Hon. H. Y. cFantlltlgaasp
OoUnty Auditor
r?atarro county
Corsiama, T e x.a 8
RittIs the eonstable
And related
Dear Sir;
past yeac;lu roun4
above the al&wed
hi0 ill dedueted a8
hao been pai& lS#
8 he now enbltled to
irr $480.00 whioh inaladee
report OS one oonatablo tanr
erred fo in the above quoa-
.oo grorsa oolleotlone,,
fSe8, 183aviRg #700.00 over his
ram this he deduota his deputy
aonstable:s salary and his telephone anh,
telmgraph bill and the above mentIoned $430.
for traveling erpemma whfoh shows that ha
does not owe the county any exoess feebl to2
the year.
Ron. E. T. Cunnln@mn, page 2
-hit3 &%!B thing OCCUlTed iA the yefir
1938 and OA the same baeia the Oounty made
the constable pay back to the oounty $96.00
iA eXC888 tees. In the eVeAt you rule that
he ie allovped to deduct his traveling ex-
peAsee, ehould the county reiund him the
money paid for the yaar 19587
*'Plea88 give ~1) a ruling as to whether
he ie allowed to make these deduotlons.*
ArGlcle lC65, Code of Criminal Prooedure,
reads, in part, aa followSi
The followlag fees shall be allowed the
sheriff, or other peaoe offloer performing
the same services in miSdeme&AOr casea, to
be taxed against the defendant on conviction:
*1. Fofexecuting oath warrant of ar-
rest.or capia8, or making arrest without war-
rant, two dollars.
For oonveyi~g a wittisasattaohed by
hiat It'atiy oourt out of hls oounty .?our dol-
lars tar each day or fractlo~al pa& thereof,
and his actual necessary the mxu-
est practicable publio ooAveyeAoe, the amnmt
to be stated by said offloer, under oath and
approved by the judge of thecomt .frap which
the attaohment iesued.
=9. For OOAVayillg a prlaoner after OOA-
riotion to the county jail, for eaoh mile,
gOiA$ aAd OcoliAg, by the AearelSt prectlcable
route by pri+ate oomeya~ce, ten aente a
Fle;,or bJr railway, eeten end one-ht6lI CeAtfI
"10. For conveying a prisoner arrested
on a warrant or oaplas Issued from another
CoUAty to the court or jail 0r the oounty
from rhioh the prowas WAS issued, for eaoh
BUS trsvaled going and aanting, by the beer-
est pr.sotiaable route, twelve an8 one-half
'11. For each mile ha.eurybe oompelled
to travel in exeouting c;rininal process and
OT 6ttW3hiAg WitAW3, BBVM 6Ad m-
half cents. For traveling in the service of
process not otherwise grovfded for, the sum
of seven and one-half oenta for eaoh mile &o-
in& and re&rning. If two or more persona
are menticxmd in the same writ, or two or more
writs iA tha aame case, he shall oharge otiy
for the distance aotuelly and Aeaeeaarily
traveled in tlv3 sme.v
It is necessary that we bear in &Id the faot
that the tee statutes are atriotly oonstrued end fees
by iTaplioat.ioAare not permitted. It is a rery settled
matter that the constable, who is campenaated on a fee
besis is not entitled to any See at all in a miade&aee~-
or C%Se unless e oOAThti0~ is obtained.
Tex. JUT., rol. 34, p. 4s6& .
LEoCalla vs. city or Raekdule. 46 s.P;. SM.
The ebove mentioned statute expressly pro-
vides tees by,the way of acaqeaaetion for the pertleu-
lar servioea enuraecetsd therein end unless ths partiou-
lar serviae is aotually perfoamed the oiiioer is entitled
to no ree rcm auoh service. The fees provided therein
are allowed only when such MlZVioea are aotaally per-
formed by the offloer. When en orfiuer exeoutea a
warrant of arrest or aapiaa Ln a ml6deraeknor case or
m&es a b&al arreat without P warrant, he is entitled
to the mm of two dollars. Where it is AeOesW?Il'yfor
auah ofricer to do rmy traveling in connection with the
exeouting the warrant oi arrest or oapies, he is entitled
to the rLlsnge provided by.Artiole IGaS, Code oi Criminal
Procedure, au2ra. However if it is not necessary to
do any trmeling in ereOut& a warraAt,oi arrest, ox
~~pf~a~o~re~?~~f~$~~~A~~~~~~l~h~?~~e~~~~uah o*ficerS
Tbareforo, your f’irkt ausstlon f8 ree;isotfully ennwer-
06 la the no~utivs.
Flth mforsaoe to your twoad quortion, wa
direct your attention tO Sootion 4 of Artiole 8868 and
hl-tiole 9891, %WAOA’S dUlOtRt.6 cilil. titlhUtO8. i&C-
tfon 4 of krtlols S#S, nupra, mada, io part, an fol-
*'In oountiefb ooataining airty thousand
and onn (60,001) aa4 not zorm than one hundred.
tbausand (100,600) Fnhabitmt8: County Judge
District or CrirPlnal District iittome~, Eherkf,
County Clerk, County httosaoy, Dirtriot Clmk,
Tax Colloator, Tax ks%ee~~r, or the iaiieasor
and Collaotor of 2%x60, Four Tha~sand ($4000.00)
Dollcra eaeh; Jttatico of the Eea6s end Comte-
bls, Twnty-one IPmdra4 (C8100.00) Dollers
hrtlolo 5891, Vmxm*r iixiotaste4ClrU~ Etat-
ute8 rmt8, in part, an rollowar
*In oountlcw oontalnitq strep thcxasand
and aa (60&O a@ nat more thaA on0 hun-
drsd t hcu&wid 4160,000) inhabitants, dieeric
an& oounty affitaors ~00404 herrin ah011 retain
oze-Chird of euoh BXQB~W facrr atll lsuoh one-
ths3necus4~ry trwelln~ expen468, hcluding
th4 ex.gea4e ot $44 ,011 and a rea4onable
&mount at 'up4taep 4, iaaurrud by the oonnta-
blr in *the d18ahlirsg af bls otflcinl d;lties,
proride he OO;4;dle& rlth krtlcleo 3839 Cnnd
ss91, bUpr(L."
For your aonrrnlator w4 er8 enalo4in& 0 aopf
Of our opinion Isa. o-l.666.
we 40 30t bar6 suifioient r4ett3to tmswr your
thtr4 gussttan. X9rhwver, Lf yau will pre44oat us 411
th4 rcatctr0gmiiag 48id ~~444tht, a ~.ili b0 @=a to
gira It cur roost eurbful oon4M4r4tion.
Tyuating that tha forrgoin6 sully atS4mM your
tuqtliry* we rc85ala
A&o11 Uillf4#w
ASWb ksaistaat
2~1. (4. op:nfox O-rS661