Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

0n% with appropriatJ.ono raad@ by tha LagialatuN oub ot the State W#my IbnQ. Ho further &a- provssant of miQ aystra ahall be made with tJii ala pi or Wltthmy 1mar9 furnished by thr oati:;- tlsr exwopt for ,the aaquisitinn of rig:! to-of-say ahloa largba turalshsd by the oauntlem, their rubUlvl8iaaa nr CatineQ rodl 41rtrlota.w We think tha Iewuago of this motion of t& bill clear end ~rments 80 dikfoulty In InterpraUnq thr interi- ti0n 0r tb0 :0gmmm1, an3 unlc?oamm? nther pravinkan of tha IQW pfovl4a8 SE oxwc,ptlnnto 23rotlon 3, it 18 2ur 0pini.m that HU furtkcsrlwprororoentsf Stat@ hlghvrsya cay bo nrr%e by oouat~ies p&litlan;lsuhdirlalona or road diqtrioto :)ft!;e aa tea 4 mover, SubmotSbn (8) of Sea&ion b ,f Bsms Rlli 688 sentafar the f..~llorln.~ l$)n.+m,qsr .*Xn daci ti0n $0 ana rag4rai488 of tk 0tfi0r on8 ot thla Aot, all bands voted by. a prior to Tanasry 2, 193s inrofrr us oi 8une wurm or may ho irsued *rid the proaaldo aotually expend*4 in thr am5truotlan or read8 whlah am ,a ptt or the dnmigmtcd myatma of Btahr bl@m?yn, uhall bs sli&bla 64 partiorl to ia the dirrributlon of the money6 ooe r ng Snto said Cou~nOr an6 Rocld b?a- briOt %t&bway frond,the aQa# ha prOVidU? fW ether bondr under this ,Aat end sa of the dste at the adgfdi00 of rrld roe4 no 4 phrt of t&t state syaturl* y *". It is obvlour from Q rea4lng or chs Ea~agoinp arotJ~on that wo beta 6n $ICaeFt?Ofi t:, :3not!sn 3, ebovs qw00, aaJ a4 to the rallditp 3f thlo seatlon, wit refer pm to bur optni?n zlu*bar (r-1334, oiWrosaitd to thtgRdnuxabls %!urphyOole, County AuUitor of Liberty County, tibarty, Trxkr. It W-m Dur aon- ofu~ion thorsin that tbo prOVisionA at SQattbn 6, ahflaOtiJa (A) of AAid btll althbugh in 0onfli4t with Ssdtlun 3 thQX44f, murB be oonrtru ob ~LBan amrphlan and shmld be petittti to nItma.