Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Eon.T. J. cre?a Bsont~ TOW8t4tt08436~4 0f hai xGia6r8 Mercantlk Building aodluo Y6# a - . . In1901 the Twaaty-wmnth L6~16l6tur6 xu al- & tha 6-6 6t&te, but &’ 6OOtiOtl8 Of th6 Z@parfry: lr oprovldsd t fo r na lpmptl3n from It8 ~XX7V161Oll8 In th0 r0iidng 18nwtagiet ‘Eao. 8. PfoGc 8lld after the Jbf2686@ Oi thf8 6UMlbat it8b6~ beualarSul Sol:6Ji7 peraw to praotlwxa8afoIa6, mxr ryfr or ob- stetrfw fa this 8tat.6 aroeptI tfzrrt, Al% thaw Who wOCI ~lXOt:OiBg MdIOIXI6b %bSRS priorto Jaauw 1, 1885. &aoo& hll thoM who bagan the prsotloool'~eQloIne in fhir 8t6te 6ft6rthe obora&ate Who h6Vs O~~~lied Wfth tb* 16x6 Of tbi8 8t6i.O Z6@ating tb prwtlw OS mdlolaa la force rfor to the 686@Ofthi8AOt.**** P mts 1901, r 7th &g., oh. 12, p* la). 860. 6 Of t&O 1907 Act, khfh 6-8 OOt @&@al in subwpeat eu6Dda tolOt8 r y OI OOd~iO6tiOSL6 Ot ths 8tatut.8, >rO7;6441 . . Bra. T. il. Crow4, s4or4tary. Pace 8 boardof abdlorl.Xstinin~ tLiS 8tat4, 8hti pX'466atf0 th 8OOT6 Of tibdlOti1 LInniXiOto tOr the &tot6 of 93X66 doOumnt8 OT tO&6ll WSti- fled trazub6rlgt6 of aooumoat8 rutlIoI6ai to bs- tsblirh the oxlath& 11~6660 brrrtoS3r6 imus& by preti0~8 0ulpining boardsOS thl6 8t6ta or 0x6 tloasirIrtIngtmb*r any law end 6h6il taoo T va tmn said board VsrIfIO%t~%n lIcm%a wYoh 8h611 b6 rrooxdoctIn the dirtdot ol%rk*% Oft;06 in the conaty in w!doh t&6 liO6nti6t66 #6y Z60168 + 4 + * kotioa 1.8 OS the AOt provided that all certl- fIOatb% IWUO~ by azqb06rd~of 6utdfo6lsx6dnrs OS th0 state, under any forwt lrw, 8houl4 woatlnuaIn tull Soras aad attwt for one yoanr6Stor t’;o and. furth4r prtiidad that any p4raon Withi th6 &at@ UodertM or any 6xoaptIcme tbsnto, whoa the 6oald 6ontlnUe t0 pr66tlO8 Sop'au6 par thW66ft6r rdth- out OoBp1I6ZNb rlth th@ grari8font therwf. Ia or&r, thoretors, for b% Y. lzooro,under fhr f6at8 68 etated by.yoa,to hare ouiqliedrlth tk provI8bno OS the 1907 Act, he masthnr ultblnon6 y66r atter It bso6ma eSSeotI+o, pre~ntsd to tbs State Board Ot EkdiOti ~Z6?&6r8 th8 lXiDti V6m d med by tba,LUmrlotBoardOS U~bloalEx 6x l 1 2~~?~i* lVfd4nO4 Of th4 r4OO~g tbZUOf CtXl@i3611 04Ttifi& tXWi8Orfpt8 OS doomwits nritioient to .6t6tlish~th@ WI8tenOO or Yalidity OS 6-h liaaar6 &61%UpOn, th6 st6tO 806?d 0s &.?.fiiCOl mdi0r8 *Cd a bT@ iOS~06 t0 hln Itt6rISio6tIoQ 1101nn. This Wora &lb a&,&. Ww, houmer, 6pgmxI- %¶tOly 88 PoZrr 16tW he pT686at8 6uOb to thr &tat6 Boer4 of Xee(LbmlliZT&6r8 uith'bir a~pliostion t# th8 Iaaueaoe to hla or a tsrit~oatloa lleonsr whereby he nay r6otioa asdlolno in -268. msaw th8 uontIon I8 tb Btats Booti OS Wdloal Exaxdmre rutlror4sad to i maa tuohtl6666e0 W4 thinkuargI68tion6bl~ not. Th4soam a0 pro- vision8 in the 19OV Aot, or in mabwpurat wnadato~ Sot8 thawto, carin the prsa4nt 6tatutory law ot T6Z66, 6a- . . Eon. T. f. Crow4, Seantnry, Face 4 th~&8h& th8 stats Board Of &diO61 ikdWr8 to i66W a v~rliloatloa liceno. to aa lndlrldml r!m did not, with4 014 y46r attar the 4rs8etir0 date 0s the 1907 AOt t6h thO -0Wl8tiy Step8 buforr th@ Qt6t6 &Xl-d Of M44&al Sxamlaen and rsoalvatherafrtm 8 v0riri0ati~ llconw* L'oworrr, xomr not only has t6116d to ooagly with tha 1907 A&, but b would po56005 wither the ro- qUirWCOnt Of th4 ~rO5eIlt1UW th*t Q641Cd ~6OtitiOtW8 bo grrdu6tB8 of bona iid.,rsputablm mOblOd 8Chgol8, nor thnt ci hfWiE& 8UCOW6f~l.ly Q6666d 6x6niaatiOia bd- r0r4 the 6tst4 Baard ol wai00i Em~Iarro, aor that or hating mglntrrad with th4 Stat4 Boiud OS &?adloal3%in- inarr la tha pL6nner roqulred by &t%olo 4498~. Vern~*s fn holtllngthst tha TemB State mar& OS Uodloal -Or0 if4 WitbCUt fBUtttKdt$ t0 iSSU6 6 t4rifiO6tiOn liwaw t0 lL LT. LTOOM, Under the fuOt0 68 outlined in spar latter,we 6r6 i& lo wr Owith an opinionof t&i8 do- partmat, dur& the adnlnlatrstlonot Eozi.R. V. Davlduon, tmb@r 66te oi rUly 18;'19OV wherein It 168 held that the rerltloatlon lloinw ;rrovldedfor le,tM 1901 hot au& ban bean Iscu~d after proper epplloatlon theretar, wlthla ona ya6r fro3 ths 4ftectIv4 dot.4thercot. You art.aoaord4gl~ adrlwllthat It is the opln- bZl Bf .th18 d4pOTti%Bt t&it th5 .TOX68 &tats &6X& Of &‘ililodi- OtisX6&Wrlr’ UrdOr thl f6Ot8 68 Btatd, WOUld ba WithCUt nuthorlty to iP6.w to the 6J&.iio6lAt, IL. 1:. l&xxT#, a verb iioaticrl lioenm to pr6OtiW medlclnr,4 Tox68. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS