queststhe opinioli
8 whloh may be oon-
u&g grior npproa-
the Attorney Oem.raX,,
rips lRYolYing txav-
the Hiate, OQ the part
eduoational inetitu-
College upon the.an!iual meeting or the Amerioan
Asaooiation 0r University women at Topeka, xansae,
may bo approved and paid by the State Comptroller.
Honorable S. A. Bill, Pago E
There Is no requirement In HOUSO Bill m, ‘a-
pse, that tbo approval of the State Conptroller, t& At-
toiney General, or other 8tate ofrloer,shall be -6
prior to the making of any trip by emplo~emsof tb atate
eduoatlonal inrtitutlons of higher loamking, lml&.I5g
the prmldent, ln~olring traveli5g expenres payable by
the State, otherrise allowable. Or ooume, the state
oomptrolhm, berore payment of any olai.8rm a5y *a
fund8 is made, mu8t nooeasarlly approve auoh, and ny, i5
detsrmiPlng the question of pcryment, oeoure the o~iz&aa
0r the Attorwby Genera& a8 to the legality or such jey-
mnt . The tinal approval, however, resta not apoa the
abeenoe or etlstenoe of a prior approval beiora the a-
Dense8 are lnourred, but upon the legality or tb e.Uin
By way ot parenthesfe, we me~ntlo5 that nrk
prior approval 18 required in Oertsiin instanoes mdu the
Departmental Appropriation Bill pertainingto Uquzaaat~
or Itate, whioh, of oourse, ha8 no applioatlonto m in-
There are eertaln requIremMt8 In House 3U.l 255,
8tlpa, a8 to the Rppt'OYal Oi trip8 and expensss br t3e
goveming olflOial8 0r the instltutlo58, with rhiek N am
8Ilre you RM familiar and oonoerning whioh you m 5o via-
W-Y. ror oxample,~yNo. traveling expenses hall k ix-
ourred by any employee 0r any 0r the 80hools, or othsr
agenole6 named herein, outeide of the bOU5darie6 of fb
State of Texas, exoept ror State business, a5d u-5 l 9m
advanoe written oonsent oi the 8ohool*8 Board of Kege5ta
or DireOtOrs." A& again, The expanroa or Regeetts,
prerldenta, and Auditor8 of those State edmatiomi tytl-
tution8 and.agenoiee 8hould be approved by the Ccm~trollrr
oi the State, Prealdent of the goveining board, Frtside5t
or the Uollege or Inetltution and'college Auditor krsr8
payment irom either State or Looal funds.*
With reference to your eeoond qwstlon, m qaote
as iollows from your oo5mu.nioatlonr
-would your ruling with rerarence to at-
tendanoe at the Southern Aesooiation of Col-
leg88 and Seeondery Sohools at Atlanta, Geow,
be applloable aleo to our attendanos of the G-
nual iaaetlng et the Amerioan Assoaiatios Or
Dnlyerrlty Womenat Topeka, Kansas? This or-
ganization, too, IS a atandardiziing age5cK; la2
'Bohorable J.A. Hill, Page 9
we have been aaewiate msmbers tar 8oms riftean
Jears. Stxaq two or more pare ago m applied
ior full msabership in this organization, and
have reason to:be&ieve that our application will
be a@proved eltZher ,this year or next, @ravided
weean send our repreeeatatlve to oonrer with
the officers of that organization about our in-
stitution. and ita program. I should like to
send otv Dean of Womanto that meet$ng.w
In reply.to ourrequest for. additlonal:iuforma-
hx~tauohing.t3& func~lon and slgaifloenoe of the hater-
lain lssoole~l~~~of~Unive~sity Women, we were, under
date of Xay 20, idvised~ by you as f ollowsr
-or your information, the AmerloamAaso-
oiatlon of UniteraWiyWomen Is, as the#ium inn-
plies, a~nation-wide organizatibn whioW&eks
to pr.amotk.Wie standards for the eduoation or
womun, and..%-pro&U aongenlal lacal and 8tqt.e
units forkgpduet&s'of~reoogniaedoollegas and
universities, The preelffent of the Texas branch
of'that as8oclatlol~'fa &:Aana Irlon Powell,
+?ofessor at Hi8tWy,tiorth 'km58 State Teacher8
College, Dento& Tsrae; and there are local
branoh in .8haost every town in ~Texss.
eV+omen graduatea~or a recognized instSt.utlon
are eligible ror ma&srshlp in these local orgsn-
12at10lls. Graduateis of institutions which are
uot accredite~d by the Uaerloan Assool&tion of
University Wlomsn are not eligible to membership
in the looaX A.Ad7.W. organizations. Eaturally
our girls desire'to have the same recognfitiou as
graduate8 of~other 'first class institutions, and
rallura.to .gaIa admlgslon to any local uuit 13,
omiPdem3djeckind 0r,~mm3ctian upon the ailsll-
cant*s.alas nrerter,~;S!heae local unita are not-~
only soola2 but higbly~cultural orgsnlzatlons,
aud undertake quite a.good number of educational
projsots, suoh as the establishment of 'soholar-
ships and loan funds-at institutions of higher
'Y?he~larger organ&cstion sets up certain
atandards~whiOh~mu& be met by an Institution
&faze it oa+ be moqsgaiaod by the national body.
Theso stsndarde haye to 40 ulth suah things a@ the
eaholrslrahip of the tam&y, the cjorplfl;ory faaili-
tieee, th4 nurdhal BBPeor students,the saolal
,pmae ml ~arbut3 c~thsr iaatcma that have to
0 with the quality af work whloh a oouege ar uQi*
versity may do.”
St is OUTwxle.rat8nding, also, that the oolleges.and
UII~Y~~E~~~OS-EUVI 00t~bem Or the km0ax~1 ASSOO~~~~JI or uni-
vezslty mmen uo not pay dub theawto end have 00 valoe in or
ofiliobal a%Sihatiti with such Assoodiok Rather, the Assswia-
tian is :lna8gcndent of t&8 sohoole, &!mrely8ettlng up, 0% itselr,
oerbain azbitrapp stawlarda touw the sahools whfoh are deter-
minatzvs of thhs ctlfSibiJ.ity or .~tos therem r0r neraber-
shlp:in tha looukunlts~ol the~basooiatloa.
prola than8 raacrts, we are unable &tar aaraful oon-
siderati& to. peeraeivvewhsrain the atten&mas by the Dean
ot Somen of your institution upon the annual mWLng of the
Amrloq hseoaistion of UaiooraityWmi at Topeka,Kanaaa,
would hrvs auah a reasonable substantial or dlreat relntion
to the %unetlan ai epvwnmnt entrusted to ymr institution
ae~ to constitute atate business. St appears that the rooogni-
tion oi your institution by this association, -with the advan-
tagee pointed out by you, is not predlwated upon attenCanoe at its
annuakPsetlngs by a repreoentativs, but only ugm~the minda.rb?l
EIaintained by the ~Ohoolr 3x6fu3ly a~jmalate ymr dosire to
aohteve for the graduatea of tho sohool this advaatfqp?~to then
after grmlu6tio.n and 3ur waXi0r that the likelihood of the
aohool@e b8w reoo$r~f sad by~tha q+saooi.a#on w1l.l ba Fseat-sr
Lf the Ban of Womanie presentzt’this aaetinz to urgs tho ap
proval 0r your Sast1tution. ~otwlthstanbi~ whioh, the iaot
&=imaWethat the oxpimditureinaldeatthsrdm ia not neooa-
sarpto suahoad,and the *her faetthattio objootto
be gpu.ned 40 sot, on8 d3,rootly relating ta the wldc of the
sahoolitaolf,bu~rather am sslatingtotlst~&iahulll
be open to the mia8a af'tox-
they ohall Late lost the instl-
~&&a, pu?talnin& tynrslabertip in an indogmdmat wxanfm-
It ia Werefore, cnac mnsidorod inbnthatat-
t&h8%eOtXJ#O&8 aqawl Eb88ta &tLbehB~ "E OWA8800iati01l
0% Uaiv~sity lflaarer, PC Topeka Eatmao, the Doen olt
Uarpsn of t!aoWoetTe+ Stat0 L0lbea-aCo