Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUFTIN f&l. kllllxm C. ww4um4. Page 8 ha6 prtt6OribtbdWhat t6 kiWWZt lie th6 cOl.WWl- flcn rem ror the varmlll kinds or wEpunk*s, and th6 %36rtl Of 166lW8M6 &?lm1i66iOndi O? thir 8tate has. adopted thts tom fer rapart- irlgpurposuil. ,: "me Aotuup ~9 $I%0 bur4 or InuuraAoe Comlse:oners' Or 'thla'8teOu has for several ysam been a rambar or the ColaPittsa ?NJ n2.EUlkS of the Rational &mmlattosl b? Iaauranoe Cam- mi5lrioncrrs. It Is this Cconlttua whioh pro- 5Otib46 the rUrnUtd f&fita!tWh ltO5ZJd Cd ZQ6ke6i euah ahangs a6 are aeas66ary to fseet the x0- quirsaenW~ oi'ths bualn666 and. of the aherega i,~~,.nl;~tithe variouis WUte6 a6 they aTo ap- . 3&16 %4fSIitttrS, WhiQh IS COZL~O-4 of the ACtUUldell O? ilft66n oi the Porty-aight Stat@8 49&t%XbtSilt8, lMB6tU ill&Nf YQrk t%tr the Latter part t-8April 8aah y66r, an4 the ma-4 or fDeurenab C06&66ioneX6 or this Stat0 believes It to be dietiincrtlfto'the int6?.6t of thiu state and 1te WPdl#Oi~U that t&s AC- tLmxy ec the rwY%l or XAuux~e c%Ye?dtreiaMrtl ~attenti l&l laaett.ryt or shlo Osrrclittee.* 2%~ puipcas c&the p-6~3 tXl a6 autllm4 in your lsttar in doubtleoo 8t6te brtslu66a WI thin thu mating or uub-~~Xa(~ph (0) in the $enm'al ridor to 8MtUte 'L#n 4a7 quot.64 in your letters hO11QVeX, it is Qur oplalon that the ~apoiwd trip OOZES6 within the lnhlbltloii 8(lplost the fwyl8Ont Of tlW8l.t~ 6XmtlSe6 %O tBttWid W&3&& (I oontaindl in the general rlEur of aa24 5. B. 4&T;, w fr'oh madi a8 r0mwi8t WC, ragret tOlrtwe4 must declism to a3wOvo Bay- -at of tmvrllng exgsn6ea t0 attenU the owsthg Otztlin- s4 9.~2y-cur luttm. APPROVEDFEB 29, 1940 u---L ATTORNRY GENXRAL OF TEXAS