5: 35
lion. B. br’. Pihit@aora
County Auditor
Orayron County
Shclmmn, Texas
Your reguut for opin
“1. Would the ‘0
80s for ona-half or
or whiteabon,
0M.U in the
mm re66 as
of pmoc aourt whwt
and aaata upon eon-
80~8 or tha court,.when the deroadant r6118 to pay
hi8 fina and 14y8 his rin* out in the oounty jail
or di8Ohmrge8 the 8Clt0 by MaLII Or Working rush fine
out on the county roada or on any county pro-
jeot. sod to pay moh halr 0r ac8t.8, the county
Cluk e.hall lsoue hlr, wem-ant on tha County
Treasurer in favor 0r such orrioer to be peld out
of the Roe4 and Rridge F'und or other rUIid8 not
Otharwri84 appropriated. A8 amended Aat 1957,
C!ith Leg., F. 13&Z. oh. 4R8, 11; Aat 19S9, 46th
‘lw.b, p. 143, (1."
City maraheJ8 are pita08 bffiaem. Art1010 36, Code
Or criC&i~l PrOOOdUn prOVide8 U rOllOIt8:
Vhe roiiarping are *pea00 orfioor8*: The
8huirr and hi6 doputlea, constable, the
aiarahal, or pollce~an of an lnaorporeted town
or oity, the ofrioerr,, non-aomml8aloned orri-
cer8 and private6 or the State Rawer rorao,
end any private parsan spoolally arpolntod to
eXeCUt6 orinrlhal prOC88tba
Artlola 1067, Code'of Criminal frooedure, raPd8 as
r0ua6 I
xnarshals or other poror oiti-
oer8 prooess end perform servloa8
who exoouta
ror justicea in criaclnal aation8, d-ml1 receive
the 6ano foe8 allOWOb t0 shOrlff8 for the same
As a pace ofriosr, a oitf mar8hal
may rti0 mob
ea8C8 a4 ooim within the ooopo
oi hi8 authority ln sny court
having urladlotlon thereo?. lils dutlos and powor me
various iy derlwd in i.rtlolss 999 and ll47, Revlaed Civil
It,16 runasuntal that.p*aea orrloer8 are entitled
to collect roe8 only tor s*rvlam perfolaed. Xf the city
f1108 (L 098a in fU8tiCC
ISfirBhtIl OOUl’t and pariOl%kS 8OlViCCC
he 18 entlt1.d ta the 8BQie fess a8 the 8herlff or oonstubla
would bo antltlod to for perforrlngtill~r em~loss.
non. ii.2. Kliiteaore,?ac;s3
You me themrors reqmctrully advise8 that it
is tha opinion of this depmtmnt that gcur questions
should be answered In thciaffirmative, and they are so
Vary truly yours
APPROVEl?APR-1, 1940