i . .
Honorable Emer L, I&me8
County Attorney
iihoeler, Teras
cabillty of the
ler aot to nn
0 AOA ri?rtidSAt OWtlf3S
Of 8
re~lstarod in the state of
or oause to bo operetaa
Texas an an *OcaRsional
tura is defined with-
truok In thie state
en6 owner dolivers
wk3lesal0 gWx4.ea frara Oklahma to Terra
aueixtmere but iitekee no diroot or 1rbiFtWt
charge to the oustocmr for auoh dellves$?
“D. Xay tha above deearibed wholesale
grooer or any other Qkllabomaflm or kianu-
faoturer mks an oooualonnl trip into Sxaa
;ianorable Eoroer
L. 3mw, Pa@ 2
with suo!a vohiole or vahlolsa for the
pupose of 6ellvarl~~ 3smhutlise belonp
la: to suah psrson or firm to Toxae oue-
tcxmrs where no Qimot chnrge is cade for
mob dallvsrp but whws thu Cellvery ,=!.a~
of the s~ohandiss is graatm than the,
prioe ohurgod to sue: TOXAQowtxmr 1S.
such ouatomr reoeioed tho nmroixmdlee at
the wamhouscr of the U&x&ma r3.m nnd
trens~rtQd it to Teror, fa the ouatomrr
own v&lole or at Us3 own 8xpemo7*
Sootion 5 of Artiole 82i% of the peaal Cods reads,
in part, as follovs~
** l + ml p r o vided, r u r th o r , that
%liy AOAMtlfdt3At OWlM r Of XiV4it6dy OWA&
motor vehlolo nay be perolit e & to make an
oaoasl3nal trip into Wastate with such
vehlclo Tackler the privlledoa of tkla sot
nit&u: obtaini= auoh ~toiqwrary ro~lstra-
tioa oortifloste.*
“If .tht3 tru&s in question ers oat
being opefstod for oOZIpOAL3atiOA fd hire,
it ia ray o&-don, end you are ao iwlvlsod,
thei tha operators oi the twaokr cotid
zako oeotislonalWlps into Texas by virtue
oi’ the provlsio:~,s of Article 827b, sootions
1 nnd 5, of the Pans1 Cix5.Qof Texas wit;?out
ro*;iatori~ in the State of 9!cm38.*
0~ i)pinlsn HO, o-lags is to .ti~ same em0t. copfss
or both or tiiose o~inlons as-o inolwetl heroin mr your inform-
In line with our opiniondl above referred to, you iwe
Hono+1&3 ‘Hoaer L? &see, 3age 3
advlaed that the trualra operated bg the Oklf%hom&eOrpomMon
ui%ld aoca within the ~oooasioaal trip* provisIon or the
rtatute, if 8ald truoice are not being opm tad for mama-
tiOA or IAre.
Tho anawer to your queatioas A and 8 are oontrolled,
we believe, by the holUng af the stqmm court or ?exae in
the ease of Xew Xay Luznber Go. va+ Sulth, 96 3. ?I. (2d) 282.
In that 0498 the oourt wee conoarnud with whether or not the
truake operated by Em 4iy Luxber Gongany were *oo?ltmot oar-
riers4 ~8 chat tern 16 ddxned in the .mCor oorrlcr act as
*(h) The tam *oontraot oarrier’ z%xma
ay Plotor oerr5.er as harelnabove doflnod
trenup0rtin.g property for conpensatlon br
hire over nw hi.zh~i~,+ls state otlmr
The question, then, W&9whether or Aot the truoks 0r the ~ul%
bar ca~~panywhioh hauler? lu!!be+r that belonpct to the azgany
for delivery to 0~8tohlora wdre being opera ted for oong~?nsa-
titan or hire. The court hold that tha truoiso wer8 be- 3p1
ereted for OOZlQeAPcatiOAor Nrs end baeod %&eeirholdlq I.@CPA
the faot that t&a 0oupaAyzmde n. aari7ti3 cim.typ f3r $28 do-
livery af the lumber aver and above the aotuaL mat of the
s4aei. m-3 wiir t stated na f01frws1
*?JAder tti faata zitntod here thy oarrry-
ing of 1cad.m~owned by the ooqmny ln its
own tr-u&s does cot r_t.ea~t it fro= tie ?ro-
vtdone of this law. This IS not a aase
tdaars~the tmeke are opratod axolusivoly
within ths lnoorjwrated lkzlte of a tona or
oitgi nor ie it n cnue wham the price of
the l~oods deUveref3 is the sew as those
undekivarod~ On the ~oa*War~, it is 01mrly
a case *where the price of the lunber inoludes
a direat oharge for the delivery thereof.
The oarrylng charse i.e baaed dlroatly .on the
dfataacr trm~led and the 04.&t of the truck.
sinoe tbu uompny reooiva oofzpensatlon Zor
t,ae dellvssy of th% limber , It claerly ap-
era that the txuuks usstl oopt) under the
r erlnltlon of a *oaat.nct oasrier,’ md 9r8
eubjoot to the provlsioas >I artlole 9Llb,*
Under the holding OS the suprem Court case, supa,
you are therefore advised that the tru&s operate& by 'the
aoapeny in question A presented by you would not be ogerated
for cangennation or hire, because O-J charge is ado for the
delivary or the xxooerlcs over 2nd d&ova the actual cost or
the goceries in Oklahormr A sinllar ciusatlo?l was presented
by you In 1938 when you asked the questlon as followst
Way '3~3 gx3prietor of an wholesale
gasoline buslmss In the 3&ta of Oklnhom
oauae a sotor vehiole belLon&% to woh
gropiotor ti be operated sorom the stats
line into Texas with a load of gasoline for
the pur,mso of deliveriA~ such oomodlty to
a oustoner lo the atate cf Texas, where a0
extra ohari;e is mado to the customer for
suoh delivery above the regular sale prloe
of the ;asol.ino, without obtaining a tetnp+
rary ra&stration oertirioste or other reg-
istration for sush rotor vohlole.*
hsststant Attorney ~%aersl hlbcrt G. lialiser xrote
ac o&xion on August 2, 1938, in rhloh he held as followst
“Iti 1s th8 writer’s opinion that the
ogorstor or such vchlole as desoribed ln
the question above my naks ocoesional
trips into and out 0r Texas without ob
tainia; a tciqmrary reSistration oertlft-
oate or other registration for such zator
vehiola. sod jirtiole 827-b, Sootions 1
and 5, mml code of ?oxes.*
&, :Talkar’s opfnlon ma) in aur opinion, correct, and our
a.mimr to your question A, sqxra, is in nzoord with the saz-z.
IA your question B, you ;)rwant a raat situation
whhorothe trucks Seliverin,t: ,yaoorfe~ a&o an additimal ckar~a
far the transportatl~n or delivery of the ;rocariss. In such
case *wereel that l ;he Peats would t:=ovr the opsrators of those
trucks direotly in line with the hold&: of the B.grane C3Txrt
in the Now :isy Lunber Conpmy o&se eupra. It i.s our ogioion,
',?orerore, thet the trucks ogerato d as C0scribod in yam faot
Situation contained in QUMtioIl 13w3d.d be opeiated :‘or a03
pensation or hire and would not cozm witNn the *oooaslom1
trip” provision quo tzd sups.
. . -
Eonorable ?QWW L, Kosee, r3e;s 5
v. should the resident mmor or a
mtcr v-hfole be olassed RS a wtor oarrler
whar-e he transports ~000s mres and zierchan-
dlse for aolr:,enmtlon .and hire fron an In-
oor;;oratcd town alom: a state Z~i~~:ay or
other road to an un-1zcoraoratoZ town or
vfll?.ce :vhore in the oo%reb of such traas-
portatlon no 1naor;orated town in passed?”
This department has prevlouslj- passed on a Eydostion
identioal with that whioh you ,:rom?nt in your c,uestlon nunbor
c. Zor your Inromatlon, oo~ias of Oplr-Lons ;-:o. c-1497 and
Ito. O-1592 on this point ere lnolosed heroin. 3ased on such
o~lnlons, your ti;lrd question is answered 1~. the negative.
illly Coldbor& [