Honomble J. P. Gibbs, Cmmissfoa~r
Board of IMuranoe ComllerlonGr8
Auatln, Texas
Dear sir1 Attcntlom Yr. VGO
tiog with the Intar8tato
on for a oartlflioateor
aarvioo, it in agrud that
raoelra the oum of l5$of
of the truaklng opentlonr
(8) prorldas 1x1subatranco that
if thm lndlvldusl or oonoern, entering into
the oontraat, plaosa hl~ or their lnmranoe
with Taok Plnkaton than and in that wont,
the protlrlons of &&ion (11 beocme inopen-
Honorable J. 1..Glbba, Pago 2
tlvs dcrl 2;suet tips as the i~urrimce ia
. oarrire.
“Jac% Yhkston la authrfaad by the
Board o+'Inasrcncs Comdaslonar8 tc act as
an aesnt ln the lollaltatlonuna ths writ-
ine Of tire an4 oa8Mlty inrruwnos in the
stats of Toxaa.
We r*apotWlly nouoat your oplaion
as to whether the provlalona of tha attaeb-
sb forz lra in rld.atlon OS tha prorlalona
O? s~otlona 7 ana 8 or Art101e WBb, no-
*lad Civil 8tatut.8.~
The above Iwntlond ionu reda as followa:
-'(I) That I, aus XICSBY
206 Elm St. slwsf":n
oonciaerationor owtaln ur~Iooo rurdama
and to be renders6 EU by Jook Yinkatos
8otlng ~lther.lndlri6rrally or through ilhir
attorneya, agent8 or other employooa--To wltr
Seaurlng and iuralahin# ma with full inform-
tloa mgardlng the law, rule* and rqulatlozu
partalnlng to my opantlnq furnlahing as dth
a21 blmk8, foru a& mkrinla neammsry to
filing an appllcatlon with tha Intoratato
co8ueroe Coadaalon ror a aertltlc3ata or
psrmlt preparing all auah p-spars Sor fll.Laq
and flilag the asme; drlelng 90 regarding
the type of taatlmonyrmpuimd and aaalatlng
me tith the prepar&tlon Of the ama; furnfsh-
ine;me wltb oompateat reproaontatlonat pJ
haarlng and Iu~apingme fully ~.G~fuedat all
tlmm aa to Uwelopnwnta in oonaootlon them-
with3 and parioraing uhatmor other lanloea
and assisting 30 to wh a ta ver lxtont my bo
Honorable J. P. Olbba, Page S
neasasary in obtaining a oart1rioat.a or par-
mlt from the said Interstate CornmsroeCondo-
alon ana auvloing saw for the llfo of aald
crrtlfloateor permit - I do horaby oorsnant
and agree to pay to the said Jaok Plnkston,
at hla offloe in Dallas, Texas o r llamtbera
as ha may de8lgaate, the sum of 8$ r mar
of the gross earnlnga iron my truokrw opora-
tlons, ior the life o? said oertlfloate or
psmlt .
"(L) It being orpraaaly provided, bar-
svor, that ii I dsot to laoa auoh and all
auoh lam~~noo as la or wf 11 bs rrpulrod by
the Interstate Comeroe Commlaalon ootaring
my opentlona under said certlrloak or per-
mlt through whatoru ~hann~lm staybo doalg-
hated by the add Jaok Plnlmton, than and in
that want Rmgxmph (1) of this oontraot
dull beoom litoperative Qurl% lwhtlm
ad only&ring 8uehttir asm~lnaursnoo
la so ourlad. Xn this lvent, I horeby
authotize.the said Jaok Pinkoton to prepare
and al5 tot ma any and all lwh dats and
naoaaaary form in oonneatlon with the
handllng of lwh lnauranoe. All premluma
loorulng under awh insuranoo shall ba
payawe at the offlor of Jaok Plnkaton in
Dalla8, Tuaa or ds~wham 88 my be dealg-
nnted by tha said Jaok Plnkaton.
G(S) That 1 hve aado, oonatltuted and
appolntd and by those prosonto do make,
oonatitute and appoint JACK mmmo~ or
Dalls8, M.laa Ccunty, Taaa, my trw add
lawrul attorn- for me in my name, blaoo and
atoad, to prapan and lisn So r ma a nya nc l
all data and n~o*aauy foraa in oonnaotlon
with my appUutlon for a owtifloate or
pumlt to opuata aa a aiotoroarrler uador
the Intoratati Oommaroa COmmiaaion., and to
prapara and lubmlt any and all luoh data
relating to any suoh oortlfloate or pamit
or any ohangaa whloh may be neoeaaary to make
ln auoh oertlilOat~ or Pemlt, and to do any
Honorable J. P. Uibba, Big0 4
a ndever ay o ta ndlxarolae any 8n4 avery
_ power that I u&&t ar oould 40 or lruola~
throughany other person, t&the aIn
dam proper or adrlaablr in oonnaotlon
with luoh oertlflcoteor pormlt.
“f hornby bind myself, asp heln, axe-
outon, dmlnhtmtorr an4 aaalgn8 to tul-
SllJ. this contraat an4 agucwnt as above
-~l~~~~~ban4 onthla tha eOth
day or 1: , A.D. l&O.
*Boioro PO, the unauaignea authority,
on this day pe4xmonallf lp p a a r GUS
a d
personallyknamu to ac, ana belog 7lt!sz&
sworn, upon oath, dopuu anO 86yr that ha
ha s oarafully a a a lmd 8llo i th eltlp ula -
tlona, oodltion agrumonta
a a d sat forth
abova; that ho fully uabr8taaf38 thr lao
a ndlo k no wldged to a ethat.ha b r a a x o Oute6
thla oontraot for and in ooa8ldrratlOnof
the ltlpulatloaa therein oontalned.
Vltna a rm yh a n4
a n4lul o f0fri00
this the 80th dar of Nowabrr IQ&.
t?otarJ Piisno NOlml COMW lfuaa.
T.X.A. Form No1 81-B"
Saotlons 7 and S of Article 46Stb, Vuncn'a Anno-
tated ciril Watutu, road a* r0lia:
=8gO. 7. ft Shall bQ MbWftd for
any lnaurar, as deilnod in this Aot, or
Honorable J. P. Gibbs, Paso 8
_ its ortia4ra dlreotom, general at;ent,state
a.:ents,speaial ai;4nt8,local agent8 or
other rrpre8entatlve8,to gent to or aon-
treat rith lneured for any rpealal fever or
advantage in dIvldenA8 or other profita, or
aw 4OBld88iOlU Or d.fYi8~OM Of OOEQfS8iOIl8
or profit8 to 400ru4 thereon, or any ace
peneatlon di any rtiuable aonslderatloanot
4p4oiri44 in the polioy oontraat, or any
indW4Bl44t not -44ifisd ill th4 pOliO7
OOIItMOt, $0~
th# pUrgO84 Of Writing th4
in8U4.444 Of My ia8Ur4. tfOthfIl& fathi.
SeOtlon, h~~.Ver, 8u be ooiUtPue6 to
prohibit m insurer troa rhosing it8 profita
4tt4r t&8 W68 &Y8 b44o 44I'Il4d With it*
polioy holder8 uatfer sod in aaaorbmn44 with
aa agreemeat a8 to mtoh profit mhrrlng oon-
th8a in it8 pOxiOY OMtMOt. m PrOfit
8harlag tutit say polloy with lnaured @hall
be uafior~ a8 bet~44n 8Wh lnnmd, and
8han OOMi8t Ody,aad 8014Ly bf M equitable
distributionunder and in moordan dth
the term8 Oi,the pO2iOy Ot 4aiaX'I.d~8 b4tW44n
8ueh in8ured,anA no 8uoh h4unr 8ha11 6f8-
0rtnie8 in 44
di8tributioa 0~0ritO
betwoui iMUlvd Of a Oh80, U&d RO Oh8848
for rush di8trlbutioa 8&u b8 atda or 480
tabliahed exoept o&tthe 8ppMYal Of the
C4EMi88iOa4r: X0 part of any proSit 8h4l.l
b4 df8taXIt4a t&3say b4WSa Imd4? MY
8-h pallor onto% the expiration of the
polloy ooatraot. Aay rlolatba oi theterm
Of thi8 844tiOlP 8hrll OOlUtitUt4 U4%&I8t
ai8oririaatioaaa 8bnll ooimtltuto rdmt-
idI& Md 8bm b rtritiOi4IXt ground8 iOr
the revocationor the petit of the Ia8ur4t
or of t&4 11041144 of the agent being guilty
of ruoh unjwt dl8orLPinationand rebating.
wsaa. 8. So insurer aoslng within the
t4=8 of thir *ot 8h411, in it4 bu8inew in
t&&8 State akr or panit any dbtlnotioa
or ai8Or faLtloa la favor of the insured
hwing 4 1~4 hazard, in ths mtter ot the
ohWg4 Of ~4ElfUJM for iIlllUFallO4, Or in
diYidSlld8 or oth42 b4IMit8 pPb14 Ud4r
Honorsble J. P. Glbb8, Pa1346
WY POliOY, aor 8ha11 any suab insurer or
_ agmt make any oontraat of ln4urano4,or
a(pwmnt 98 to such 1n.4ura304, other than
lxpreued in the policy, no r ltrollany
8u4h inmarer or it8 a..wntaor represer?ta-
tire8 pay, allow or diva, or Offer to gay,
allow or give, aireotl~ or lndlreotly,a8
an indUO4iH4t to loused, any rebate pay-
able upon the polity or any 8pealal favor
or advaataae in dividend8 or other bea+
fitm to aoonte. 4r 4nythlngoof value vht-
wevu, not 4p4Oiri4d in the pdiaf; pro-
vided that notll in thi8 4Lofrhall be
aon8trued to pro3 bit the mdlflcatlon of
rat48 by an 4xp4riano4 rati= plan a48fgn4d
to lnoourege the prevention of acoldmta
and to take aaaount of the psculfu hwards
of individualrl8k8, provfd4d 8uah plan
8h411 ban bmn 4~&W4V4d by the hWJli8-
8loaufi aad proylded further that only on4
8uoh &&all8h3.l be appR¶Y4d fOl-laoh iafm
or lruurano4 hereunder.*
~4 believethat the offer to perfcum aad render
til Of the-84nio48 MatiM in the first paMgraph Of th4
abo*r quotedfona withoutmnking the ohm&e for 8uoh ler -
Vi048 a8 8p4Oifi4d thenlc prOrid th4 ill8W4d a-46
to ~1444 all lauuranoo a8 18 or will be required of him
by the XnterrtatsCmua4r44 CaJmLi481On aovrring hi8 O~SXU-
tlom under his oertifleateor penaft,throu&huhatetor
ahanael8 a8 m6y be 448lgnated by the party pUfOnd45
the above mW&lOmd 84niO48 18 a OOiUid4S4tiOIl and in-
dua4mat not 8p4cified in the pOuOy oontraot, for the
purpoaa of &tin& the ineururos of the b8Ur4d. There-
fore, it i8 OUr OpiniOllthat the RrOYi8iOW Of the above
mntloned fonu are in aoatratentlonand violate S4atlok 9
or Artlole4Web, Vernoa'e ¬ated clril Stat&U.
-8ting that th4 fOr4gOiAc fUll7 RA8W4r8 YOW
inquiry,we are
AFPROvE1)m 7, 1941