F. Kohr;ee, 252 U. S.
You are therefore advised that aa to intrastate
transportation or passan$yuv , Article 4000 of the Rev&sod
Civil Statutes bf Texas Ooatrols the ladmanos of fief trans-
pOrtation m’ paer~ee by railroads, a8 stated in ou??opinion
No. o-23oc. AI) to interGate transportation of panoengera,
the provislons qf th% Interstate Commoe Act oontrol, and
the Texas Anti-Eaes Statute is not applicable.
Very truly your0