Honorable 0. J. 3. Rlllnnoon
Oeneral Mmeiyr
Texas ?rIson ?ynten
HuntaYIlla , mxes
Dmor Slrr OQInIan Ilo. O-3927
Rer Om the Toxeo PrIoon LI&r~tam
102allf monufooture lloonoe
ploteo for M*xIoot
Wo hare for oonoi6orofion your Icffer of ?epteder 3,
194l, requootlng am 09lnIou on the obova queotlon.
Xnmoier 00 the Stat0 of Tam0 IO omo*rnod, wa k-
118~0 thet your qusotloa IO umwmnd by our 09InIon No. O-1916,
lddrooood to you, hoMIng tbot the Texao F'rloonSmta hornl
r ig h t to make chmIro for the Amdaan Rod Orooo. xt mbould ba
not.6 here that sald opinion Xo. O-1916, am It applloo wlthIn
the Stats of Tmxao to male0 to others than Sat0 l~oleo on&
InotltutIonoand I.uotItutIono mud lfgwwimo of polItlool oub-
aI~Iolons of the State, has beon oupxwQe4 by Aoto 19.Qu.47th
ImgIolnture,Bousc Bill Ro. 323, whIoh So now ooalriea am ml- i
010 ll371-1 of the Penal Cotb. But MU bellme thnt under t&
Texao law the &Ioon Qwtom IO peniltted to sell It0 mum?ao-
turd artiolas'outoIdothe State of Tebrs0ar the PrIooa Boar4
mey oam rit.
F@erol oontral IO la r o lo o over
d the interotote
tranoportatlonof prlron mamiaotureo under the proyIoIono
of SeatIon 61 of Title 49, UnIted 9tateo Qade Umotatsd, rhloh
provldas a~ follow:
*It,ehall ti unlawful for any perm?n knm?In@y
to trenaport OT eauoe to be transported, in any
rxnner or by any mans whatsoovsr, 01 si4 01 RTnlrt
iq ohtatnlnr transportation for or !:Jtranoporting
sny p-dls, wwen, anC ncrohanaisa nanursotured,
produ0ea, or mined wholly or in mrt by oonrloto
or prloonern (oroe~t oonrlots or ~rlaaners on ?rsrol*