Affirmed by WW-lo&
Honorable Charles S. McMillan
County Attorney
San Augustine, Texas
Dear Sir:
Re: Qualificationsof
iroters in bond
We acknowledgereceipt of your letter of recent
date wherein you ask for an opinion on the quallfloatlons
of voters in bond elections.-You particularlyask for
constructionof the Supreme Court's opinion in‘the
case of Gus A. Marlcows@, et al vs. J. T. Newman, et al.,
136 S.W.(2d) 808.
In our Opinion Number o-1178, a copy of which
is enclosed her----,___--dsnnrtment held
__r__.~._-~~ ~..~ "all oer-
sons-who had paid their ~0~11tax and who owned taxable
or was assessed
Ntlcle2955a, Vernon's
Ai-bottited CiViI Statutesj
Campbell vs. Wright,/95 S.W.
(2d) 149; TexasPublic UtFlLties Corporationvs. Rolland,
123.~S.W.(2d) 1028). In thatopLlnlonwe also called
attention-tothe lact that there was pending before the
Supreme Court a.certified question in the case of
Markowsky vs: Newman, et al., from the Galveston Court
of Civ11 Appeals-,as to the oorrect interpretationof
Article 2955a, Vernon's
Annotated Civil Statutes.
However, after studyingthe case it is our
opinion that the court held that the fact that taxpayers
Honorable Charles S. McHillan, page #2
did-nbt r$nder th8l.rproperty untF1 after the tiiueset
by’ statute (Artlole 1043; R. 6; 3.).did n6t preveiit
theiPf&m voting. It #eei~s~that~th6 fatits.ln“thXs case
we'rethat 811 of thk~taxpayershad actu8lly‘rendered
their prapertj f-ortax&i&n prior tb the eli$ction but
afuep the tX.meset "3::statute foFmakiag thq rehdiflon.
The Cotit held that hb statuth~settlng the time by
which rbaditibn must bc-made~.vab'airecto~and-not-
mandtitbrj.We think-that-there&sbiiln&tisijd by-tile
Supeme Court in'~thisciiWiiiai~ai%sVery btiiMi@jrthat
the court might hold-that asseijsment; m the tisseiaor
iiouli3hot be shfficibtitand that the pPoperty“mustbe
Mud&&d by the-tai@~etihiibself'~ Hiiwuver,ti do b6t‘
bellevijthat tht'cabb i3anbe construed to foti a basis
of a re'varsalof'.Campbbll vs. Wlght and‘Texas'FubIic
Utllltieb Coiijporatioa"vb. Holland, oh the polnt:thiIt It
is nbt‘heces&rjrttipsi-s~tilly‘aign a rendition sheet
in order to be eligible to vote.
Until the Suprbme Cou% act!-on this pelnt,
we feel that the ~jpln~ousof the CbuNb of'Clvi1Appeals,
cited'&bove,Is thb'law of'this State ani?&shouldbe
fol1oubd'l.ngiving 'yourlnstruatirnasto election
Trusting Chat this answers your questtoni we
Very truly yours
BY Claud 0. BGotLrman
COB-s:mjs Assistant
/s/ Gerald C. law&