Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFt'lCE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUBTIN tjailroadCcmlffalon of '?axaa , ?exne /rustin 'cntleneIA: opinion 30. o-l&10 Re; Tha Zssuanco, in asrtsln par- ticulars, or npsciallzsdr,otor c.arrlcroertttioatneunder Housa Bill 351, aota of tha 17th Lsalslature. Your letter of *a%mbar 25, 194.l.reqmnts a leg*.1opinion frm; this departllsntupon tha question,ap- p6rt8ining to %~%3 ?I%11351 Of the 47th b$islatm, 8tat&d by YOU 88 roxiorre: "CJEZTICINIDoes ths Palbad CixdnsIon hark" authorltp tmlsr this aot to issue cpaolaliwa mtor Carrier osrtirioatsarat those oomodltiee aamb In Feotlon 6 to wltr Uvaatoak, emhaIr, wool, zxIlk,livestock ~a~dcjtuit,.-~houaaholdoodm. used ortioa rudlfure end equlJmWit, OIlik ff d tlmbor in ita natural stat0 rm ma- %%$id grain only,.or doea the Rabad Cok tinaion hare authority in addttion thereto to issue ?peoiallzedMotor Carrier oertlfioataeror the tranrportatlonof pipa .usadin the oonctrw- tion rindrcalntrnancfb0r wster lIrm6 and pips linei, an8 In addltlon all other oomoditiaa w&iJh ' by raaeon of length, width, nig!it, hci&hf, oiza and other physloal ohoraoteristios,requlra tha IUI~0r spealal dmrloe~, r00illtles or oqulplarmnt ror their loaCIng or unloading and 811 oamodi- ties whlah require npe.olalf&oilIties or 6mo$al xiotorvchlclss ror adequate,~eWiolent or me EransporSationau aama la sat out in %otfon P?" T~OW quention erieas beofm1343 0r the fallowing provlalons or IIoussElll 351. !%otIon 1 of the ,?ot,whIcahoonstituteponl a dsolaratlonof polloy, dasoribas the rollwine oommod9tie8: ” Oil field eqtipBont,housahold eocd8, end u&d*o&'loa iurnlture and equipasnt, lIvestook, 524 oi TOXIN, Pa@ 2 Railroad Cordaisslolr milk, Ifrestock ?eedetW, &rain, farismohlwry, tlmbar ir: it8 netural atate. wool, mohair, pipa uaed'ln thn oonstruotionand s&ntenanoo or water llnwa and pipe linea, and in addition all OCB~DEOC , ditiaa whloh by reabon of length, width, weight, height, 61~8, m .otherphysical ohersoterlntie, require the we 0r 8 aoial davioea, racilltiem, or equipment for theL loading or unloading 4~4 all oasaoditlesrbioh reguirs epe0181 raoifitl~s or apeoial motor vehloles ror adoquata, erflolent, or f5fm treneportationz . '..* sootion 2 0r the Act adds paremq,h (1) to 500~ tion 1 of the orIgini atotorCarrier Aot, ae amended, and oomlsta or e detailed dsrtiitlon or the term gapeolalizod motor oarrier.w ?armph (i) ma4mr **(.I) *~peolallaedmotor 0arrleP ratan 8ny pram owiibg. oontroll~, aamging, operating, or oaurrin~to be operated any motor-propelledve- hiole used IA trensportlag, over any ublio high- way in this State, oror'irrqular roueen on lrro- @U achedutia,rw 0a maion ana ror tk0 pneral publio with speora&w4 wp&aIoAt, pro-l n&r* ~poclallwd eauQment2n the traxmpcwta- tlonarrdhrn~~6thsre~;provIded,fhntChotcua .a~peoi~llriadraotor ahrrleP as usea in thin hot shall not a $1~ to motor vehlolos operatad rxolu- elvely with! n the iaoorporats4U&t6 of oItie8 or townag and, provided nuther the tersnwspeoikl- Iwl motor oarrIor* a8 used hunin ahell inoluib th o eoo a r r ierwh so wig a @ Or do mlr to o lq a g o lx - oluaIv8ly In the tnnmportatlan of Uveatook, llvamak reedaturf, gra , iarm aaohitlery, tbbor In Its natural stats xiiii Lf: wol, mohair, or pre- party requiring speoifmteii*qtiPaQAt aa that term IG hereinafter aeriaea,or any one, or piore,of the foregoingwmad oovmoditlee. *Vor the purpose ooithIo Act the tern %pe- 0iaiha equipam* ~~U~UQGS, but ia not limit.6 to blook end tackle; hoista, arenes, windlasea8, gin polea, winohea, apcolal motor vehiolea, and auoh other derloes aa are neeeeeary for the ~aato and propor loading or unloading of propertr x-e- qtiring apeolalizedeqtipmnt for the tranriporte- tion~end handling thereof. 525 RaUroeb ~omlsstoa ot Texea, Page 3 *'For Che purpose d thlr Aot, the tati *pro- porty tiequ*isq 8pamlaIlxd e~ulpacntw Is lln%teQ .~ to ~(1)oil field equlpr*nt, (2) housuhold poods an& uasd offioe rurnlture and.aquipmant,(31 pipe wad in the cowtruotlon and maintenacoe ot watar linas~end pipe Ilnes, and (1) oomaxodltlcs whloh by mason of lrn&h,wMth, welcht, height, olae, or other phyalosI tireOtati6?.iOrequire the ufie of apeofal devioes, faoilitiea,or aquipmenb for their loading, unloading,snd traneportation. "*For the purpose d thie Aot, the tern *ofl rieid equlprient*xieam .andiccludee zeoohlnory, naterials,and equlpmant lnoidental to or u&d in the oanstruotlon,operation, end lrdntenenee of taoilltias mh%oh are used for tha Uinoarory, produotlon,'cnd prooearlag of ostuml ms and petroleum, and sush r+aohhery,aeterlals, and / equipmentwhen tied in the oonstrwtlon andi~ mein- I ~tenmae of 9im llnOs.va !. I; ?8'3tiOa) Oi.BOWO Btlu. 351 WWtiS +%Ot%On 6 (d) oi Chsptsr 277, Aota of the 42nd Laglslature,as amendab by Chapter321, kots or the 65th LSgialature ~OLrtiola 91lb, Feotion 6, !?ubceotlon(a), Y.A.C.E.). It amends,%otion .6 (a) to read, ln pa-t, ee rollon: The ??nllroad Camalm&x~ia barsbj given authority to lesue upon applioatlon to thoss per- 60~10 who desire to eagae in the bwia41s~ 0r tirclu- portin(~ ror hire over the hlghnys or th&s.ntsts livestook,mohair, wool, m&Us, livestook taedstutr. houuehold good8, wad OftlOe fUrUltUre and eqs$@ mea, oil rield eq&ment, tiaber in its natunl state, ram .aachlwrryand cseln, *?$eolallzeC?totor Carrier* certlrloetsswhen it is shoun by su%sban- tie1 eridenoa that them wrists (1) a publio WOO* eltp ror nuoh aervloe, anti that (2) pub110 aomen- lenoe ~111 be prumotrd by tho &renting or raid appllcctlon.R It appears that Seotlon 3 of Houaa ?3ill351, in 'imend nsotlon 6~(a),doer not inoluda within ita enumra- tiotiof oosmcdltleaoartoln ona8 whloh asa fnoludsd within 526 yi~llsaed Coraml8slon or !?exaa, Pam i+ the desoription oontalned in %otion 1 OS ths Aot and in the deSlnltlon~~oontalned in eeotloa2 oi the Act. Henoe your Question. 3eotion 4 0s #a Aot eaend8~tho notor carrlar law by hddlna !:eoCion5u ckereto. :reotioa5i3,tmong oC!aerEhingn, pIW?ldOet n*~~otlon 58. (a) !%a &m?lasj.on la h&bf sivs'neuthorltjrto issue upon ap$llcctloaand hearin@ m6 provldrd ir this wt, to those praom who de8116 to engage in the business of e wspeolal- laed reoboraarrler", oertifioatas0s oonvsnionoe end neoseoltj in ths mmmer and under the term end oonditlons.ae grwlded in thla Aot. "'. . . . -'(b) f:onotor oarrler~ehelltrcaaport 011 Held equipment,howahold goode,used oSSloo'W r&tore enC equ:psfmt,Uveetoak, nlSk, livestook rdaur, grain, rarrazmhbery, tlnbar in ifa wha7ll st&te,'woo~or nohair, on a4 hl&?tR~ in thla Btate unles# tbero ir in r0r0eirithraupeot to suoh oarrier end euoh eerrler ia mrner or ler, no OS a .oortiSio8te0r oonvonienoeanb nsoess$ty lomed pureuant to e SLnding and ooz&aici.qe de- olaratiou thet a ocoeeoity ropulrta ruch opcrntion or (Icontra& oorrlur pcmlt faaueC by the coz.&s- &on, euthorizinqthe,t~e~sportatlonOS moh oonmo- di8y or oomcoditles: "'(0) The Corasisslon shull have no jwlstlio- tion to oonalder, eat for hearing hear, ordeter- ninb a4 ag~lloatiotl SW a 0hdtmt3 0r canven- %enoe end neoessity authorlalngthe opexation 08 l *epeolall*ze%notor ccrrler* or onr othor cnmm .oarrieroxoept as provided in the jrreoedlngpera- graph ilnleesthe applloationshall bu in wlting and sat rorth in d0tell the roilotingiaatc: (ThO requlreninter0iL0w) .- 527 R4llroad Com~Iorrion OS Texas, Pa@ 5 *'id) Bsfore enp ouoh appliaation ahall b4 graritd, the Comlsslon shall hsrr, consider 0na -Q4trmlna 4alC 4i@loetion in acaordenaewith ~eotloaa8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 13a; 14 and 15 of Chap- ter 277, hats ot the Forty-flrat Lsglalatuls, Regular %wsion, 4s meadad (M. 5llb, Rsvl44d Civil %atutsa of the 3ute of 7'4~~4,1925, aa eE4nUed) * * **" Eubeeotlons (61, (f), (,g)anQ (h) of !Wtlon 5a pro~arlbe other rcgulatlonsnot p4rtlusnt to the qustlon at hand. It la at on00 manlrest thut reotlon 5a, added by !%atiaa k of Houa4 Bill No. 351, when read in aaruuatlon with eootion 1 sod fktatlou2, tha latkr adding paragraph (I), cuthorla@8 the Caaminlon to luus 8pealallzrd aotor oarrlero8rtiiloatesror th4 tram rtatlonof the 0dafti~i oopllaadltles in qu44tlon. And no df" ffloulty mild arlso XV- paAlng this authority 0r the Coac3fselon w4re only *a0 e4vetal provl8louo imolved. we have cay to deaiee if th4 ataanbmmt to sea- tlon 6(a) effeoteilby Yaatlon 3 ot Xoum B%ll 351, repro- aat a &itatlon up$nh the other parta of the Aot ia thla Z-pMt.. Ia our opinioa it doea not. Two undarlylngpurpose8 are apparent in Howe 81l 351. Ona to areatea nau olaas of aarrlers, dsalgnatsd a8 4peaielizednotor oarrlbr4, to engap ln th4 busfnens 0r tranaportlngaertala d4earlbed aaaPPobiti44, the other to deal with cpacial aomtiity oarziers having thoir.orlgin and rights in .Seotion6ftl)of the motor oarrler sot. Trw to lta uadorlyl~ purpo4.4,. Xous4 Bill 351 aontalnn provisione, rim, ometing 8na mgul8tlng mpeolal- ima motor oarrlsrr,a4 a naw cub oat or 14gialatlonapp4r, taining not only to the aonmoaiti' 44 forasrly the aubjoet at apeoia~ ragulation in old ?eation 6(d) but othere in aadftion thereto, via, pip4 used in the oonatruotionand malntenmm or water lime and pipe llms and other aamditlea whish by reamin of length, width, ml&t, height, slz;s, and other phy- 8laaf,&eraaterlstioa re~ulre the ua4 of 4p44181 d401446, faallltleeor 4qulps4nt; ena, aeoond,provls2onsiqp4alflaally amm&rSg olU %otlon 6(d) an& brlw the 4ubj44t matter . ~4llro4d Cca&aalon qf Taxao, Page 6 thmoi within the new raq=:immente;as well a4 other provl- lions 0r the permits fon34rly lsewd under old %a- tr4titin27 tion 6(a). The amen&mntto 'aation 6(a) d44arlbee oulp the &zm&tlea orl&mllg enumerated ln Seation 6(d) 40 to whlah 4p4cisl oommdlty perxzitohad b44n 144usd. Thateawldmxlt simply dunomtr4tas, and eflacts, the 14 15latlv4 Intent that the oumo<le~adeeorlbbd,rormsrlyrsg.?I ate& unCer the old law, should hanoaforthbe subJeatto ths sddftioml regula- tiona oonolatentwith the fundammtal purposs oi Bouo4 9111 Thla 5s Surthor indicated by the quotcb provlelonof ?%OXJ 5a(?) ai aaged by S'uotion 4 of Ifcw~~Bill 351. Them+ IR muoh 6uplioatlon anf~rop4tltlon In Bouso Bill 353. Numer o u s o f Ita pro~iaione lr o unneoseeary to eahievs tho pur90~00 ot the rat in tha pertieUlare under aontiilerstl.on.The raot or this fluplloetlon, htwaver,can- not be given the efroot0r dsrsatlnglts.purpoaes. That the restrloted anbjeab matter of tko aaeudmsnt to qeotlan 6(6) by and iuoludodwithin the larger oubJoot matter is covoretl or:yrz 2 and rootion4 d-8 not ~itllitetsagainst our Thare lo obvlouelp110z-oreraaeon to ooaslder the anwudnkt to Ceation6(6) as a linitationupou tha aat itself 'thanto oonolude, fnsorar 40 tha wbjeot uad4r ootk-* aiderationis OQLIQO~SOU, that tha emandutant to reatlon6(d) xiwiy b4 4ntlr4l.y blsreg4rdeb. You am themfore advlaad thht it.%8 the opinion‘ of thle Gepartment,la spoolrlioanswerto ths tp?atlanruhfah ~QU hzv4 propouu&4d,that th4 Railroad Cw~!~aeion6-e here authorityunder Eouce 8111 351 not only to iebue epeaialired xsotor oarriar osrtitloataefor the eamodltlee nsaed l.z%a- tlon 6(a), as aaendsd,but also, in additionthereto,for thtitransportationor 4lp4 used in the oonmsruot~onand min- tenanae oi water line4 and &mm ltu44, and other ommoditioe V&I&I by reason of 14u@h, width, wal@bt,height, 01~s 0x14 other physioal oher4ateriatla8,rsquir4 the use of apeolal . devloea, faallltl4s or squipmnt for their loading or uu- and oommdltiae ntilohrequire 4 oolal facillti40or lotldlnr.~, BpBai41 mot0Y vohioloa for o4sqMte errPoixtntor ear4 tranu- portation, OS defined in pora~aph Ii) aaxeddod by Footion 2 of xjusa Bill 351.