Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

- . .. ‘8 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable L. A* Wooda Ma~~nSu~pertendent of Publir Instruction , Dear SirI AtturfiOn W. T. Ibr wo ar4 in neoipt llM0, rrquertiag the oplnlo reedr aa Sollowst ~Artlale lt745, e8tablishm8d of eoutt part a8 follo on CoosoldiatebCounty Liao s ride and tiwottty-one miles lrrton is a body of land hool dirtriot. unty board of tmsteem add thta the fonlertan County Llm Sob001 by adding this land the ahape of tho dirtriot 6OS8 not 8onforaP to the ~OtiiIiOIlS of the above nentloned rtatute"i* The l-U108 with refermee to nuutdatory or dlreo- tOr prOvlSlOn8 Of a lt6tUte Itro 8tUted %a SO TSX. fUr* P* L I14 88 follow8t ‘A statuto ar 8tfitUtOry prOti8iOn may be mandatory or directory or merely permls8iro. x manddory provIaIon 18 on0 whloh, ii not followed renders the proceedlx& to vhloh it relates Illegal and rold, while a dlreotory prOT181On 18 one,the ObBeI'VauOeof whiah I8 not necessary to the validity oi the pmeed- inc. A prorIsIon ia5 dlreotorywhen It con- talns mre matter of dlrectlon, not of the esfienoe of the thirq to be done, but desIgned merely to procure its proper,orderly end prompt prformanoe. OB the other hand, a negative pro&~ VMIOB -- one which cox!mds that a certain thing 8ha11 not be done - Lo usually mandatory. TBat there Is no ab8olute te8t or Infallible rule by whlah a mandatory Btatute or prorlslon may be dlBtlBgU,uished from one whloh Is ~mrely directory. In eaah okme, the qM8tiOB 1s. OB6 of statutory construction, to be judlolally de- ternined acaordlng to the Intent or the LegIsla- ture iron a consldercltlon or the atire statute, Its nature, objeot and eubjeot-matter, and the consequenoes that will rsault iron a partioular construction. irll sot OT provision that olearly di80108e8 M intamest OB the part Of the L~&E- ;;;$; that It 8hould be mandatory will be Iven On the other hand one which reve af a no such ikerest or purpose w&l be oonstrued a8 directory.g .t,pplying the above rulss to the Btatute ln ques- tlOB; the prOvi8iOB r8qUIrinC: that the district shall be laid out *in as near the shape o? b 8qUate aI3 possiblea, appears to be dlreotory. we ooustrus the word wpossIbler as used therein to hare the 8ante meaning as npraotlaable~. Evidently It was intended that the County Board should exercise a dIsoretIon in deilnlq?, the boundarles or 8uch dlstrlcts and it directs the board to lay out the diatriot In as near the shape Or a square a8 SW be praotloable or possible under all the ciroutastsnces. X'n ohanglngor add- ing territory to suoh districts it Is not eesentiti that they maintain the shape Of a square. me pr~vlsion whloh readrra *and in no event shall the length of suoh d18triet be geatir than the width plus one-half of the width of suoh dIstrIat,nhowever,I8 In our opinionmandatory. The Legfslature first providdd that the IO Bon. L. a. ‘Goods, p8ge 3 dietriot should be in a8 near the shape of a square as possible, learIr& this matter to be determined by the Bard, and then rpecified Oertdn lIm%tatIons beyond which they should not go in ally event. We construe this last provision a8 nandatory and a 1IIaitation upon the authority of the Board. It Is a negative pO~i8iOIi mark- Ing the l&I&t8 within whioh the authority to follow the direotlons therslnabare glean amy be exerolmd. 8-e we do not know the rhnpe proposed to be giren the district, wa Cannot give Jour qu8stion.a @ate- gorloal answer but are or the opinion that the dlstriot should conform to the limitations hereinabove discuaaod, a#mming that the Btatute in quest%on ls applleable to the FowlertonCosrmon Consolidated County-Line Sob001 Dis- trlct and the charge propass to be ma&e, TOWS very truly / FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENNERAL COMMII~EE