Hon. Joe Gordon Opinion No. O-2167 County Attorney Re: Eligibility of certain bonds voted Gray County by Gray County prior to January 2 1939, Pampa, Texas to participatein the County and Road District Righway Fund provided in H.B. 688, Forty-sixthLegislature,Regular Dear Sir: Session. We are in receipt of your request for the opinion of this department on the following question: "May-GrayCounty now issue a portion of the $500 000 of the original $800,000 bona issue whith were voted in 1931 and use the proceeds thereof for the constructionof State Highway 18 in Gray County under the provisionsof H.B. 688 and particularlySection 6(a), paragraph 3 thereof and will such bonds.be eligible to participaJein the County and Road District Highway Fund, the same as if the bonds were is- sued and spent prior to January 2, 1.9391" Briefly, the facts underlying your question are that in March of 1931 Gray County authorizedby vote the issuance of $800 000 of bonds for State highway purposes, and out of such auehorizationonly @&,OOO of this issue were sold; none of the remaining bonds have ever been issued. We think, under the facts stated that such bonds would, when issued and the proceeds there0h expended in the con- structionof roads constitutinga part of the State Highway Sys- tem, be eligible for participationin the County and Road Dis- trict Highway Fund provided by House Bill 688 of the Forty-sixth Legislature,Regular Session. Clearly, under this state of facts, the bonds come within the exception provided in paragraph 3, sub- section (a), section 6 of H.B. 688, which reads, in part, as fol- lows: "In addition to, and regardless of, the other provisions of this Act, all bonds voted by a county prior to January 2, 1939, insofar as amounts of same were or may be issued and the proceeds actually Hon. Joe Gordon, page 2 expended in the constructionof roads which are a part of the designated system of State high- ways, shall be eligible in the distributionof moneys coming into said County and Road District Highway Fund the same as provided for other bonds under this Act, and as of the date of the designationof said roads as a part of the State System ***n We are enclosing herewith our Opinion Number o-1334, which treats of this exception in detail and the conclusion therein reached, in our opinion, substancially answers the question submitted in your request. Very truly yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS *By s/s Clarence E. Crowe Clarence E. Crowe, Assistant APPROVED MAY 6,194o /s/ Gerald C. Mann ATTORNEY G3NERAL OF TEXAS APPROVED: OPINIONCOVCO~TEE BY: m, CEC-s:wb Encl.