Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAG AUFTIN Honazabls Sam% E. Kilday, ~irmtor Uotor TraneportstlonDivision Railnxid Commiseion of Texas Austin, Texae Ee rsoslved you which is self-explaxWxwy granted laterat 12148 to Grri t i~owauthbriaer ,etioa%mqu this Opwator, Porn&t tw dixldob end that tfnet pralta be iesued In or the transportationof only, using three trueti, the anspertetionof Farm &t%ohinstry ip50nt, ~0upiag rim3ti2tittkh Wonorable Jam3 3. ltllday,Yn@ 2 &tlcle 811b, -Section6 (d) Of Veruon's ¬ated sIvI.1xatutss, reads, in part, as f0110w3: 9%3 %jilrOab CoxdssIOn IS beerehp given euL!orIty to iosue upon applicatlOnto thoae persoas whcs ~ieslre to en,~agca In tho bushx3s cf transportlugfor hire eve: the h1gLwwayaof this Ztate, llverrtoak, nohair, wool, milk, livestoak fee&stuffs,household:sooda, oil fIel% equip-, sent, an& used oftiae rumiture and el,ulpSent, timber when in It3 natural atate, fern m&in* erjjand grain s2eaIal peruits upon mah, term3, oon&ItIonsan& restrIctslouaa the Railroad Conmis3Ion nag doew proper, an& to mrtkerule3 and re&atioaa gove:'nIn3euah o>eratIoha keepIn,gIn mind the protection of tho hIt@xweys and the safety of thetravelingpublla; . . .* The above artIale gIVC6 th6 TieIlroadCOw~li.5Sfon t&a authorityto Iseue the slaICperatits*upon enah tearma,aondi- 'tions,and m~trfations e3 the Railroad Cozvnlsslou my deen pro&ur, . . .- %e are oi the opinion that the XaIlr"oa& CCEX&SS~OZIhe3 the authorItg uu@.erthe above article to divide~suahpn interstateapaaial oommodity pennit. It nay well be that the &IlmmS fiuommlseiou nay find it neoeosary, in order to mora efieetlvelyrag&ate iuteratatespeaiaf. c&o&Itg notor carriera, to lesue separate pedtis to an ay;plIaaht,whodet3Imm to .hauldifferent &mmoCU.tIesrather than oa9bInIug th3 authority to haul several oom!xodItIoe in the "9 permit. NothIng In thle oplnlon shall be construe& BP hold- in2 that any pev:tau,rim or ao~oration oan hold eevaral permits without eoqlyiq with the prorfeions of the beotor u"srrIerdat with respsat to the peyment of the neaeesary feea, ate., whiah are prarequisitato the abtaiS5~ of eaallperait. Yours very truly APPROVEDMAR21, 1940 *&-