Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HOA. J. P. EwyaA County Attorney 8rasorl.a County Aqleton, Tsxas Dear sir; OpiAioA x0. O-2087 Be: Construotionof t In ycRIrletter. opinion with reierenoe t partloulers 0r sootion eixtb Legikdature, (Aot 8l8a, Penal Cods). tN.6 Aa'tread ae ral 0fri006, ueleee suea ve been publlshOd and die- or at loeet twelve (13) g the 8OC0ptaACe Ot the *s00. 3. And provided tither that f&o- tion 1 of this A0t shell not appty tO publfoa- tiow whioh hare,'prior to the aoooptanae of politioal advertirsing. fccxnmore than ~6 oau- dldat6, been publiehed and airoulated ganerelly 420 EUA. s. F. i3ryeJ.l. PaQe 2 for a period of lessthan one year inmediate- *P ?T-~ing the.._~ acceptanoa _ of_-_suoh adverti@- lug In tne event t&it mob publloatlon can skew ownership cf its physiael plant and that its advertisingratea are in proportion to the emunt and kind 0r it6 otrculetion.~ Seoticm 1 ot ,theAat oontalns Ifs prohibiticns~ the erirtenoe of t.hera0te set out la Seotion 3 remove the publioatlonMm it& operation. You reaueet our opinion touching the requiresaent in Section 8 of owner- ship oi the physletl plant, a,6to the rasaningof the phrase *shysioel &mt.* It ts an opinion, 88 you have a160 oonolade4, that the term *physical planta we8 ,intenlled to include the phyelcal epuimnt saeoeasarily lnrol+eb In tha pub- Uaation of the partioulernew&paper or megaziae. We 40 not believe thet a publioetionwhioh is unable to show cwserskilpor the equipmentwhleh printa Its news- papm or magazine, or other publfoation,would o~me within Seotion 3 of the Aot. We are not, of 0~0~88, possfng upon the quee- tion of the ~aonetitutlonalitgoi thidllaw. Very truly yours Am-OrtmY f.4la.. OF mixAs BP WSrab Assiutant VElXdAR28, 1940 ATTORNEY GENERAL Or'TEXAS