e... -..,:*.* OFFICES OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable I. L. Chandler,Page 8 by Artlolea 3223, 3823-A, and 3826 Sor tha year in which delinquent See8 were ~hfir&.,~ and aleo retain the amouut or OXOBBB Sean au- thorized by law, and the remainder of tha dslinquantSeee Sor that rlsoal year shall be paid as herein provided Sor when oollsot- ad; provided, the prorislone of thI6 AxMole ehall not apply to any orrloar aster 0~9 year Srom'thr data he eeam?m to hold the orfioa to which any.dellnqusntfee Ia due, ahdin the event the orrloer earning the fese that are delinquenthae not oollsotsd.thesaine~ dthin twalva months aster he oeaee8 to hold . the ofSloe, the amount of Sass gollioted shall be paid Into the oouhty%raaa~. Pro- .vided,however, that nothI* ln,thla Aot precludes the payment or ax-orriolosees In aooordauoawith Title 61 of the BevI+,d Civil Statutes OS Texas,,1923, as.part of:the *XI-. mm oompeneation. Provided, that aw ohadga mada in thle Arttale by:thIa Aot~shall not ~.:. aPPly.to fees .haretoror$aarnad." We asawne .SrouyauE1stter.iU.t the otSlolalswho iaidsil.theS&Win 1940'ara &Ill In oSrIoe.-.Ir.thisbe .’ t*# and’ir~said oSfI..@.alshave.not al+Gdy +lfeoted the L&i&la&n hllowed tham uuds~ ArtLalee.3233 and 3291, V.A.Q.S., the('would.beantltlad.toapply such Saae to,:$ha-makingtap. of, Za~,m??mI,muus ae.outl~nedby the statutes.;~..: For,,examp1s,If the ~DIstrIot'.ile~k~.~d~tion~d I&i :@!urletter'ae havi 0011e6ted Id 1941 #&oo.od OS ieee >,ee.rnc~Q'b~ him In 19% (when:harab on the ia* sPetam in wslmum .crmakl.muui alllmedby,Artiala~.3223? ,p.:A,~. C.@., to the Diutriot clerk gf~Mcii&a a Couuty, axouutyharing, a po ulation of le'ae~thau23;0~O,lnhab$.tauts 8@ aooording to thr P 930 a6d 1940 Bedsral:@amnsae,.ia $2,40,0,OO,and tha rrboiqdor full mum all6nbd'byArtiala 3201,~7. A,.!,C.8.. ~tg.aaidDietriot Clerk .~6~~3~p~O~.OO);~~~IS. @aId Diritrist ~ark.odlleoted $2,8OO.~OO~~~'oS Sab~ln 1940 and oollaatgd ,-$4&OiOO delinquentfaee~'IxJ ($~Loh were e+rned by hIu lQ41~, Honorable I. L. Ohandler,Page 3 la 1940 while he was on the roe eystem)~~he~ would be en- titled to retain 200.00 oS.the.$400.00oolleatod and would have to pay over 200.00 of name to the oountp treasury. We snaloea herewith a oopy OS opinion No. O-2290 OS thla de@&"v""f;wgiog oontalm a Sull dlsoueslon or Article ) . . . ., and the dispositionOS Qellnquant me. c. Trusting that this satlefaotorllyanewer your Inquiry, and with best regards,-wears ,,_. Very truly yourb ATTORNEP - OP !l!ExAs .BY (8) Wm.J.Fannl dealstan 9