Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFWE OF THE ArrORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Depertment of Agrioulture Austin, Texee Gentlemen: Attention of Charlee E. Beughman ,’ Opinion Ho. Q-1911 Rer Kay the Department of~:‘&&culture en6 other neo- n of this depertment n rsoeived. n of Artiole 5695 81 Aote ai the ature, ths Conmis- erged riCh the y’and aoourately 8, .beama and mea- era, bputy publio pectione and inveetigetiona the enforoement of said acte. ee of $5.00 aon3Otea from publio deputy pbm ~8ie;h8rs it3 t0 pay for the inspeotion and test of said eaale0, weights and meesurea and the fetemuat be ool- leotsd by the Commissioner before the requir- ed Certificate of Authorfty is delivered to the public weigher or deputy publio weigher; 502 Department of Agrioulture, Fag4 2 therefore, the inepeotion and test 'of the scales, weighta and measure8 must come rirat, then t&e collection or the tee and lster the irrauanoeof the required Oertiil- oate of Authority, whiah must be obtained by all public weighers and deputy pub110 weighers in this State1 likewise a ocmplete examination end teat of the equipment uaed by liaenaed milk and cream testers must k, made during the oourse of the inveetlgatfon. "In order bo make the above mentioned tests, heavy tset welghts and oumbersoem equipment is esaentlal; ln.faat, a large number or 50 pound, 500 pound and f%OO pound teat weights are employed In tests, lpaklng the use of two large g-l/S ton trucks and ssreral oars and trailers, neoessary for the traneportatfon of these heavy test weights and 4quipment;~alao the two large frtmlm~are equipped with .lndiv~dual'porrer plants, driven by gasoline motora, whloh furnlah the parrerior unloading and loading the weight.8 ipd noving'them about tinth4 platform ot the scale. The transportation, maintenance and care &this equipmeat ie abaoluteJy neoesaary in the p~fora~~e of these duties, other&as it would be iaposel- ble for a-person to comply with the law. %tnrally, there le an 4xp4nse inourred in the transportation, lgaintenanaearxloar4 of this 4qulIuaalst;suoh as, gasollna, oil, trek, tr6iler and oar repalre, parts and repair8 to the tssting 4qulpment proper, and rocrms and meals ror the drivers of thla equipment.: YPhe canpleted.appropriation bill doe8 not provide a epeoiflo~item Sor defraying this nea4ssary 4xp4n#e, .and,ths,onZy provi- aion In the bilLfor ita payment is in the special rider plaaed at the end of the appro- priation for this Department whiuh makes a lump eum appropxlation of ali fees aolleote& Department 0r Agrioulture, Page 5 by virtue of the above mentioned Aots, for the enforaement of sam4. Therefore you will pleaae edrise if the Department of Agriculture, in meetiog the reaponeibilltiea imposed upon the Colamissionerby the provisions of Article 5695 R. C. g. 1925 and Oha er 257 Acts of the 42nd Iagielature, haa the cthoritg to use a portion of the lump Bum approprtition made in the apeoial rider OS the apgropriabon bill to meet the aboY mentioned and similar neoe& ary expenses.* In the aPpropriatlon mad4 by the Legislature in z&m&e Bill No. 427, A4tS Regular 54asion, 46th Legisla- ture for the Agricultural Departnmnt under the general hea&g Weight4 and tiaEm46 Di~islon~ appears the Sollm- ingr “36, ~Xlhi4~ of Ditieioni . . . . ..I......... ~2;700.00 X,700.00 37. Inepedtor of weighta and a~asares..1;8OO.OO 1;800.00 38. Imqeotcr of weights and meaeur4&.1;8OO.OO 1,800.OO 39. Inspector of w4bhte and m4asur4e..1;8O0.00 1,8OO,Oo 40. Inqaatar Of mighte and m4asur48..1;8O0.00 1,8OO.OO 41. Inspector of weight.6 and measularrr~~l;EKUL# 1;800.00 42, uapeotor of weights and ~qasures.. yloo*oo l;t300.00 43. fnspeotor of weight@ and~meaauree.. ,iKK).OO ~;eOO.OO 44. hepeetor Of weights end lD448W4S..1,880.~ 1;8OO.OO 45. Inspector of weights and nmasures.~l;&nLOO 1;8OO.OO 45. Inapeator of weights and meaaur4e,~1,800.tM 1,8OO.o0 47. xmpeotor for teeing butter rat ..in milk and ozeam ...... ....~.....1.800.00 1,800.00 48. fnspctor for testing butte? fat b milk and 4ree.m ... .............1,mo.oo 1,8cO.o0 49. Inepeetor for testing butter fat in milk and oxwu ....~....~........1.800.001,8OO.o0 50. &laries and other 41pen~es in th4 weights and meaInire8 .fas fund &tic18 5695,.Rsvisdd tXv%l S&a- tl&sa, 1925, Chap..: Session Forty-se40 50a,Rent, heat, light, Po+g4. tele- phone, telegrap$iprinting sup- plies and Contingent. . . ..L * . . . . . . 1;500.00 1;~00.00 50b.Roomeeper ana offip deputy.......l;6oO.00 1j500.00 5Qc.Traveling expensee~.~.........;.....5,000,00 S,OOO.OOe of Agriculture, Page 4 Departlilent (The oo~ernorvetoed Items Sob and BOO)- The speoial rider appended to the Appropria- tion r0r the L)epartm%nt of &rknllt.ure reads in part a8 follows: aFor.eaoh of the fiaoal years sading August 31, 1940 and &sgust 91, 1941, all.fees and/or unexpended balanoes whloh have been reoelved and,whsoh may be.reoeived by vivtm OS Chapter 7, &Wale 153, Revised Civll"%a- iuztee,1925; Chapter 3 of Title 4,;Bevlsed Civil Statutes; lQ35; Article 5964; Revised Civil &dUteB; 1933; Article 5695, Revised Civil Statutea, 1923; Chapter 887, Rsg~ular 868B~OU, Forty-Bsoond Lr3@8htUTe f chptat 304, Rsgule'rSeeaion Forty-first bgi8btttm and &use~Bill Xo. 12, First Called ~hssion, Forty-iiith ~gislatura and any aslsndnaant8 to any of Bald aot8 arkhereby appropriated, after they ohall have been depo8ited in the Stat8 ~%aeury, to the Deptirtment~ofAgri- culture to be wedby Said ~partmentier the enSoresapentat the abwe-nmntionsd Aots and for the operation end nmintemanoe of said aotiVitb8 a8 hereinabwe 8peai?iOblly itemized and in no event ehall any of theae fees be we6 OthZtiBe." The aSW3werto yOUr qUe8?ifCKi18 crontrolledbar what we have already said to you conoernlng 8iI8ilarappko- prlations and vefO%8 Of the hveX?IIOr, in'OtE OpiniOn8-f708. O-954 and O-1687, We quote fmm our opinion I6o.O-1689, above ferred to 88 sollows "The speelal rider quoted in your le8ter, also quoted above, doe8 not purport to nvlke . these fee8 available to the Uep8r6ment of Agrl- culture generallp to bs~3med for the enforoeaant of the Aota under uhiah they are colleaa8edend for the operation and mainSenanoe or such aoti- Viti48, but apprOpriatie88eid i%eB XW8trictiVelf, IIeparta6ntor AgrlOtilture,P%ge 6 with the lbnltationthat they may be used by the DepartaMnt 0r Agrioulture for the open- tlon and nmlntenanoe of srid eotlvltiee end the enforcement otthd Aots under rhioh they are aolleoted laB h%r%inabova %peoi?iO%lly ft@m&ad and in no erent 8hal.l any of the%% fee8 be,a%ed OthsnriBO.* It fO1bW8 that bbe8e fee8 ar%'not available to the D%p%rt- ment generally, but are areUable only to de- fray the it8m8 of expbnses to nhloh they are appmpriet8d a8 8peOifiOally itemieed in the Afsta8 lt eppeered.wben it bfmeam the law ,of the state of Texn8, whlah rae n& until it bad been approved by the Qovemor. The Govdr- lloF*B TetO of euoh 8p6O%ftO item8 lndloated ebove w8 fully eifeatire to ellmlnate theee ltem%~fram the epproprietion bill, and there- ion to Plait the authorityti expend th6%% taPd8 %OoQrdi~&." It r0il0rs mm what we hare said abov8~:thetyfmr questiontrmt be ansremd in the nrgatlve. wueting that *he rOreg0fi.gially anmOr8yOaz iaquiry, weremain COMMITTEL