Bon. Ralph L. Suell, Chief
Csrtlfioate of Title seotlon
riepartment or TublIe sarety
Auatln, Texas
Dear sir:
fn which you request an o
proper action to be takan
0r Title or the Klttre11 the motor rehiolo
it purebased froa t
ter the 0orsplete ril6
or qorreepondenc ots a@ we hare thenr
boforr u6 rho 0 motor rehicla in
ror his loss
and the ln-
er any aalvago by virtue
0r OS
oh oorered the motor vehiole.
ary 3, 1940 Klttrell .iutoCoxpany purohassd
u from the oily ot Dallas. On Fabruary 6,
rd Insurrtnoe Company of m&York aotiiiod the
city or Dallar of tts claim to the rotor vehiols in qwstion.
On the 7th of Pebruary Jams 3'. ?&ton, oity nanager of'Dalla6,
exeouted a bill oi sale to the Kittrell Auto Conpany.
On T,@Oh 7, 1040, the tollowIng order wild entered
by the City Council of the Olty Of Dall_cia:
Ron. Ralph L. Btiell, Chief, 3~6 2
*Claim ot Standard Insurvnoe Company of
?lew York, through C-eorge Z. ~smay, for the
return oi a 1934 Ford Tudor Sedan aold by the
City at public auot1on on ysbruary 3, 1940,
was reported upon by the City :!anacer, and It
was mved, seconded and carried that the claim
be denied.”
AU the abow lnforrnatlon h.zs been furnIshed your
a6p+3TtCW~t. You have also been furnished with an affidavit
s&ned by or. J$oksoa, to the eireot that st no tiae did he
ever have notIce oi the car having been reoovered by the
City of Dallas, nor has he ever been asked for the payment
or uny storage oharges against the aar. iJ%r.Jackson further
states that he reported the theft to the City ~011~s an&
also to the county authorities.
The application for Certifioate OS Title is avf-
dently .aedaby the tittrell Auto Company under the authority
oi SUCtion 36 of Artiale 1436-1 of +JBmon@~ ,;ncotatcd Fenal
Code, coznonly oalled “The Cartificatti of Title .