Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

424 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN of sat% dtheete -beingtrrarkedExhibit *A* attached hatrat sn4 made a part hereof. w(2l TO co&le a rmt sheet reifleatlnp: an sn~lysfe 0r eaah and every tmmt or real propw- ty lvaetot!in seid diatriat on which there laag 'be due any tlelinquent taxes, simrlng the page mm- ber or the tax roll-on whleh the sane appease; tha grlnelgle owner, the address or.said owner, the bwdzeso in whloh he 1s engaged and en other inrormtion of value in ol& the kx reaords of seid dfstrict Of errorB, OoniliCts an4 unknown owners. k blenk spsoiatanof eald sheets being ma&e& Exhibit 'Bt attauhed her&o arndnmde a part hersot.* ~tze~rmentthea~~~d~,iror~Cero~ooa- aldsratlon to be paid iox?euch fmroiaosr T?$ or ti delinqmnt tams p&I to said aistrldi rar the Y-T 1938 aab aa13. priar ffkt328 between the bte hereof azd the 1st day vi Emah, 2942, ,fnchtsiYe. -"2$ 0r au fi8~in@l0l%t trt*aspaid t0 eald distr5ct for the year 1939 between the tletosof &a-ah 1st. 1940, and Y%a?ah leti, 194 5mluslYe~. "S$ or all Ueltngmzit &x98 paId to m&d Bletrict GOT the year 1940 between the Qates .vr tiara let, 1911, end.ffarchLrrt,1942, lnalu8lYe. ‘“Safd~ccuapensation i.8 to be pa%& 6s an& when .se,id toxen, pmialty an% interest eru uc~llmted without PUrtheT &Qtion Or the boa?&* 426 districts and mmicipal corporationsor~e~&x+d under eny fymtrcl or special law of tiie Xate and whloh have power er.d authority to levy and uvlleot their vwn texe8, a?tdt11etelm!1of such ooxpQretl@n~sim.l have the benefit or all llena end remdfes for the security axi:collectionof tgreo due tker,as ia pso- vided in eaid Title la the u.me or taxes.duethe Courtp. ('iuts1935, uto L~c., p. 666, State az.ad oh. 261, 4 1.)" The loot poxa&raph ol:~tlole 7343, RevisedCivil Btatutes,reeds: *All l.assof this State for the purpose of vol- lectl,ngdelinquent State atndcouuty tares are by this lvw Irede.evail.sble for, and wh8hcn: ia~vked &m3.l be applied to, the aolieetion of delinqu5nt taxva af cities anO tom end independentsohvol.dfstrivts in 60 far aa aneh lewe 6re eppficable. Id.1 Acta 3rd C,.S. 192Q, p. &.fL!cs; Lots 2nd C. b. 1923, p. 39." In Es&l vs. %insfield IndependuntSicbovlDietrlct, 123 S. P;.(26) 629, the aqiro~~ Court held that *a;ll.lanaof this atate for the pmose of oollectingdelinquent state and county texes shall.be applied to tke collectionof delinquent tlsxes Of indepsndent s&uxA aistriota in 80 f-w as suah law8 ere epplicable.* ~stioles 7335 and 73350 were held appllee- ble in that ease except as to the requirement of ~epprovelby the Comptrol'ler end the Attornog General. . Eeotioos 1 and 2 of Art[Lole726&s,V~rnon'~ Civil Ste.tuten,seeas ES followsr “Mt. 726&a. idjufht6nt0r dtaingrie t6ix0e azd oollectlon tbm30r. *Sec. 1. It Is hereby declared the t=oliey of t!;0.2tnts to adjust ff,elinquent tare6, correct errore, to elkzinataoollrlictain surmys~vf land, ~lndto collect t!ledelinywnt, ocoupotio~~, rran- c'liaeEirid Ad Valorm Texes, in order to oleer this LtutQ or suet;ta%ea, error6 an% conflicts at the esrmz3et d&e-poesibS%* md to provide e syet,atn for wm3sscm3, fi order to etkiuate the numerous errors t!xt riowappear an the t6x mlPe emh re- CUrTir-,~ year. intwebu, or an &Q%mnt equel to such gezlalt-y end interrestor all b3liuqufJnt tares aalleoted. A5y county beslrinE,to instell 8 tax or plat system and cleertha aounty of 4rmr4, oonfllats and un- knoum owners, may do 80 by payIs& not.tci exceed 15s or the delinquent tams aalleated, whIti pay- nellt stall ao7er the ao8t or reoorde and &&All- inp; Eame." We think the GaolsaisDionean~ Court of a acmnty, under autkdty or 811031 tamt48 aould make 8~0h 0 cr0nfx-m ae this. Cherokee Oeuntyvs. oboq i5 8. E, (Za) 5383 (ikmib35ion4r5* court ve. Wallme, 15 S. W. (26) 535; 8. W. (26) 228; Utmnelloa~ Swisher 00. Waaag&oohes Co. vs. Lafferty, 6l 8. 8. t2d 1 994. 82nor. suah St8tUt86 am applloable to lndepand~t aoh dl6?ltiatn, UndaF authority 0r the B411-Uansrield Indapendsnt 8bx#l Dll8trict ease, independe& soho distrIcta QaSi 3.4gaU.y eater lilt0 euah aontraata es the one aubzdttad. APPROVEHdAY 3, 1940 --- ATTORNEY GENERALQ~ TEXAS