Q- c. MANN
Honorable fa!mm B. Kilday,
rotor Transportation Divlrlon
Railroad Conmirrioa of Taxar
Austin, Tsar
h the orntral point In
ontgomerp VarQ k Company,
a to lraea on4 oparata a
traneportation of ita
oataloguae rraa such oentrol point to
rvrry poet ofiior within thr Qfetriotr
At raoh of thr post ofiioaa within @
dttriot, Montgomery Yard L Company,
Iao,, wlll~uail aatalogtmr to. thr mr-
Bonoreble Jams B. Kllday, psgr 2
8On8 within the eree eerrrd by each poet
offloe without any charge being made to
the persons to whom tha ooteloeues will
be mailed. Thr trucks uasd In delloer-
lne the oatalogues within a dietriot will
be operated by drlters who ora In the em-
ploy end under the eole aupervlelon of
?UontgomeryWard & Company, Inc. A oopy
of the lease egrssmsnt to be executed by
)lontgomery Ward & Company, Ino., and the
OWner8 Of thr'truoke used In the80 d8-
llY8rle8 18 herrto attaohed.
*Be are elao attaching hsr8to a copy
Of the emplO~e~t OOntraOt t0 be ~8ed by
Montgomery VJerd&.Compeny, Ino., In hlr-
1% drivers to operate truokr ullrd in the
aborr darorlbed de.llYrrls8.
Va reepaotfully eubmlt to th8 At-
tarnay Censrel'ior an opinion and a rul-
lng thereon the following queetlon of lerr
*Aaeumlng that Montgomery W&d k
Company (1) Use8 the laaaad truck8 for
doliterlng oataloguse, and (2) doe8 not
use the i0.9.90a truoks for any purpose
for whloh it make-8any ohargr agalnat
anyone, u&or euoh conditions, and In
oompllenoe with the tarma of the truok
lease hereto attached, ~111 the opera-
tion of euoh leaeed.truOks oonatltute
an operation or thr.lenaad truoks for
coapen8atIon and hlrr within the meen-
lllgor the T8raq motor Carrier8 Aot9*
The propoasd learr iorm read8;ln part, a8
Vhe Owner hereby leases to'the Leaerr
the rollowing truck with motor sad rrrlal
maabare a8 fOiiOW8t'
lGske or Tfuok~ Motor No: Ssilal nor
Ronoreblo ftme8 & Kllday, peer )
to be used by thr Lesaer in the delivery
of ootalo&a owued by Lessee iron
Texee, to all point8 bnd places e-upon
the routs sheet.8furnished by Laease et-
teohed hereto, end ele.nedby both pert168
hereto for the purpoee or Identlflontlon.
This lease shell be in foroe for euoh period
(18my be reasonably neoeeeerf for the Le8ner
to ooiiplrtrsuch driirery, ooiimsnolngon or
about 1940, and terainrrtlng
upon the return or said truck to tha Ovmar’r
*L6seee agree8 to pay Owner a8 rrntal
for tha Il8a Of said traOl;the 8U& Oi
($ 1 Doller8 may,
said truck to be lrased a mlnimm period or
on6 day, but not to exceed tan days. For
each partial day's usa by Lames or aald
truok in exce6~ of one day, said rental
shell be prorated. It le undaretood that
the rentel'3e paid only for th.aute of mid
truok, end that L8esee will furnI8h end paf
ror all geeollnr, oil and grease required
for the operation or 8aId truok during the
period orthi8 lee80:
*During the term of thI8 lease, Lresee
8han haw complete and rull oontrol, po8ee88lon
and use ot said truok in’the 8am6 manner a# If
teaaeo were the owner therrof.~ It Is undat-
atood and egreed,thet es14 truck shall be
oparnted only by drirers who are employed and
and the said QrlYera shall br
paid by LeII'eee,
uqdar the eole oontrol and supertlrlon of
Leeaee, and Owner shell zieltheraxsrolse nor
attempt to lreroler any oontrol or suportlslon
M;;80eYor of,8u~oh,,~it4r8 or the leasrd aqaip-
BoBorsbl4 J43448)L.xiid6y, pagr &
proprrty damagea 8UffOr4d by third par8OM
a8 a result 0r the operation by Lo8444 of
raid truok.
Wwner atjreesend werrenta that said
truok la in good condition and repair, ire4
from all neohenioel dafsota, end 8uitebla
foF Lessee's uao in the delivery of oatalog4
as 4rore4aid. her further agree8 that
8afd tmok Is duly lloenaed end rsglstered
ea requlrcd by any applicable law or oity
ordInnnoe, and that all reglrtratlon fee4
end state and oltf 1104n84 tax44 raqulr44
far the operation or th4 truck have been
*Ovn8r and L48aee agree and understand
that thi8 lnetrument oontsin8 the entire
oontraot of the parties with rrforenoe to
th4 lea44 and operation of the eala truok
h4reInberore 4080rib4a.fl
X8 are uneble to arrive at the legal efreot
or the heretofors quoted lee80 foI?nas‘ to Ite general
applIeetlon. It could well be that the operation or
e truok under the eel4 leeae form in one inatenor
would have the sffeot of renderIn& the Uotor Carrier
Lew inapplloable, while in another instanoo end under
thr same lee88 form, th4 operation of th4 truok w@Uld
be ~eubjcot to the prml4Ions of the Motor CarrIm Low.
In any event, St would be necessary to,eaoertaia the
faOt8 end olroamatenoas leeding to thr meking or eeoh
particular leee4, a8 well a8 the fact8 and olroumetenorr
relating to the,operatlon,thereundar in order~.todeter-
nln4 wh4ther or not the Motor Carrier Law I8'epplloable
thrreto. In thl8 oonn4otlon 864 AIId4r80aB Oleyt0n and
Company 18. State, 62 9. N..f~d) 107 an4 82 6. IV..(2d)
w4 call yo0.r att4ntlon t0 our oplnlona No86
O-1221, o-1401 and whloh are in:lOOOr 4with
oar holding hart.
Vo are, thardora, unsbla to pasa apon the
question of whether or not the opsrstlon of said
lraaod tNaka will COn8tltUt@ an oparatioa Of the
lrasod traakr for compensation and hire nit&in thr
moaalng of tha Toras Motor Carrier Lau.
‘loam rorf truly
ATToRRrn asrnmu OB TExA3
-iR. Lads
AF'PROVED~ 2, 1940
=OY? .r -